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Regiment: 2nd Michigan Infantry Battles Mentioned: Bailey’s Crossroads, Virginia; Beaufort, South Carolina; Bull Run, Virginia; Fort Sumter, South Carolina; Munson’s Hill, Virginia; New Orleans, Louisiana (War of 1812); Romney, West Virginia; Springfield, Missouri Historical Figures: Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, Benjamin Butler, Elmer Ellsworth, George B. McClellan, George Washington, John B. Floyd, Samuel P. Heintzelman, Thaddeus S. C. Lowe, William S. Rosecrans, Winfield Scott
William Ford [ ? ] in the place about 14 years after the death of Washington Monday, January 7, 1861. [Continuation from November 1, 1861] The Gardner was a colored man born on the estate in 1813, 14 years after the death of Washington I saw the given to Washington by Lafayette part of Washington’s Saddle Bags, the imported mantle piece, one plate used by Washington. We also visited the [ ? ], and the old vault, etc. etc. It is a pleasant scene on the river’s bank. Saturday, April 20, 1861. In the afternoon of Sunday, the 21st I had a saw [ ? ], Olssen on the subject of enlisting. Sunday, April 21, 1861 Spent the day in considering whether it was my duty to enlist in the Army for the suport of the Union. Made known my in- tentions in the even’g prayer meeting. Had an interesting conversation with a young man about to enlist, who was con- cerned in regard to the salvation of his soul. He and I prayed together in the grove; and also with another one deeply inter ested, I talked & prayed. Monday, April 22, 1861. Enlisted under Captain Chas. May. Tuesday, April 23, 1861. Helped to organ- ize and elect officers. Strong symptoms of sickness; fear I shall be unable to go to the war. Resolved to go if I can stand. Wednesday, April 24, 1861 Spent most of the day in drilling. Health better; feel encouraged Thursday, April 25, 1861. Drilled most of the day. We are waiting the return of Capt, to find whether we are accepted by the Governor or not. Looks doubtful. Friday, April 26, 1861. Drilled most of the day. Received inteligent of our acceptance. We marched through the principal streets, under the banner made for us by the Ladies of Kalamazoo. “Continentals” sung in eve at Fireman’s Hall. Saturday, April 27, 1861. Received official news of our acceptance in the 2nd regiment of the state. Get a leave of absence till Mon day to go home & see my mother & sisters. Sunday, April 28, 1861. At home. No meet- ing from fear of the small pox. Spent the day in bidding goodbye to my friends. They cannot feel willing that I should go. But my mother gave her consent, the she wished I did not feel it my duty to go. Monday, April 29, 1861. Bid good-bye to Moth er & sisters & return to Kalamazoo. Drilled in the afternoon. At six in the evening all the students & teachers met in chapel & all those who intended to go to the war spoke. Had a very affecting time. All adjourned to meet at the cars tomorrow morning. Tuesday, April 30, 1861. Met in the park preparatory to going to the cars. Students & citizens met us at the cars at 10 ¼ A.M. Speeches were made and prayer by Rev. E. Taylor. Took cars at 11 A.M. Reached Detroit at 6 P.M. Marched two miles to old fairground; took supper, then each one of us drew a blanket of Qr. Master & took a- new barn for sleeping quarters. It was so pact that there was hardly room to lie down. First experience in soldier life. Wednesday, May 1, 1861. Rise at 4 ½ A.M. March to fair ground, drill till breakfast, then drill part of forenoon, then get two prs. socks, 1 shirt, 1 pair drawers, and were dismissed till noon; meanwhile I went over to Canada & looked about Windsor a while, then returned to dinner, after looking about the wharf and going all through the steamer North Star Drilled in afternoon: Bunked at 9 P.M. in Floral Hall. Rose twice during the night to warm. Thursday, May 2, 1861. Spent the day in drilling. Muskets were distributed to day at 3 P.M. They are old U.S. muskets. Friday, May 3, 1861. Spent the forenoon in drilling. In afternoon Eames & I slipped out and went to Fort Wayne Saw acquaintances there. Came back on the [ ? ] and got here at the evening roll-call. Saturday, May 4, 1861. Spent the day in drilling. Sunday, May 5, 1861. In the forenoon went to meeting at the 1st Baptist Church, Howard St. In the afternoon there was preaching to the soldiers in the camp by Rev. Mr. Eldridge. Dress parade at 4 P.M. Monday, May 6, 1861. Drilled in the forenoon. In the afternoon were examine by the phy- sician, and sworn into the state service for three months. Tuesday, May 7, 1861. Called on guard at 8 ½ A.M. In the night the countersign was “Garland.” Received today two shawls and sent me from Kalamazoo. Wednesday, May 8, 1861. Released from guard at 10 A.M. Excused from drill until Battallion drill at 2 ¼ P.M. The cakes sent us from Kalamazoo, by Mrs. Eaton, were divided in the evening While I was on post in