Burns, Robert – June 27, 1865

Michigan Civil War Collection

Click here for this soldier’s biography: https://micivilwar.com/authors/burns-robert/
Regiment: 4th Michigan Calvary Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Louisville Ky 5 P.M. June 27th My dear Davidson I wish you would look in my dirty valice and from a paste board enveloped you will find there, ex- tract for me two ap- praisals for horses which I foolishly left behind. one of them is in my name and one in that of Capt Potter. Each is in duplicate or triplicate.         I cannot get my horses without them. There are two or three of those paste board en- velopes in the valice. I enclose key. Send the appraisals to me “4th Mich Cavy” at Nash- ville as soon as possible. Selah thought I was left behind, and telegraph ed you under that sup- position.          He informed me that Reverly Johnston was going to enter the Navy and Charly Roberts and was about to com- mence an elaborate ar- gument in favor of it. Yours R.B. I leave at 7 P.M. for Nashville