Click here for this soldier’s biography:
Regiment: 1st Michigan Engineers
Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Abraham Lincoln
[Pg one thru 14 has misc. tables and calendar] Savannah Georgia January Sunday, 1, 1865 We laid in camp till 11 oclock then the company went to work and maid twenty ramers to ram dirt for fortifications
Monday, 2. the company went out to cut biush for fortifications some three miles from the citty
Tuesday, 3. Two companies crossed over in South Carolina and got dinner then we worked all afternoon one a clock is the rebb burnt and at night we slept in a nigger house January, Wednesday, 4, 1865. we laid round all day wating of lumber I sow
[ ? ] of goo no that hid been burnt up and most all kinds of stores desks went a cross to ware they had been a large manufactring plase and there I so old Nigers as rebbs left in a hole worse them a pig
[ ? ] Thursday 5. so we finised the landing by noon and crossed over to Savannah and got dinnor then we fixed our tents and laid in camp the rest of the day
Friday, 6. It was a fine raing morning I went to fix the tellegraph polls from Hill Patricks head quarters to savannah and in the afternoon I sent to fetch a
[ ? ] of brusts to make caroseens for fortifications January, Saturday, 7, 1865 I went out and cut Brust for caroseens till noon then laid in camp the rest of thy day
Sunday, 8. It was a fine cold day and I was on guard it rained a little in the night
Monday, 9. I laid in camp all day and it was a wett day January Tuesday, 10, 1865 George Yound died and I helpe to make is coffin and I went to the funeral and it was very wett afternoon the rest of the day I laid in camp IH2H 4215
Wednesday, 11. I ware making com F a tool chest
Thursday, 12. A fine warm day and I ware working in the tool tent January Friday 13 1865. A fine day and I maid a coffin for sag ransom
Saturday 14. I gave out the tools to the com then went to sag ransoms funeral and laid in camp the rest of the day
Sunday 15. We had a general inspection at 3 oclock January, Monday, 16. 1865. A very cold day and I ware to work at the tool tent
Tuesday, 17. It is a fine day and I ware to work at the tool tents Wednesday, 18. I worked in the tool tent and orders came to be ready to mor by 8 oclock next morning January, Thursday, 19, 1865 I ware in the citty and through the ospittle and in the after noon it rained + I laid in camp
Friday, 20. It was a wet day and we laid in camp and they old Nashville mail came.
Saturday, 21. I laid in camp all day January, Sunday, 22, 1865. We had inspection of harms at ½ past 2 oclock
Monday 23. It was a wet morning and it halfe after three in the afternoon we stuck tents and started on the march and marched 3 ½ miles then encamped for the night
Tuesday 24. We got up at four oclock next morning and built a bridge on the ralroad so as we could use the road for a wagon road on the georgia sental and they rest of they way com
[ ? ] are they Waggon guards
[faded] 6 ½ miles camp January, WENESDAY, 25, 1865 We had orders to return back to Savannah and at 6 oclock we start ad got in the Citty by noon and in the after noon we drew six days rations three days cooked and three days uncooked in our harvest sacks
THURSDAY, 26. and struck tents at ½ past 5 oclock marched to the docks at six oclock and at 8 oclock we left the dock for south carolina and it was a verry cold day most every man had like to frosoon deck and we got to bean fort at 4 oclock and marched four miles camp
FRIDAY, 27. Next morning we returned to beaufort with all our load and unloadid the boat of our waggons and tools and at night we marched back five miles with our load on our backs and there incamped January, SATURDAY, 28, 1865. We laid in camp all day wating for orders
SUNDAY, 29. We laid in camp all day wating for orders and we could hear the cannons roar all day
MONDAY, 30. We laid in camp all day and drowed
[ ? ] days rations and had orders to march to morrow morning we heard them canninding all night January, TUESDAY, 31, 1865. We struck tents at 6 oclock marched at 7 oclock and we marched I think some ten miles then halted for dinner and I heard they first goon and we heard a little firing all after noon then we marched ten miles more there encamped for the night February, WEDNESDAY, 1. We struck tents at 6 oclock and marched at 6 ½ oclock we left Charlston road to our right and com F ware the wagon guards we did stop a great may times and trees ware cut in our road all buildings + fences ware on fore
THURSDAY, 2. We struck tents 5 ½ oclock marched at 6 oclock and it ware very
[ ? ] and a great many holes and wet plase and we had some scrimegan a head all day I so severall good houses on fire and as I came up they ware buring one reb I think they killed two as I came to the camp
[ ? ] our captain went on the scrimig line and a ball struck is boot heel went thogh is boot February, FRIDAY, 3, 1865. there ware firing all night and in they morning it rained all day and our rigement laid in camp all day and at 3 oclock we had inspection of nab sacks they drove thy enemy about noon then the firing seased.