morning, Dr. Stone came by, having just returned from Europe. He hardly knew me, but when re- cognized me he said, “I hardly expected to find you here but I hope it is for a good cause.” Thursday, May 9, 1861. Spent the day in drilling. The question came up whether we ere willing or not to enlist for three years or during the war. An expression was called for. Division in every company, not because they are unwilling to go as long as needed, but they do not like to go for three years whether the war lasts or not. Friday, May 10, 1861. Spent the day in drilling. Saturday, May 11, 1861. Called on guard at 8 ½ P.M. An indignation meeting in regard to our fare, was held in the evening. Adjourned till 1 P.M. on Monday. Sunday, May 12, 1861. Dismissed from guard at 9 A.M. Attended preaching on the camp ground at 2 P.M. Monday, May 13, 1861. Rainy day. No drilling. No passes granted so we slipped out. Went round the city in the forenoon, in the afternoon took boat for the Fort, to see the 1st Regt. start off for Washington. The Illinois started at 7 P.M. with the first four companies. The other six, on the May Queen, went about an hour after, but I could not wait to see them go. Tuesday, May 14, 1861. Given the choice of beling discharged and going home, or enlisting for the war, or three years if the war continues. About forty, officers and privates, decided to go for the war. I was one of the number. We march to the fort. Companies I & (our own) K take quarters on board the Mississippi. Wednesday, May 15, 1861. Apointed clerk of the Orderly Sergt. Hence, shall not have to stand guard at all. Learn that those who enlist for three years or the war shall receive free passes home and & back & a furlough of three days. Thursday, May 16, 1861. Cast lots for the day on which we shall go home. In the evening the Captain spoke to the company in regard to the dissatisfaction & return home of some of the volunteers. Friday, May 17, 1861. Spent the day in drilling. Over twenty new recruits arrive from Kalamazoo & Ann Arbor. Receive the first letter, for the students, from Prof. Olney. Saturday, May 18, 1861. Spent the day in drilling. At five P.M. it was my luck with others to return to Kalamazoo on a visit & on business. Started for Detroit at 6:50 P.M. Reach Kal. at 12:15 A.M. (Before starting from Fort Wayne we received all our uniform except caps.) At the Depot, in Kal. we found some of the students, ladies in gentleman, waiting for us. Sunday, May 19, 1861. Heard preaching from Rev. Elder Harris. Sabbath School in the afternoon. Prayer meeting in the evening until 8 P.M.; then hear Dr. Stone lecture, subject Palestines at the Congr- gational Church. Good Mrs. Potter gave me a nice needle book. Monday, May 20, 1861. Packed my books & clothes. Spent the remains of the day in visiting and bidding good-bye to my friends. The good people at K. seem like Mothers & Sisters Fathers & Brothers. A young lady, Miss Fox, presented me a towel and handkerchief. Mrs. Eaton, for fear we would not get in in time for breakfast, gave us a lunch to take with us. Tears filled many eyes/ the [ ? ] eyes of one whom I shall not forget [ ? ] Tuesday, May 21, 1861. Took the cars at K. for Detroit, at 2 A.M. Reached the Fort about 8 ½ A.M. Capt. C.S. May told me that he should certainly have appointed me corporal had it not been for my age & size; said I deserved it; did not know but he should appoint me yet. Wednesday, May 22, 1861. Spent the day in picking out and en- rolling the one hundred and one who were to stay in the camp nineteen thrown out. I wrote down the names as they were called. Thursday, May 23, 1861. Spent the day in drilling. Four of us had a little season of prayer together. Friday, May 24, 1861. Spent the day in drilling. In the afternoon went to the mustering office to be mustered in After part had passed the Captain came and requested us not to answer to out names any further for reasons to be hereafter disclosed. Saturday, May 25, 1861. Were mustered in by a United States officer, Col. E. Bachus. I called the names of the men as they were examin- ed. Mrs. Stone & Mrs. Eames were present. Sunday, May 26, 1861. In the forenoon went to the Howard St Baptist Church and listened to Elder Matthew in the afternoon preaching at the fort. Monday, May 27, 1861. Spent the day in drilling. Tuesday, May 28, 1861. In the forenoon went to the Baptist Church on the Howard St & listened to Elder Matthews. In the afternoon preaching at the camp. Spent the forenoon in writing for the Orderly; afternoon in drill. Wednesday, May 29, 1861. I spent the forenoon in arranging the men according to height. Afternoon in drill. Thursday, May 30, 1861. Spent the day in drilling. Friday, May 31, 1861. Same as usual. Saturday, June 1, 1861. Ordinary routine. Sunday, June 2, 1861. There was preaching on the boat by the Chaplain May Monday, June 3, 1861. Ordinary routine. Tuesday, June 4, 1861. No drill. Rainy days In the afternoon