Clark, Egbert B. – July 17, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

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Regiment: 5th Michigan Cavalry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Boonsboro Md. July 17 /63 My Dearest I wrote you yesterday and told you I would write again to day I have been quite well to day no fever and my diarrhea has not been bad. The Doctor told me this afternoon that we will probably go to Frederick tomorrow I go over to the Hospital once or twice a day and see the Doc. who is a nice fellow I have a pleas and family to board with have had chicken both days since I have been here find it much more pleasant than I we did at Donghtys It has rained to day we seem to be getting lots of rain I see by the papers the premium on gold is reduced to 25 pr. ct. I wish you would watch the market and if it keeps falling to turn the paper of ours into gold if you cannot buy it at Flint and I presume you cannot have some go to Detroit with you. Mortimer would go I presume any time I presume I shall have to send to you for some money before long as we were not mustered and will not get our pay for two [ ? ] to come. I [         ?         ] wood $5.00 and Phillip Mothersill $5.00 and spent $10.00 for a field glass which makes $20.00. I did not [   ?   ] on. I have $25.00 yet which will last some time. but do not send the money until I sent for it The N. York is a sad affair it will be put down however it is the result of Copperhead teaching Please don’t conntenance copper heads if you do you conntenance Riot + mob law at home it is bad enough to have bloodshed here without having it in our Northern homes I will make this a short letter it is evening and I will write a short letter to Nincom I shall be ever so glad when mail communications are again established From Your Own Darling Husband Egbert Direct as follows 5th Mich Cav. 2nd Brigade Killpatricks Cav. Division Washington DC