Fox, Perrin V. – February 21, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

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Regiment: 1st Michigan Engineers Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Grand Rapids Feb 21st 63 Captain Fox Dear Sir I take my pen in hand to fulfill my promise to you I arrived home on Saturday knight after I left you all safe and sound with out accident but some body had started the story that I was taken prisoner and, they had it well [   ?   ] when I got there I sent your Butter knight before last could not find a [   ?   ] allready packed that I would send to you any way so I bought it that was packed in cracks and took it up to your house and your wife packed it and she thinks it is all first rate only the crack that is on the top the best is in the botom you will think strange that is is not full perhaps I took the butter and [    ?    ] up to your house one day and the next knight I went after it and there was not time then to go and get it to fill it up and the going is verry bad so I thoug I would let it slide there is 98 ½ lbs I gave your wife 20 dollars of the money and payed 9 shilings for [    ?    ] and payed  14 cts for a part of the buter and a shiling for a part and 5 dollars and 60 cets each [  ?  ] charges and have got some 20 cts left I heard nothing from my Boy until 5 days after I got home then I got a leter from him he had got out to Anappolis M. I his arm is about healed up but he says he is verry weak he says they have had plenty of hard fare was kept in Richmond prison for some time Knight of your Redgiment is there with him so you see he is not dead they took them over 1600 miles as far south as Florida tell Mr Richmond that I went and saw his wife and she seems to be geting a long finely feels much beter than he does she says, she thinks it is the best way to look on the bright side and lines in hopes of his returning home all right your women are all very patriatick they want to see you as bad as you do them but they dont feel as though they wanted any disgrace- ful compromise as some of our northern traitors are in for we have to hear some talk that makes ones blood boil, but they dare not do any hing but talk if they do we can take care of them in a hurry I think we can take care of all northern traitors and spare some men to to help you down there yet you cant think what eagerness there is to get the news from your army down there tell Lieu Herkmen that I went to look after valice and they sayed it was forward ed the day before tell Lieu Hess that I have not seen his wife yet to talk with hur about them [     ?     ] sent hun thing, to hur and have not seen Woodland yet so I dont no what they have done about his Butter I shall see him soon I have been very busy ever since I got home tell Lieu Bastes that I I am his wife last friday knight and that she is all wright tell Mr Richards that I have not seen his wife yet as I had an opertunity to send all their things to them on that side of the river Mrs Richmond would have no help about sending his things to him she thought there was nothing but what she could do or well as any body tell McKenzie that I took his letter to Danniels myself and h sayed he would see that all was wright tell Colonel Inis that his interest enemys feel to take all back that they have sayed or done if he is doing his duty to his men and his country for they wish to do nothing to mar the peace of any [     ?     ] Patriat which I tell them he is I have marked out your [     ?     ] for a good many since I got home give my love to al the boys and tell them that I thank them for their kindness to me while I was there and if any of them wants any thing done for them here that I can do to write me and I will attend to it and the same for your self yours truly E M Knaph it is a verry cold day today but no snow I want you to write as soon as you get this [On Envelope:] Captain PV Fox Co D, First, Michigan Engineers + Mechanics Nashville Tenn