Orderly Sergt and I went to the Central R.R. Depot to get the “Havelocks” sent to us by the Ladies of Kal. Regt. get official orders to march to Washington Wednesday, June 5, 1861. No drill. Rainy day Learn that we are to take up the line of march for Washington tomorrow at 3 P.M. Thursday, June 6, 1861. A.M. Pack knapsacks. At 3 P.M. strap on our knapsacks; take boat for Detroit, march through the principal streets and take boat for Cleaveland at 7 P.M. First five companies on board the Ocean, with Colonel & Lieut. Colonel. Five left under command of major on the Missouri. As dark- ness closes in upon us we glide away from our native state towards our beleaguered Capital, many, (who knows how many?) of those now so joyous never to return. Native state & friends, good-bye Friday, June 7, 1861. Arrive at Cleaveland at 9 A.M. Get coffee take cars for Harrisburg at 11 A.M. The liberality & enthusiasm of the people along the road especially at Hudson O. surprised & en- couraged us. Arrive at Pitts- burg at 10 P.M. All along the road we were greeted by the ladies with many handkerchiefs, & by the men with cheers. When ever we stopped, old men & women, young men & maiders massed through the cars, grasping our hands, calling us brothers & giving us their blessing. Refreshments of all kinds were brought to us at every stopping [ ? ] & freely given away. Saturday, June 8, 1861. Took cars for Harrisburg at 12 midnight. At this late hour even the streets were crowded cheering us on. Arive at Harrisburg at 2 P.M. Encamped for the night, & pitched tents for the first time, on camp Curtin. About twenty of us took bath in the canal. The Insane Assylum was in sight from our camp. Here we rec’d the needed cartridge boxes & belts, as we had only a partial supply. Sunday, June 9, 1861. Arise at 4 A.M. strike tent and after breakfast start for the Depot. Take cars for Baltimore at 9 ½ A.M. After starting we received ten rounds of cartridges as we learned that the [ ? ] ughes would not let us pass through Baltimore If they resist we will fight our way. Arive at Baltimore at 8 P.M. march 1 ½ miles to the other depot & take cars for Washington The streets of B. were crowded. We marched through by platoon. Some cheers & some kisses Monday, June 10, 1861. Arrived at Washington at 3 A.M. Marched for city hall & laid down the floor of Lincoln Hall & slept till 6 ½ A.M. Visit Capitol, mount the dome 260 feet in hight, and see 18 encamp- ments around Washington. See Washington Monument. Alexandria, Arlington Heights etc. Visit the Old Hall of Representatives in that building, etc. In the P.M. we are re- viewed by President Lincoln & Gen. Scott. Tuesday, June 11, 1861. March four miles to Georgetown Heights N.W. from Washington Very warm. About 300 fall back from heat. Two sun struck. I did not suffer in the least. I did not suffer in the least. Wednesday, June 12, 1861. Lie in the tents on account of heat. At sun down bathe in the Potomac. I swam across, stepped on Vir- ginia soil & swam back again. Thursday, June 13, 1861. March about a mile up the river to the Chain Bridge, and Cos. A & K work on batteries to defend that place. Friday, June 14, 1861. Spent the day in drill. Saturday, June 15, 1861. Spent the day in drill. Target shooting in the forenoon. Sunday, June 16, 1861. Spend the day in working on the fortifi- cations at Chain Bridge. It is the first days work that I ever did on the Sabbath day. But I felt it was a necessity. Monday, June 17, 1861. Drill as usual. Target shooting in the forenoon. Tuesday, June 18, 1861. Get leave of absence to go to Washington and visit the Patent Office. See the coat which Jackson wore at the Battle of New Orleans Washingtons accourements, camp chest etc which he used in revolutionary war. Also a sayor of the traveler Capt. Cook. I contributed a little for Washington’s mon- ument. Wednesday, June 19, 1861. The co. work on the fortifications at the Chain Bridge. I staid in camp. Thursday, June 20, 1861. Usual routine. I borrow Sergt. Porter’s flute & begin to learn to play on this instru ment. Friday, June 21, 1861. Skirmish drill six or seven guns fired during the following night by sentinels. Saturday, June 22, 1861. Skirmish drill. Last night six or seven guns were fired by sentinel’s on post; but the alarms were false. Sunday, June 23, 1861. Bible class in the forenoon at 10 A.M. Prayer meeting at 8 P.M. Dress Parade at 6 P.M. Monday, June 24, 1861. Usual drill. Tuesday, June 25, 1861. Usual drill Wednesday, June 26, 1861. Usual drill Thursday, June 27, 1861. I am making out Co. pay- rolls so as to get pay from United States. service. I have strong symptoms of pleurisy. Friday, June 28, 1861. I am making out pay rolls. I have strong symptoms of pleu- risy still. Saturday, June 29, 1861. Get a pas of Capt. for Mr. Grout & myself to go to Washington. On the way we visit the bronze statues of Washington & Jackson. Then visited the White House. Green room & Presen- tation room. Then the Smithsonian Institute & went through it. Reached camp at 5 P.M. Sunday, June 30, 1861. Quite unwell. Symp toms of pleurisy. Did not attend meeting at all. Resolve not to take medicine if I can avoid it. Monday, July 1, 1861. Much better but I do not drill any to day. Tuesday, July 2, 1861. Very much better. Go black berrying about a mile out of camp. Wednesday, July 3, 1861. Call myself about well. In the afternoon I went out, because the guard did not stop me and went with the Orderly after berries to eat. Thursday, July 4, 1861. Dress Parade at 8 A.M. After that no duty during the day so the boys had a sham battallion drill at 4 P.M. I began a poem. On my 21st Birthday. Friday, July 5, 1861. Drill as usual. Spent considerable time playing wicket ball. Saturday, July 6, 1861. No drill, wince we did not get any bread for supper last night, neither did it get here this morning until about 8 o’clock. Went a berrying. Took din- ner at the house of a woman who was a secessionist, though her husband is a strong union man in the U.S. Navy. Sunday, July 7, 1861. Went to meeting at 10 ½ A.M. Bible class at 3 P.M. Prayer meeting at 8 P.M. Monday, July 8, 1861. Write for the Major, getting names of the men in reg. Tuesday, July 9, 1861. Usual routine. In the afternoon went out by the guard, & picked a few berries to eat. Wednesday, July 10, 1861. Cook for the squad. Thursday, July 11, 1861. Cook for the squad. About 3 P.M. get orders for co’s A & K to march 12 miles up the river to Great Falls. Start about 4 P.M.; get there about 10 P.M. While going a brisk shower of rain came up & rendered the roads mudy & slippery & made it very tiresome marching. Were so tired when we reached the place that we could fall asleep standing up. The Mass. 1st two Co’s of which were here, had hot coffee ready for us. Friday, July 12, 1861. Went Berrying in Maryland. Saturday, July 13, 1861. The Ord’ly with fifteen of us went out scouting; marched 8 miles up the canal, got a good dinner at a private house, got what news we could & re- turned to camp at night. We expected to find rebel soldiers when we started as we had heared there was a party here. But they seemed to be further off the further we went, so, when within about 3 miles of Ed- wards Ferry, we turned back. Sunday, July 14, 1861. Corporal Dix & I came back to camp Scott with the Capt. who was coming down & wished us to come with him. The Co’s rec’d orders to come back after we left & arrives at camp Scott in eve. Monday, July 15, 1861. Lying round camp. Tuesday, July 16, 1861. Pay master com- menced paying off the reg. Pays Co’s A & B, Then we have to take up line of march into Virginia. So our Co. got no pay. March as far as far as Vienna with noth- ing to break the monot- ony save the cheering of the people & waving of flags & handkerchiefs. Camp at Vienna at 10 P.M. under the open sky. Our boys felt joyful at marching & ready to meet the enemy either in open fight or behind their cowardly maked batteries. Wednesday, July 17, 1861. About 7 A.M. take up the line of march for Fairfax Court House Get there about noon. Surround the place but find the enemy fled, just before us. Victuals were found, which they had left, still warm A few prisoners were taken by the first Mich. Reg. moves on five miles & encamps. Here pigs, fowls, & even cattle were butchered by the soldiers, & cooked & eaten before they had time to cool. The [ ? ] Thursday, July 18, 1861. A false alarm in the night. Begin to march early. Along the road find camps of the enemy just deserted. Some of their camp fires still burning. Find Germantown in flames. Two sick soldiers from South Carolina, who had been left by the enemy in their flight, were here. About noon while we were resting & eating our lunch, news came that the enemy had a battery I miles ahead, at a place called Bull Run. Turn back to Jan. 1st Friday, July 19, 1861. March to within one mile of Bull Run & lie in the woods all day while the Engineers are taking observations, & arranging plan of attack. At night our co. takes pos. session of a house near the enemies lines, & all ordered to hold it at all events. Many volleys of musketry from their pick- ets during night. Can hear them giving orders falling trees etc., also the moving of artillery & Wagons. Cars [ ? ] towards Manassa’s Junction seemingly bringing reinforcements can be heard at intervals of fifteen minutes all night Saturday, July 20, 1861. Called back to woods at daybreak Lie in the woods waiting for our leaders to get ready to lead us on to battle. had take a house near the enemies lines & hold it. Much firing of their pickets during the night. Can hear them giving orders, falling trees, etc., also the moving of wagons & artillery. Can [ ? ] Sunday, July 21, 1861. The battle begins again this morn. at 7. Our brigade is kept in reserve, but when we can hear the booming of cannon & volleys of musketry distinctly on the right. The