SATURDAY, 4. We had revolee at 4 oclock struck tents 5 ½ oclock raing morning we marched on till noon and in they after noon it was furl + fine and on they way we got plenty of smoked bacon + beans and we got in camp early A fine Day Sunday, 5. We had revolee 4 ½ oclock and march at 6 oclock we d marched through a swamp/mile long and we came to a nother and camped about 9 oclock they rebbs ware in sight and had kills 3 of our boys the rest of they day they boys had a great time it shinig in every kind of stuff in pig sweet potatoes sogam + most a little of every thing Febrauary, MONDAY, 6, 1865. A fine cold morning we had revoler at 4 ½ o clock we struck tents 6 oclock and marched 8 miles and they rebbs ware there then we stoped at 11 oclock and at 3 we ware on they road and at 4 oclock it commenced to say that 5 ½ oclock we went in camp A wett Morning TUESDAY, 7. We had revoler 4 ½ oclock struck tents 6 oclock the rigement went a head to Bivey station and tore up the track + left com F with the wagons and thy wagans
[ ? ] 11 oclock + reached lower station a 5 ½ oclock + camp A fine cold WEDNESDAY, 8. Morning We had revoler at 4 ½ o clock struck tents at 5 ½ oclock marched back on the railroad to a mile past 79 miles to charlston and there wate for the army to tare the rals up as our rigt com twist the rails we twisted 190 rails and then rested then went back to our old camp about 3 oclock
[ ? ] in camp the rest of they day and had a order read at 5 oclock against Pilfring out of houses February, A very THURSDAY, 9, cold 1865. Morning We had revoler at 4 ½ ocl struck ten at 5 ½ oclock + marched one for the 20 co ar that is some 18 miles to a village toled grahamsville + we had a very cold day com C went out to work + + there we encamped all night A cold Frosty FRIDAY, 10. Morning revoler 4 ½ and then we marched on to a village called Williston and then they rigement twisted ten miles in length of railroad I ron after the march and that was one mile fer each com it is 37 miles to CGeorge
Gusta and a little com F had her mile in length of railroad from twisted and returned to the village to camp Williston village A fine cold SATURDAY, 11. Morning We had revoler at 5 oclock struck tents at 6 oclock ½ after 6 we went with the 20 coar some 10 miles to build a bridge across a small rivor coled Elisto rivor and when the pickets went a cross the rebbs got up and left every they + after find here the bridge we want in camp A fine cold morning February, SUNDAY, 12, 1865. Revoler 4 ½ oclock struck tents 5 ½ oclock 6 oclock we left Elisto rivor and marched back to Williston and got back by noon and there to join the fourteenth coar and after dinner we laid in camp thy rest of the day + at night I ware on picket + it was a very cold night A very cold MONDAY, 13. Frosty Morning I left they picket at 6 oclock and went to thy campany and we started on thy old road to Elisto rivor and stoped for dinnor then we went on with the 14 coar through a long wett swamp + went some 5 miles on a hill to a rich old planters house + camped for the night TUESDAY, 14. A fine cold frosty morning revoler 4 ½ oclock struck tents 6 ocl and marched on some twelve miles we came to another river + we built a bridge and got dinnor and marched on the rals to Columbia and it commenced raing about 2 oclock we marched with in 18 miles of Columbia and it rained
[ ? ] thy way and there we encamped for the night and a wett one
A cold wett morning February, WEDNESDAY, 15, 1865. Revoler at 4 oclock + marched at 5 oclock + we marched back a bout 2 miles and look a noth road that Waters ferry + we had light scrimigen all fore noon + in they after noon it was fare + more
[ ? ] scrimige and folowed till we went to camp and we got mail + I got a shirt Afine THURSDAY, Morning Revoler at oclock + marched oclock + very little firing + about 9 oclock we went through the town of Lexington ware they said that they killed a meny of our Prissoners + we marched with 2 miles of the citty of Columbia + got dinnor + retreated back four miles + camped for night A fine FRIDAY, 17. Morning Revoler at 4 oclock march at 6 ocl com F train guards about 8 oclock we crossed Seluda river and marched on + they captured five wagons loaded with flower + pork we went about 10 miles + west sped to rest + we had orders to move back and we had hard work to get back for fire it was verry warm work with fences + buildings of fire on both sides
[ ? ] February, SATURDAY, 18, 1865. A fine morning revoler at 4 oclock marched 7 oclock we marched about 2 miles then wated on they pontoons to cross they broad river and marched through Columbia citty or had been but it ware all burnt nothing but bare walls + we laid in camp the rest of the day + we had great times plenty of every thing A fine SUNDAY, 19. Morning Revoler at 4 oclock at 7 oclock we marched through the citty to the depo to destroy all machinery and all they government property + fired it they third Wes con rigement ware employed in destroying shell + ball some of they spell burst + killed + wounded about 15 men so that them after then the com moved further in the citty to tare down chimneys + camped A fine MONDAY, 20. Morning Revolee 4 oclock + we left Call umbia about 7 oclock + marched five miles to ware they sight
