Davidson, John – February 5, 1862

Michigan Civil War Collection

Click here for this soldier’s biography: https://micivilwar.com/authors/davidson-john/
Regiment: 2nd Michigan Cavalry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: (Form No. 5.) The United States, To John Davidson private, discharge from Captain Andrews Artillery Company, Mich Vols.                           Dr. DollarsCents For pay from 1 of November 1861, to 16 of January, 1862 being 2 months 16 days, at 13 dollars per month……………………………………3293 For retained pay due………………. For pay from traveling from Louisville KY, the place of my discharge, to Clarkston Mich, the place of my residence, 439 miles at twenty miles per day, equal to 22 days, at 13 dollars per month…………………………………953 For subsistence for traveling as above, 22 days, at 50 cents per ration or day……………………………….1100 For clothing allowance from Aug 28th to Jany 16th 4 mos 20 day………………………………………..1633 Amount………………..6979 Deduct for Army Asylum……………$ Deduct for clothing withdrawn…………..27.33 State of Mich 11.583891 $18.22 arrears of pay allowed and claim for bounty disallowed in Sett. No. 178, 47/Oct 7, 1892 Balance……………………………………7096 Received of Charles T. Sained, Paymaster U.S. Army, this 5th day of Feby, 1862 Thirty dollars and Eighty Eight cents, in full of the above account. Pay………………. Subsistence……            (signed in duplicate.) Clothing……….. Dollars        30 88                                                     John Davidson Voucher No. 220 Paid February 5th 1862, John Davidson private Capt Andrews Arty Co. Mich. Vols. From 1st of November 1861, To 16 of January, 1862 Pay……………….$ Subsistence…… Clothing……….. $30.88