Foreman, James A. – May 16, 1862

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

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Regiment: 5th Michigan Infantry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Cumberland Landing Friday afternoon May 16th My Dear I was so glad to get a letter from you this morning [illegible line] the first in a long time Dollie I have got about 20 grs of Luinine down me and my head snaps so I cannot set up but a little while to write and my letter will be short I have had the shakes two nights and as we halted there for a compile of nights I and trying to sure myself and think I will be all right in the morning my dear if you have fixed your mind on my going home next mont you will but meet with disappointment for I must say that I can see this war no nearer a close than I did last winter to be sure the last great Battles will be fought within the next month but they are bound to keep it up until all are killed I had no idea of the strong secession senti- -ment prevailing with evryboddy until we penetrated so far in there country a union man is not to be found how glad I am to learn that you are getting do healthy again you be real pretty and sweet wont you when I go home to you I will have lots of kisses for you and Paul. how I want to see you and paul I suppose it will be hard to realize the change in him you know he could not talk when I left we will certainly visit Wesly and Uncle Jas when I return but if you wish to visit them I would not wait so long when is Orve going on his farm give lone to all your folks how I wish to return that I may do something for them for there kind- -ness to you let them be assured that I think of it I should write to them but you know I have several to write too and as I write to you evry week that will have to suffice it generally casts about 8 cts now to write a letter 4 cts for a stamps 2 for paper + two for envelopes by the way poop firkin butter here is selling for $1.00 per lb cheese 75 cts. common ginger cookies 8 for 25 cts sugar 50 cts eggs 50 cts all eatables in proportion. we have lived for the last four days on dry hard bread and that is simply flour and water mixed by machinery dried and baked and nearly all that time drenched to the skin in the rain and lay in the mud of nights. I just lear by way of one of our wounded men that saw Edd at Fortress Monroe that he was going home how mean he has acted with some of the boys he has not even wrote one of us a line one fellow he owed $12.00 and to another $3.00 the captain will have to pay the $12.00 I presume he may put on some style because he was appointed Corporal but that amounts to nothing as two fellows resigned and would not have it the reason of his getting it he knows nothing about hardships for he has hardly been with us since we landed at the Fortress we thought we saw rather tough times be now see that we were enjoying ourselves. I got a letter from Alma this morning also and must try and answer that also I see that I have written more than I expected and will close I think Sibs old yaller will do for a boat ride Yours Jim