[ ? ] of our rigement ware then company F ware they train guards they rest of they day + we went on 10 miles further but kept stoped + did not get in camp till dark A Fine Morning revoler 4 oclock February, TUESDAY, 21, 1865. At 6 olcock we marched on the Charlotte + South Carolina R. R for 8 miles + there we did stop + twist one mile in length the of railroads from + got dinnor + two of our prissoners came to us 500 barrells of tar ware form in a tar mill + we marched 7 mile further + then encamped for the night A fine WEDNESDAY, 22. Morning 2 more of our prissoners came in we marched 5 miles + then we twisted 1 mile of railroad I ran + left we went through a tow in they name of Weinsboors a fine looking plase but all they publick buildings had been burnt by 20 coar + marched 18 miles
[ ? ] A fine THURSDAY, 23. Morning We marched on 6 ½ oclock till we came Watteree River + there we did lay till they lay down the pontoon bridge we laid on the bank about 5 howers + then mar ched on + a wet afternoon + mar ched 8 miles it was after dark when we got to camp for the night A fine cold wett morning February, FRIDAY, 24, 1865. Revoler at four oclock we mar ched at 6 oclock + a wett cold morning + it rained all day + it was verry Hilly and we marched through the woods + we marched all day + at night we went to build cord eroy roads for the train then went camp
[along right side] company build
[ ? ] A wet SATURDAY 25. Morning Revolee at 6 oclock + we mar ched at 9 oclock a bout 8 oclock it cleard off + we had a fine warm day we marched 7 miles + then com F stoped + built some corduroy road + got dinnor + marched to the rigem then we marched 7 miles + went in camp + a fine night we had A wet SUNDAY, 26. Morning but I lot a day I have had a sick head a ke all day so I lot the day only day to last we got in camp after dark + we had just got supper + set our tents up + gon to bed when they right wing was order to strike tents + go down to Linch Creep + work all night + they rest just stood wating all night till four oclock for orders + then we move down to Linch Creak February, Fine MONDAY, 27, Morning 1865. At 4 oclock we went down + worked a hower of so building corduroy to cross they over flow by the big rains + then we go breckfast + then we wert down there a gain to build a bridge + we had to work in the water up to our waists till noon + they I sued us wiskey + some of they boys got till a then we wated all night + we marched 2 miles + went to camp A fine cold TUESDAY, 28. Wet Morning Revoler at four marched at 6 ½ + we traveld some 7 miles + did not pass no home nor nothing as such a plase to live we had good roads + I do under stand the rebbs got one of our boys out of camp F we marched 14 miles it rained most all they
[ ? ] got to camp at 4 oclock March, A wet WEDNESDAY, 1. Morning Last night we had to turn out at 9 oclock + build best works there is supposed to be forty thousand of the enemy going to make a stand and a part of this fore noon we ware enlarge then and at 3 ½ oclock we mustered for pay and they rest of they day we laid in camp A wet morning March, THURSDAY, 2, 1865. Revoler at 5 oclock + to be ready to march at 6 ½ oclock but we did not march + we laid in camp all day Wue are layin! 3 miles from the citty of Chareaw it rained slighting all day + a many of the boys underwent a punishmently being tied up with there thumbs Cloudy FRIDAY, 3. Morning Revolee at 4 oclock marched at 6 oclock we marched 5 miles then stoped to make corduroy roads for the wagon train + it rained lightly we got dinnor + moved on and 3 miles from the citty we found some good fortifications we went on till we came close to the citty + camped thy enemy had left A cloudy SATURDAY, 4. Morning the com went out at 8 oclock this morning to build pontoons + I laid in camp all day sick we had one or two showers this fore noon + it was fare + fine in the afternoon + they keep picking up prissoners respectly A fine morning March, SUNDAY, 5, 1865. Revoler at 5 oclock + we laid in camp at Cheareaw till 1 oclock then we marched throu they citty but we could not see moch for smoke for there ware some large fires in the citty we marched a cross they PeDee river + about two miles + went in camp A fine MONDAY, 6. Morning We left the camp a bout 7 oclock + marched 14 miles to a place in they name of Bennittsville it is a fine plase + they boys as a great time of it for they fetch in camp every thing we got in camp about 3 oclock + we had plenty of time A fine cool TUESDAY, 7. Morning We left Bennitsvill about 7 ½ oclock + marched rapidly till about noon + then com F stoped to make corduroy + got dinnor we maid 12 miles and got in camp about 1 oclock we rested a wile + went to fix a bridge + make some coldroy + I could see the line of North Carolina March, WEDNESDAY, 8, 1865. A fine morning Revoler at 5 oclock marched 7 /1/2 oclock I ware on guard they night at 8 oclock it commence to rain + it rained all day + we crossed the line in North C. at about 5 oclock in the morning we marched 13 miles through the rain + hen went in camp A fine THURSDAY, 9. Morning Revoler at 4 oclock they com went out to work on corduroy We started at 12 oclock + at 2 oclock it com enced to rain + rained verry heavy + we marched 13 miles and verry swampy plases and they wagons got stuck and we did not get to camp till 10 oclock A cloudy FRIDAY, 10. Morning Revolee at 6 oclock at 7 oclock we ware in line + we had a heavy storm of rain + cold wind I think we marched some for nine miles and swamps all the way and a