Click here for this soldier’s biography:
Regiment: 1st U.S. Volunteers Sharpshooters
Battles Mentioned:
Historical Figures:
Grand Rapids
July 27th 1865.
My Dear Husband.
Darling Gardie.
Yours of the
th mailed in Harrisburg I received
this noon. thank you very much.
also for the check.
You want me to hold myself in readiness
to come to you. I am ready or nearly
so all of the time. but Mother received
a letter from Vt. a few days ago and
Grand Mother is sick. and Mother
thinks some of going back there. she
thinks if you send for me that she
had better go any way that it would
be better for us all as they want her
to come. if she goes she will sell all of
her things excepting what she
takes with her, and what shall
I do with ours. of course I would
sell the stoves. but our bed and the
carpets. I presume we would have to
lose considerable on the carpets if we
sold them and I should not know
what to do with them. please tell me
what you think. just the same as
you would if you was here. perhaps it
would be best to sell every thing. but I
want you to tell me
just what to do.
she may not go but I think she will.
Just two years to day we have
been married. it does not seem
love does it.
Love & kisses Ever your Mary.
I got me a real food pair of shoes
to day. glove kid. one kiss. Wify.
[On Envelope:]
Lt. Gardner B. Clark
th Regt 1
st A.C.