Nicholson, Harmon F. – November 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

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Regiment: 2nd Michigan Cavalry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: No. 43 LIST OF ARTICLES Lost or Destroyed in the Public Service at Puluski Tenn while in the possession and charge of Lieut M. H. Creager Co F 2 Mich Cav Comdg Co United States Army, in the month of November 1864
No. or Quantity Articles. Circumstances and Cause.
One (1) Cav Horse Died on March from Center Star Ala. To Puluski Tenn
Two (2) Cav Horses The regiment to which my company belongs were ordered to take a certain position to hold the eney in check, while so doing we were flanked by the enemy and exposed to an exploding fire and in the retreat lost two horses, killed Nov. 5th 1864
One (1) Cav Horse Worn out, and abandoned at Puluski Tenn Nov. 20th 64 by order of Maj. Gen. Stanley
One (1) Cav Horse Worn out, and abandoned Nov. 26th 64 at Columbia Tenn by order of Brevt. Maj. Gen Willson.
One (1) Cav Horse Worn out, and abandoned Nov. 27th near Columbia Tenn by order of Brevt. Maj. Gen. Willson.
One (1) Cav Horse Worn out, and abandoned Nov. 28th near Columbia Tenn by order of Brevt. Maj. Gen Willson
Two (2) Cav Horses Two of my men being ordered to make at ecout on the 29th day of November [  ?  ] were surrounded and capured by the enemy loseing their horses.
Two (2) Cav Horses Killed in a river Nov. 30th/64 at Franklin Tenn
I certify, that the several articles of Quartermaster’s stores, above enumerated, have been unavoidably lost or destroyed while in the public service, as indicated by the remarks annexed to them respectively. H. Creager 2 Lt. Co “F” 2nd Mich. Cav. Comdg Co. Approved: H.F. Nicholson Major               Commanding No. 43 No. 1               Abstract L. November 1864 Lieut M. H. Creager Co F 2nd Mich Cav Comdg. Co. Articles Lost or Destroyed in the Month of November 1864