great deale of they way we had to wade to our need we got to camp after sun down A fine frosty Morning March, SATURDAY, 11, 1865. Revolee at 5 oclock at 6 ½ oclock we marched rock creak + there we had a foot bridge to build for the troops to pass + we got through at 10 oclock + marched on till we come to a nother creek + com F + D stayed to fix that then we marched on till we could see they citty of Fayetville to mile we got in at sun down marched 12 miles A fine SUNDAY, 12. Morning Revolee at 5 oclock + marched it 8 oclock we marched 1 ½ miles then came to Fayetville and went on our camp ground + left our thiy then went to the arsnall to destroy all thy property + buildings + worked all day at that A fine MONDAY 13. Morning Revolee at day light we got breckfast and then went to work at taking down they arsenall docon + in they afternoon I ware grinding a
[ ? ] and at night they set fire to the arsenall they shell keep flaying off A fine morning March, TUESDAY, 14, 1865. Revolee at 5 oclock they rig went out to finis taring the arsnall down one man from com B ware killed + another wounded thy came in at noon at 2 oclock we left Fayetteville about 3 we crost Capefere River on Pontoons + marched 2 miles + camped A fine WEDNESDAY, 15. Morning We startd at 6 ½ on the golds Borron root marched slow I ware the rear guard all again the fore noon it comenced to thunder rain it rained the rest of they day till we went to camp we went about 10 miles we could hear the old canon roar A THURSDAY, 16. rainy Morning the rigement built a bridge a cross they black rivor + it took them till noon then we marched on some 5 miles + it rained + blew a perfect Heaurican + we in camp + had to
[ ? ] A fine morning March, FRIDAY, 17, 1865. We got in line at 6 ½ ready for a start + stacked our goons we heard they had a hard fight on they other road yesterday hy killed + wounded 400 of our men but I did not learn how many on they other so we laid in camp all day and put up our tents again A fine SATURDAY, 18. Morning We started at 6 oclock + we had to make cord roy pretty much all thy way for I do think for 8 miles it was a way after dark when we got in camp nearly every man was worn out we have 1000 waggons with us A fine SUNDAY, 19. Morning We started at 6 oclock on the Golds Borraw hoad + we had to cordroy pretty much all day + we had over nabsacks caried we did not get in camp after sundown then I went on picket guard in the night but all was quiet A fine Morning March, MONDAY, 20, 1865. I ware on picket guard till 11 oclock then we ware called inn to build fortifications as they enbemy ware reported to be 2 or 3 miles from us + we quit at 1 one oclock + got dinnor and marched on but we had to build cordroy most of the way + we only went 4 or 5 miles + it was after dark when we got to camp A Fine TUESDAY, 21. Morning We started at 6 oclock + marched a ways + then we had more cord roy to make + a bridge to build a little before noon it comenced to rain + we had a verry wett afternoon we went in camp about noon and
[ ? ] 2 howers and
[ ? ] put and went
[ ? ] then went in again we can hear heavy fighting A fine WEDNESDAY, 22. cool morning We started at 6 oclock + a fine whindy day we had we had some little cardroying to do + we did hear some fighting going on but I under stood that they enemy got a way + we marched on some 8 or 10 miles got dinnor hen we went a small distance and camped A fine Spring Morning March, A windy day THURSDAY, 23, 1865. We laid in camp till noon then we struck tents and marched some four miles + crossed the Nuse Rivor on they pontoons then we marched through a town called Gooldsborrow marched 2 miles out + camped A cool FRIDAY, 24. Morning we started at 6 oclock + a winded cold day we marched 10 miles and got ther at dinnor time and had a trussel to build 100 feet long + ten ft high we got in camp early A cool SATURDAY, 25. morning We started back for Goldsborrow and A nise cool day hafter we marched 2 ½ miles we found com L + M and hey all went up with us to Goldsborrow + we we got to camp at 3 oclock to they rest of the rigement it was 2 miles A cool morning March, SUNDAY, 26, 1865. I laid in camp till after noon then I went to make a tent for the magor + it was after dark when I quit work + it was a very cold day I sent a letter to England A cool frosty MONDAY, 27. Morning We laid in camp all fore noon in the afternoon we ware fixing our tents up
[illegible] A fine TUESDAY, 28. Day We laid in camp + fixed up all day A fine morning March, WEDNESDAY, 29, 1865. We laid in camp and leaned ourselves was a little showery all day A wet THURSDAY, 30. Morning I went on guard at 8 oclock and I ware relived to make a coffin for a man in Co E the company loud in camp it was a wet day A cold FRIDAY, 31. morning I ware working in the tool tent making a table for the captain A fine cold Morning April, SATURDAY, 1, 1865 I ware working in they tool tent making a table + mess chest for cap A fair SUNDAY, 2. morning A fine day and we had inspection at 9 oclock an we laid in camp the rest of day A fine MONDAY, 3. morning I ware working in they tool tent making a table + mess chest for captain A fine Morning April, TUESDAY, 4, 1865 I ware working in the tool tent for the officers making mess tables + stools it is fine spring wether + we are fixing for a march A fine WEDNESDAY, 5. Day I