battle lasts until five P.M. though the heat of the battle lasted about nine hours. Then we retreat to Centreville. Our brigade covers the retreat of the army this place. None of our reg. killed, four or five of the skirmishers wound- ed. Darkness comes on so we lie down by our arms. Monday, July 22, 1861. At 12 M. midnight we take arms and begin the disgraceful retreat to Washington. The fault of the retreat was not ours, but that of certain Gen’ls & other commanders. Had they had a little of Bonaparte in their constitution, they could have stopped the retreat. Our brigade was first in the fight on Thursday & last to leave the field on Sunday after noon & [ ? ] Reached Arlington Heights at 2 P.M. in a cold heavy rain. Take quarters for the night in the hay[ ? ] of a barn. Our bridgade covered the re- treat of army. Tuesday, July 23, 1861. March about a quarter of a mile to our new camp, & wait for our tents, but wait in rain; for no tents come to day. Beal & I go to look at Fort Corcoran on the Heigts. How different a compromise looks to a new recruit just from the patriotic North, from what it does to a soldier who has been in a hard battle & been defeated. Sleep under open sky. Wednesday, July 24, 1861. Still wait for tents. Late in the eve they arrive but too late to pitch them. So we spread them out on the ground, lie down on them & pull the edges over us. Thursday, July 25, 1861. Pitch our tents. The remainder of our things (knapsacks overcoats etc.) from Camp Scott arrive to day Total loss of our troops in killed and wounded in the sec. battle at Bull Run 250 Killed, 500 wounded, 1500 to 2000 taken prisoners. We lost 25 pieces of artillery & 5000 to 10000 stand of arms. Friday, July 26, 1861. Went to Washington saw Washington monument. Went to the Capitol. Went into the Senate while in session, also into the House of Represen- tatives. After we came back to camp we rec’d our first pay from the Government Rec’d $23.90. Sent home a draft for $20. payable to my mother. Saturday, July 27, 1861. Lying round camp. Sunday, July 28, 1861. Had no ser- vices to day. Monday, July 29, 1861. Resting in camp. Tuesday, July 30, 1861. Resting in camp. Wednesday, July 31, 1861. Four of us, with four from each Co., are sent to Washing- ton to aid Prof. Lowe in filling & towing a balloon from Washington to Arlington Heights. Get it as far as the Presdts Grounds & anchored it for the night. Wind rises in the night & burst the balloon. Sleep under an apple tree on the Presdts Grounds. Thursday, August 1, 1861. In Washington this rainy morn with nothing to do (since the balloon gave us the slip). So we conclude to go to the National Observatory & the Navy Yard. Which we proceed to do. Saw a man of war, the first vessel of this kind that I ever saw. Get back to camp about sun down. Found that, during our absence, our camp been moved about half a mile to a place called Camp Arlington Had a photograph taken at White house Friday, August 2, 1861. Nothing to do to day except Battallion Drill at 6 P.M. lasting one & one half hours. A soldier of the 2nd Vt. Reg. [ ? ] in Alexandria this 5 P.M. for shooting a woman. Saturday, August 3, 1861. Morning drill from 7 A.M. to 8 ½. Battallion Drill from 6 to 7 ½ P.M. In the afternoon a friend & I went to a neighboring Peach Orchard, & thinking it no harm we helped ourselves to a few peaches. Sunday, August 4, 1861. Inspection of arms at 8 o’clock A.M. meeting at half past ten. Prayer meeting in the eve at where our Lieut. Col. [ ? ] met with us & spoke well. Monday, August 5, 1861. Went to Washington Arsenal with injured musket. Got the Photograph which I had taken last Thursday, & sent it to my mother. Got into camp about sun down. Tuesday, August 6, 1861. Morning & evening Drill. Resting in camp the remain der of the day. Wednesday, August 7, 1861. Morning & evening drill. The Col. since he was misused by the owner took away the picket guard from a neighboring peach orchard, & told the boys to go in. The order was well obeyed. It was the greatest peach pick- ing I ever saw. Thursday, August 8, 1861. Morning & evening drill. Friday, August 9, 1861. Usual drills. I acted as orderly at the Court Martial. Saturday, August 10, 1861. No drill to day. Sunday, August 11, 1861. Instead of Inspect- ion of Arms, the articles of war are read to us in the morning. Preaching at 10 ½ A.M. Did not attend the Bible class at 3 because I was too late. Prayer meeting in the eve. Monday, August 21, 1861. I am sent to town on special business, & while there I, with the aid of Mr. Grout, pick out & purchase a twelve keyed flute at a cost of ($8.50) eight dollars fifty, which Mr. Grout lent me. Tuesday, August 13, 1861. No drill to day. Spent the day in practising on my flute. Wednesday, August 14, 1861. Usual drills. Visited Fort Runyon Sudden change in weather, from warm to cold, so that I took a severe cold last night. A good many of the comp’y did also. Some had to get up