Bolles, Samuel J. – December 12, 1882

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

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Regiment: 4th Massachusetts Cavalry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Eastern Div. [   ?   ]  Department of the Interior Pension Office. Washington D.C. Dec 12. 1882 Sir: Referring to your invalid pension claim No. 378585, as late private Co. A 4 Mass. Cav., you are requested to inform this office, with return of this letter, of the location of the General Hospital, as which you a [   ?   ] treatment, in your declaration for pension, for “Chills and fever” after your discharge from “Camp Hospital,” Jacksonville, Florida. You should also furnish this office with [ ? ] present post office address of Thomas Flakerty whose affidavit is on file in your case. Very respectfully Wm. W. Dudley Commissioner [ ? ] Samuel J. Bolles Brockton, Mass.