[covered by printed paper that says “RALEIGH” on it] buissey working in the tool tent for they seveyers blacksmiths A fine THURSDAY, 6. day I ware working in they tool tent making hax handles and wegin hax heads on A fine morning April, FRIDAY, 7. 1865. I ware putting hax heads on till godlock and they rest of the day I laid in camp there ware great excitement about the
[ ? ]ction of Richmond through the camp A very cold SATURDAY, 8. morning I laid in camp till noon then I went in the tool tent and maid some packing boxes + we had great excitement fireing of goons and skyrackets shouting and holloury about the prissoners coming in A fine cold SUNDAY 9. morning I ware washing + fixing for the march all fore noon in the after noon I maid a packing box for the officers A fine raing morning April, MONDAY, 10, 1865. Revoler 3 ½ oclock and we started a little after 5 oclock and left goldsborrow we went on the roley road it rained lightly till some time in they afternoon + we had cons iderable scrimagen + several wounded we had wagons
[ ? ] are 12 oclock when we got to camp A damp TUESDAY, 11. Morning we start at day light and m arched on we had some little scrimage an all the way to Smithville we got there about 3 oclock + camped the 14 cor ware in about 2 hours bfore we ware + I had to work till a 11 oclock respoking a amblence
[ ? ] A cloudy WEDNESDAY, 12. Morning. We started at day light and crossed the rivor Nuse but our roads ware bad with the rain thy report came to us this morning as Lee did ser render to grant on the 9
th we got in camp at 3 oclock we had ben in about one hower + Hill Patrick capt
[ ? ] of 3 waggons A cloudy morning April, THURSDAY, 13, 1865. We started at 4 ½ for the Capital at Roley it ware 12 miles we got about noon and marched roun the SiCam we had one boy in our rise shot dead + wound they last of thy enemy
[ ? ] Carly this morning we got to camp at 4 oclock A fine FRIDAY, 14. Morning We had revolee at 4 oclock + we wated till for orders + at noon we pitched tents and laid in camp all day + John Gotherz went back + a pleasant day we had A wet rainy SATURDAY, 15. Morning Revolee at 4 oclock struck tents 5 and moved on the other side of the Asilum + went in camp about 10 oclock + a verry wet day we had + we laid in camp the rest of the day April, A fine SUNDAY, 16, morning 1865. + A little windy day we laid in camp all day A fine MONDAY, 17. morning at 11 oclock last night we ware work up by thy indantry harrowing as we had the word that Jonston serendred + to day we ware cleaning at the camp + the rest of the day we laid in camp A fine TUESDAY, 18. morning We heard of President Lincons Death we lad in camp all day + at night we had a verry heavy rain it thunderd lightned and rained very heavy all night A fine morning April, WEDNESDAY, 19, 1865. and a fine day a we laid in camp all day A fine THURSDAY, 20. morning We laid in camp and went out to drill + we had a fine day A fine FRIDAY 21. morning We moved camp + we had to fix up again + in the afternoon it commenced to rain and we had a wet after noon A dull morning April, SATURDAY, 22, 1865. We had a fine day and we laid in camp all day A fine cold SUNDAY, 23. Morning We had a fine cold day + we laid in camp all day A fine MONDAY, 24. morning We had a fine day + we laid in camp all day the com went out to drill in the afternoon A fine morning April, TUESDAY, 25, 1865. + A fine day we had + we laid in camp all day A fine WEDNESDAY, 26. Morning We struck tents at breik of day a little before sunrise we started on our march + left Raleigh to our right we marched till noon + went in camp + we had a pleasant day. A fine THURSDAY, 27. morning We laid in camp till 11 oclock thy Bugal blew to strike tents we started at noon + a warm day we had and we got back to our old camp ground near Raleigh in good season + piched tents in our old plase A fine morning April, FRIDAY, 28, 1865. A fine showery day + we laid in camp all day A fine SATURDAY, 29, morning We had a fine day I lond in camp till 4 oclock then i left the rigement and went to the depot and at 10 oclock we left Raleigh and a wet night we had A dull SUNDAY 30. morning but we had a fine day + we got to Newburn at noon and got our dinor A fine morning May, MONDAY, 1, 1865. We laid in camp all day A windy TUESDAY, 2. morning We laid in camp till noon then struck tents + marched down to the boat New Jersey we left the dock at 5 oclock we had a good cool breese all night + some steealing going on A fine cool WEDNESDAY, 3. morning We came to Hankor early in the morning and lay in the rivor + we laid at Hankor all day till day light next morning wating of wind + wether we had a buse able night A fine morning May, THURSDAY, 4, 1865. Thy weighed Hancor at day light at 8 oclock we crossed Cap Hattas + a very fine day we had althrough they ware several sea sick we sailed till 11 oclock then cast ankor opposite fortis Monroe A wet FRIDAY, 5. morning they weighd Ankor at daylight and a many of they boys got of at Fortis Monroe and we left Fortis Monroe at 10 oclock + it was a verry wet morning and blew quiet smart A fine SATURDAY, 6. morning and we had a nise calm day and we did not reach Alexandra till 10 oclock in the evening and we staid on board all night A fine dark morning May, SUNDAY, 7, 1865. We left the boat New Jersy and went to the soldiers rest + got Breckfast then we went about 1 mile and went in camp A fine MONDAY, 8 morning We laid in camp all day it