in the night and build fires to warm themselves. Thursday, August 15, 1861. Usual drills. Before Battallion Drill our reg. marched to the camp of the N.Y. 12th (Syracuse) & with loaded guns forced them to obey our Col. & go on drill which they had refused to do. The two regts. the drilled together for about an hour. Friday, August 16, 1861. Morning drill. No evening drill on account of rain. Saturday, August 17, 1861. Usual drills, but company drill came off at two P.M. instead of in the morning, on ac- count of rain Sunday, August 18, 1861. No meeting on account of rain until 6 A.M. No preaching or Bible class on account of rain. A temperence lecture at 6 P.M. by Merwin the [ ? ] Temperence Lecturer of Michigan. It was just what the reg. needed. Prayer meeting in the eve. Monday, August 19, 1861. Rainy weather. Not much drill Go ¾ of a mile to a school house for the purpose of writing a description of the battle of Bull Run as it appeared to me Tuesday, August 20, 1861. Rainy. Keep drilling a little. Our camp changed direction by the right flank Wednesday, August 21, 1861. Acting Orderly for the Gen Richard- son’s aid, Capt. Norvell. Thursday, August 22, 1861. Called on guard at 8 ½ A.M. Taken off guard at noon to make out pay- rolls. I need not have gone on guard, since I was Co. Clerk, but I told the Orderly I would prefer to take my turn with the rest of the Co. & go on guard when not writing for the Co. Friday, August 23, 1861. Am sent by Lieut Park to the War Department at Washington for the purpose of getting a copy of the original Muster Roll of the Co. After getting copy I went to the Columbia College Hospital to find out about my friend Morris Wheelock. Get the particulars of his death, to send to his friends. Saturday, August 24, 1861. Our brigade is to be reviewed to day at 10 A.M. by Gen. McClellan. Have been reviewed by the Gn. I have now had a sight at Gen. McClellan. After review I went to making out payrolls for the Co. Sunday, August 25, 1861. Inspection of arms & quarters at 9 A.M. 10 preaching 3 P.M. Bible class. 8 P.M. Prayer meeting. Report in the A.M. that the enemy is within three miles & advancing. The orderly of Co. E shot in the hip while out scouting, by the enemies pickets. He was with the Lieut. Col. & three or four other officers. Monday, August 26, 1861. Making out pay- rolls Tuesday, August 27, 1861. Making payrolls. News comes of a battle just now, 4 3/4 P.M. Seventeen of us are marched off, as we expect to meet the enemy. There are with us about twenty from each of the other companies. They enemy does not meet us. We camped on the ground under the open sky. After standing on guard about three hours I lie down for the night with the rest. We marched about three miles. Wednesday, August 28, 1861. Still remain at Hunter’s Chapel as advance guard. Free plunder here. Hear considerable firing during the day on the outposts. Bailie’s Cross Road is taken by the enemy and retaken by our troops. I went up near the lines ones a young man of Co. G was carelessly shot dead by a com- rade, down in camp. Peaches, cabbage, corn, etc. are free. Thursday, August 29, 1861. Still at Hunter’s Chapel. Reinforcements come to us from the brigade. I have to go back to camp in the P.M. to finish making out payrolls. A battle seems im- minent. Prayer meeting in the evening. Friday, August 30, 1861. Making out pay- rolls. A [ ? ] probable [ ? ] every man in camp [ ? ] hopping & helping get ready the fortification. Saturday, August 31, 1861. I finish the payrolls. At night learn that those of us who are in camp are to relieve those on picket at Bailies Cross Roads & to be ready to start at 6 A.M. Sunday, September 1, 1861. Start for Bailie’s Cross Roads at 6 A.M. I came back to camp again after coffee for the Co. Get back to Cross Roads at Sundown. The official report of Butler’s Victory is read to us, by or of the President. Monday, September 2, 1861. Go on picket post at 7 A.M. A good deal of fishing du- ring the day. I shot at a man for the first time. I heard some bullets whistle rather close. Have to lie on my face all day. Was glad when night came so I could sit up & rest myself. Those on post with me were Stuart & Cooke of my Co. Tuesday, September 3, 1861. With day break firing commences. Get a shot at my own heart, & get the ball. It came rather too close for comfort. We are relieved at 8 A.M. Standing picket is rather hard business, at 24 hours without relief. At 10 A.M. We are called back to camp. Wednesday, September 4, 1861. Go on picket at Bailie’s Cross Roads at 9 A.M. for 24 hours. Little firing during day. Cooke is shot, the first member of Co. K who has been wounded. He was rather careless. After his wound he hu- rahed for the Union. Thursday, September 5, 1861. With day break firing commences. I fire a no. of rounds. Get a shot at my own head, & was rather too close for comfort. Relieved at 8 A.M. Standing picket for 24 hours with out relief is rather