commenced to rain towards night + we had a wett night of it A wett TUESDAY, 9. morning We had a verry wett cold day + I laid in camp all day + watched Gen Lees soldiers pass going home in great sperits + in the night i ware on camp guard A dark cold morning May, WEDNESDAY, 10, 1865. I want down to the Dwarf to load some boxes + a cold day it was + when I got back we had to move camp + let some more convoy lessions come in they are coming in rapidly A nise THURSDAY, 11. fine morning I laid in camp till noon + I went down town to Drow Brad to wards night it commenced to rain and it rained verry heavy all night we had a wett night of it A dull FRIDAY, 12. morning convoly lessions are coming in rapidly I laid in camp mool all day I went in the citty a short time we had a fine day A fine morning May, SATURDAY, 13, 1865. I went to see the docter + when I came back I built my close + we had a fine day of it the rest of the day I laid in camp and convoylessions do keep coming in in large lotts A fine SUNDAY, 14. morning We had a fine day and I went to meeting and laid in camp the rest of the day troops still keep coming in A fine MONDAY, 15. morning We had a fine day and 117 more came to us from Richmond + I laid in camp all day A cloudy morning May, MONDAY, 22, 1865. We had a fine warm day we went on dress perade at four oclock + our order ware to march to morrow at 8 oclock with two days cooked rations in our harvest sacks then we returned to camp A fine TUESDAY, 23. morning we had revolee at 5 oclock + marched at 7 oclock we left Alexandria and mar ched towards Washington + camped at the end of the long bridge + a fine day we had. The day of our review A fine WEDNESDAY, 24. morning We had revolee at 3 oclock at 4 we ware drown in line and at 7 marched in they citty and at five commenced on the review we marched round all they principal streets and round the Presideants house and we did not get in camp till dark camped 9 miles from A gark cloudy morning May. THURSDAY, 25, 1865. We laid in camp till 5 oclock and then we ware cold out with Gon and Qultments and the Govener mad a speech to us and then we returned to camp A rainy FRIDAY, 26. morning we had a rainy day and I went down to the citty of Washington I ware through the Patent office and through the Cappitall and I did not return to the camp till night + a wett night we had A rainy SATURDAY, 27. morning It rained verry fast till noon then I took up and commenced to blow and was fine and i lad in camp all day A fine morning June, SATURDAY, 3, 1865. We had a verry hot day + I laid in camp all day A misty SUNDAY, 4. morning We had a verry hot day I laid in camp all day A fine MONDAY, 5. morning We had to verry wamr day I went down to the citty of Washington + got back about 2 oclock then I laid in camp the rest of the day A cold dark dull morning June, TUESDAY, 6, 1865. We had a dark dull day the one years men ware mustered out about 9 oclock + I laid in camp we had a lillee rain towards night A dull WEDNESDAY, 7. morning I ware working in the tool tent making a riting desk they one years men left camp about 2 oclock for Michigan we had a nise day A fine THURSDAY, 8. morning I ware at work till noon in the tool tent I laid in camp the rest of they day A fine clear morning June, WEDNESDAY, 21, 1865. We had a fine nise day I tried for a furlow today the rest of they day + laid in camp A wett THURSDAY, 22. morning We had a severe wett night heavy thunder + heavy rain it cleard up in in the fore noon and we had a fine day of it I laid in camp all day A fine FRIDAY, 23. morning We had a Hott day + we had meeting in camp in the afternoon + I laid in camp all day A fine morning June, SATURDAY, 24, 1865. We had a fine day I laid in camp all day 47
[ ? ] 47 A fine SUNDAY, 25. morning we had a fine day and had inspection of goons in the fore noon + in the afternoon it commenced to rain and it rained verry heavy all night A dark MONDAY, 26. dull morn it cleared up about noon + we had a fine afternoon I laid in camp all day A fine morning June, TUESDAY, 27, 1865. We had a fine cool day and it rained in thy night I laid in camp all day A fine WEDNESDAY, 28. morning they began to pay the rigement in the fore noon + I left at 12 oclock and went to the
hospittle with general Browns Gen with Hospittle A fine THURSDAY, 29. morning we had a nise day + at night it commenced to rain and rained verry heavy all night and we lost one man as came along with me he belonged to com A he died A fine morning June, FRIDAY, 30, 1865. In the forenoon Dr. Donohoo Brough me 8 months pay + a letter from England + it was verry showery all fore noon + the docter did not prescribe for me and in the after noon it cleared off July, SATURDAY, 1. A fine morning the docter did not prescribe we had a shower of rain in the afternoon and we mustred for pay it was showery all night
SUNDAY, 2. A fine pleasant morning we had a fine day + we had Inspection of the hospittle in the fore noon + I stayed by my bed most all day December 7
th 1865 Dec. 7
th at ¾ of cord of wood 2850+75=2925 Dec. 11
th Drown off Dec. 13
th Hooping Barrels 55
SUNDAY, 16. Do 16ft cash by boy Drawn off North + south fence 190 15 longer at 12 feet
[ ? ] MONDAY, 17. 40,,16 dec 27 burtis 29,,25 drawing saw dust 21 915 21 cash 22 no cash drown off 50 January 11 1865 W dibble to 33 ft of pump chain 12 hay $10.35 Jan 26 to 2 thved cord of wood $4 Wednesday, 19.
nap + boker 2,,27 Feb 23rd cash for flower by boy 2,,10 do 24th cash 50 Mapp + baker Oil 25 Ink 10
[ ? ] cracked 1 lb A fine morning May, TUESDAY, 16, 1865. Sherdan Cavelry be gan to come in at 10 oclock + we had a fine day of I laid in camp all day A fine WEDNESDAY, 17. morning I laid in camp all fore noon + in there after noon I went through the citty
[ ? ] + got back in the
[ ? ] A fine THURSDAY, 18. morning We had a fine day they had vance Cavelry came in about 9 oclock I lad in camp all day about 4 oclock it commenced to blow and a heavy thunder storm came on + we had a very wett night of it A dark wett morning May, FRIDAY, 19, 1985. We had a showery day +
[illegible] A cloudy SATURDAY, 20. morning we had a
[illegible next 4 lines] had a verry wett night of it A wet SUNDAY, 21. morning it was a verry wett forenoon then it cleared up and was fine towards night it commenced to rain and rained verry heavy all night A cloudy morning May, MONDAY, 22, 1865. We had a fine warm day We went on dressperade at four oclock + our order ware to march to morrow at 8 oclock with two days cooked rations in our harvest sacks then we returned to camp A fine TUESDAY, 23. morning We had revlee at 5 oclock + marched at 7 oclock we left Alexandria and mar ched towards Washington + camped at the end of the long bridge + a fine day we had The day of our review A fine WEDNESDAY, 24, morning We had revolee at 3 oclock at 4 we ware drown in line and at 7 marched in they citty and at give commenced on the review we marched round all they Principal streets and round the Presidants house and we did not get in camp till dark camped 9 miles
[ ? ] A gark cloudy morning May. THURSDAY, 25, 1865. We laid in camp till 5 oclock and then we ware cold out with Gon and Qultments and the Govener mad a speech to us and then we returned to camp A rainy FRIDAY, 26. morning we had a rainy day and I went down to the citty of Washington I ware through the Patent office and through the Cappitall and I did not return to the camp till night + a wett night we had A rainy SATURDAY, 27. morning It rained verry fast till noon then I took up and commenced to blow and was fine and i lad in camp all day A fine dark morning May, SUNDAY, 28, 1865. but we had a pleasant cold day and I ware working for the captain and in the afternoon our old cornall ness came to visit us and made a speech to the rig ament + we had a very wett night again A dark MONDAY, 29. morning it cleard up and we had a fine day and I laid in camp all day A fine TUESDAY, 30. morning We had a fine day + i laid in camp all day A fine morning May, WEDNESDAY, 31, 1865. We had a verry fine day and I laid in camp all day June, A fine THURSDAY, 1. morning We had a fine warm day + the wagon train ware turned over + I laid in camp all day A fine FRIDAY, 2. morning We had a fine warm day + I laid in camp all day A fine morning June, SATURDAY, 3, 1865. We had a verry hot day + I laid in camp all day A misty SUNDAY, 4. morning We had a verry hot day I laid in camp all day A fine MONDAY, 5. morning We had a verry wamr day I went down to the citty of Washinto + got back about 2 oclock then I laid in camp the rest of the day A cold dark dull morning June, TUESDAY, 6, 1865. We had a dark dull day the one years men ware mustered out about 9 oclock + I laid in camp we had a lillee rain towards night A dull WEDNESDAY, 7. morning I ware working in the tool tent making a riting desk they one years men left camp about 2 oclock for Michigan we had a nise day A fine THURSDAY, 8. morning I ware at work till noon in the tool tent I laid in camp the rest of they day A fine morning June FRIDAY, 9. 1865. We had revolee at 1 ½ oclo + struck tents 2 ½ we marched at 3 + we got on the cars at 7 we had a fine fore noon and not in the afternoon it ware some windy and went through a
[ ? ] ferry in the