hard business. Then at 10 A.M. we are called back to camp. Relieved from picket at 9 A.M. & return to camp. Get my state pay $16.001. Friday, September 6, 1861. On fatique duty chopping in the A.M. digging in the trench at Fort Richard- son, in the P.M. Saturday, September 7, 1861. In the forenoon work in the trench again; In the afternoon I stay in camp and write. Sunday, September 8, 1861. Go on picket again at Cross Roads. Some firing to-day. Monday, September 9, 1861. On picket this morn, I was writing a letter to my old Chum W. when the rebels opened their marked battery on the hill. They fired forar shells but only one burst. Our pickets showed their pluck by firing away while the cannon balls were whistling over our heads. Were not relieved till evening. Tuesday, September 10, 1861. Resting in camp In the morning went with nine of my Co., to Alexan- dria after the body of Cooke who died yesterday morn from the wound rec’d last Wednesday, while on picket at the X Roads. He died bravely. I fear he was, not prepared. He is the first one of the Co. who has from the hands or wounds of the enemy. Wednesday, September 11, 1861. Resting in Camp until 4 P.M. when we go on picket at cross roads. It was a rainy night, the worst night that I was ever out. The rebels fired at us, at random in the night & came pretty close to us. Many times, in that dark night, I traced the hands of my watch by the light of a rotten stump. Weren’t we glad when morn came. Thursday, September 12, 1861. On picket. We were ordered not to fire unless they advanced; but they fired so much at us that towards night we get order to fire at every one of them we should see. No one hurt on our side except Sergeant Wilkinson who got his head skinned a little with a bullet. We were relieved at 6 P.M. & return to camp. Friday, September 13, 1861. [ ? ]. In camp during the day called on picket at the Cross Roads or Munson’s hill (the rebels hold the hill) a 4 1/2 P.M. Saturday, September 14, 1861. On picket. A good deal of shooting. Some close shots. I came nearest to getting shot that I ever did. They are getting sharp. Relieved at 6 P.M. Sunday, September 15, 1861. In camp. Today seemed the most like Sunday of any day since I have been in camp. Heared a sermon by the Col. Mass. 17th. At 2 1/2 P.M. heared Rev. Mr. Newsman of New York. A good discourse. He is a fine speaker. Prayer meeting in the eve. Another from our Co. asked prayers. Monday, September 16, 1861. Cleaning musket, writing letters, etc., during the day. At 4 P.M. called to go on picket again. Am posted at a house, a few rods from the line. Mr. Beal is on post with me. The family gave us our meals as we are here to protest their property. The old man was a soldier in 1812. Tuesday, September 17, 1861. On picket. Relieved at 6 P.M. & return to camp. Secession pickets came to our line to day. The pickets are getting too friendly, & measures are being taken to stop it. Wednesday, September 18, 1861. Resting in camp & writing letters. At 4 P.M. Called to go on picket again. The Officers of the two Armies met & agreed to have no more shooting between pickets. The pickets seem friendly at once, talking & joking with one another. Thursday, September 19, 1861. On picket. Seems very strange to have no firing. Talking between pickets ordered to be stopped. We are relieved at 7 P.M. & return to camp. Friday, September 20, 1861. Resting in camp. In the afternoon I went to the visited the forts on the line from Fort Richardson to Corcoran. Saturday, September 21, 1861. Resting in camp. Spent the P.M. in the camp of the Mich. 2nd. Sunday, September 22, 1861. No preaching to day. Prayer meeting in the evening. Monday, September 23, 1861. Brigade drill at 10. Lasted till 1 P.M. Reviewed by McClellan at 4 P.M. called on picket at 8 P.M. Go on post at 11 P.M. Found the barn in flames. Our boys (Co. H) shot red hot bullets into it Tuesday, September 24, 1861. On picket. The rebels seem anxious to be friendly. We talk back & forth. They want us to come half way. It is against the orders of our Officers, so we would not. But our Capt. (Morse) went over and had an interview with their Officers. Relieved at 7 P.M. & return to camp. Wednesday, September 25, 1861. No drill. Regiment is being paid off. Thursday, September 26, 1861. Received our pay at noon. Preaching by Chaplin after. Interesting prayer meeting in eve. Friday, September 27, 1861. Brigade drill from 10 A.M. till 2 P.M. Saturday, September 28, 1861. Brigade drill as yesterday. Go on picket at Cross roads. Our boys took Munsons hill. I with about half of the Co. staid at the church. Troops advancing all night. Sunday, September 29, 1861. March up onto Munson’s hill, then return to camp. Prayer- meeting in the evening. Monday, September 30, 1861. Battallion drill from 10 A.M. till 12 M. On return to camp the long roll sounded & we were told after stacking arms in line of battle, to take one day’s rations & prepare