[ ? ] A cloudy SATURDAY 10. morning and rained some we hoped at Cumberland Citty for breck fast Maryland + it rained most all after noon but we had not so much Chearing as the day before A nise fine SUNDAY, 11. Morning we had a cool forenoon + a warm afternoon we got to Parkersburg at 4 oclock + camp about a mile from town + foot men ware tied up by the thumbs for stealing from the children as ware Pedling A fine morning Left Parkersbur at 7 oclock June, MONDAY, 12, 1865. We had revoled at 2 oclock + at 3 ½ we marched down to the warf and got on the boat olive at 6 ½ + at 7 oclock we started down the ohio river for Louisville we had a warm foornoon + a cool afternoon one man fell of the boat Cap Co I son we got him again A dark rainy TUESDAY, 13. Morning It cleard up and we had a nise close day we had great spree with running rasis with the boats they keep running buy one another we got to cine canella at 12 ½ oclock + changed boats we got on Gen Citel a mail boat it was windy and showery in the afternoon A fine WEDNESDAY, 14. morning We got off the boat at Louisville at daylight and laid on the street 2 or 3 showers then we maid for camp a short distance on the Louisville + Lexington railroad + we laid in camp the rest of the day A fine dull morning June, THURSDAY, 15, 1865. We laid in camp all day we had some showers through the day A dull FRIDAY, 16. morning We had a fine day + we laid in camp till 5 oclock + then we had inspection of our goons + a quitment A fine SATURDAY, 17. morning I laid in camp till afternoon + in the afternoon I went to work for the officers making some benches + we had a fine day. A fine clear morning June, SUNDAY, 18, 1865. the com had inspection at 10 oclock we had a fine day at night it commenced to rain + we had a verry weet night A dull MONDAY, 19. morning We had a fine cool day and I laid in camp all day sick + we signed the pay roll at night A fine TUESDAY, 20. morning We had a fine day and I laid in camp all day A fine clear morning June, WEDNESDAY, 21, 1865. We had a fine nise day I tried for a furlow to day the rest of they day I laid in camp A Wett THURSDAY, 22. morning We had a severe wett night heavy thunder + heavy rain it cleard up in in the fore noon and we had a fine day of it I laid in camp all day A fine FRIDAY, 23. morning We had a Hott day + we had meeting in camp in the afternoon + I laid in camp all day A fine morning June, SATURDAY, 24, 1865. We had a fine day I laid in camp all day 47
[ ? ] 47 A fine SUNDAY, 25. morning we had a fine day and had inspection of goons in the fore noon + in the afternoon it commenced to rain and it rained verry heavy all night A dark MONDAY, 26. dull morn it cleared up about noon + we had a fine afternoon I laid in camp all day A fine morning June, TUESDAY, 27, 1865. We had a fine cool day and it rained in thy night I laid in camp all day A fine WEDNESDAY, 28. morning they began to pay the rigement in the fore noon + I left at 12 oclock and went to the
hospittle with general Browns Gen with Hospittle A fine THURSDAY, 29. morning we had a nise day + at night it commenced to rain and rained verry heavy all night and we lost one man as came along with me he belonged to com A he died A fine morning June, FRIDAY, 30, 1865. In the forenoon Dr. Donohoo Brough me 8 months pay + a letter from England + it was verry showery all fore noon + the docter did not prescribe for me and in the after noon it cleared off July, SATURDAY, 1. A fine morning the docter did not prescribe we had a shower of rain in the afternoon and we mustred for pay it was showery all night
SUNDAY, 2. A fine pleasant morning we had a fine day + we had Inspection of the hospittle in the fore noon + I stayed by my bed most all day A fine morning July, MONDAY, 3, 1865. I got a pass and went down to the citty this morning + I stayed all day or I would have been mustred out so I will have to wate till tomorrow
TUESDAY, 4. October 26
th Bond 100 Watch 40 Cash 20 Paid Mr Waling 1’’50
161,,50 WEDNESDAY, 5. 167 50 182 33 ½ —— —— 33 ½ 853 ½ July, THURSDAY, 6, 1865. James Ruff 2 miles east of the village Mr. Whitts Friday, 7. Frong Fence 167 fet long South Fence 148
[ ? ] 149 167 —– 149 464 —— 316 26 posts
SATURDAY, 8. of gin fence 14 lenth 28 lengths of 3 in 50 lengths of 4 in William Slater
[ ? ] + brand 255 46 lb of beef 322
MONDAY, 10 [crossed off completely] 1868 [completely crossed off next 4 pages]