for fight. Not called out again. Told to be ready, with a day’s rations cooked, to march at any moment. Tuesday, October 1, 1861. Called out in & formed in line of battle, then stack arms, & are ordered to be ready to march at any time with a day’s rations in our haversacks. At dress parade (eve) we are ordered to be there ready till further orders. Wednesday, October 2, 1861. Stack arms in line of battle as usual. About noon we took in our arms on account of rain. Spent the day in cleaning up in camp etc. Dress parade at evening. Thursday, October 3, 1861. Did not stack arms this morning. Skirmish drill from 10 A.M. to 12 M. Rest in afternoon till Dress Parade at 5 1/2 P.M. Prayer meeting in the evening. We attended a good meeting. Friday, October 4, 1861. To day I am writing [ ? ] Battallion Orders! Battallion drills in skirmishing Balloon went over us in the P.M. Saturday, October 5, 1861. Copying Batallion orders to-day again Battallion drills in skirmishing. Lieut. Church started for home to day, his resignation having been accepted. Sunday, October 6, 1861. Called on guard to day at 8 A.M. Was unable to attend any service on this account. Was on the second relief. Monday, October 7, 1861. Released from guard at 8 A.M. Old guard was on police at 3 P.M. No further duty for to day. Tuesday, October 8, 1861. Got a pass from Lieut. Eldred to go to Alexandria. While there I saw the church which Gen. Washington at- tended, also the Hotel where Ellsworth was shot. Returned to camp at 6 P.M. [ ? ] was my companion. Wednesday, October 9, 1861. Skirmish drill with blank cartridge from 10 A.M. till 12 M. carried on between three Co’s. like a real skirmish. Dr writing letters rest of the day. Thursday, October 10, 1861. Called on guard at 8 A.M. On second relief, no 11. Friday, October 11, 1861. Released from guard at 8 A.M. Resting in camp & writing, except a half hour’s police duty at 3 P.M. Ordered to march at 8 to-morrow morning with a day’s ration in haversacks. Saturday, October 12, 1861. Rise at 5 A.M. Get ready to march. March at 9 1/2 A.M. March through Alexandria, and about two miles beyond, to Fort Lyon & encamp Dress parrade at night Ordered to be ready to march in the morn with a day’s rations. Sunday, October 13, 1861. Rise at revellie as usual. Do not march. Inspection of arms at 9 A.M. No meeting. Dress parade at 5 P.M. We formed square & lis- tened a few mutes to our Chaplain from “Examine yourselves whether you be in the faith.” No prayer meeting in the eve. Did not seem much like the Sabbath. I wish I could spend all my time more profitably than I do. Monday, October 14, 1861. Battallion drill at 9 A.M. Lasted till 12 M. Dress parrade at 5 P.M. No other drill to-day Tuesday, October 15, 1861. Called on guard at 8 A.M. On I am on first relief no. 22. Get orders to march to-morrow morn at day break, with a day’s rations. Wednesday, October 16, 1861. Released from guard at 8 A.M. Strap on knapsacks and change camp at 9 A.M. Camp by fort Lyon. Dress Parrade at 5 P.M. Thursday, October 17, 1861 No duty in A.M. On fatigue a fort Lyon in afternoon. No prayer meeting in the eve, because there was no tent and it was a rainy eve Friday, October 18, 1861 Called on picket towards Mount Vernon Parted at Dr. Masson’s house. In afternoon went about a mile beyond the line to Dr. Chase’s house. In the P.M. a recon- noisance by Mich 2nd & 3d half a battery of artillery & a company of Cavalry. While on my post in the night I began a poem called “Soldier’s Dream. Saturday, October 19, 1861. Called on Relieved from picket at 10 A.M. and return to camp; reach camp about noon. Heavy cannonading down the river last night & this morn. Dress Parrade at night Sunday, October 20, 1861. Inspection arms at 9 A.M. No meeting to-day. Dress parrade at 5 P.M. A few of us in the eve went into the grove & had a session of prayer together. Monday, October 21, 1861. We in the Orderlie’s tent spent the day in getting brick for a fire place, & making beds, in our tent. Dress Parrade at 5 P.M. In the eve I read Beecher’s Lectures, the one entitled The Strong Woman.” Tuesday, October 22, 1861. Rainy day. I was on no duty to-day, so the orderly & I finished our bunks in the tent. No dress parrade on account of mud & rain. Wednesday, October 23, 1861. Called on guard at 8 A.M. Taken off guard, for making pay rolls, at 5 P.M. Thursday, October 24, 1861. Making out pay- rolls. Got a letter from home by the mail to-day. Numerous discouraging reports in camp to-day. Friday, October 25, 1861. Formed at 7 1/2 A.M. and marched down the river to within about three miles of Mount Vernon & our Brigade with two others, a battery of artillery and three Co’s of Cavalry were reviewed by Brig. Gen. Heintzelman Then march back to camp. Saturday, October 26, 1861. I spent the day in making out pay-roll. In the P.M. the company was sent out foraging but I could not go on account of making our pay-rolls. They got two-hundred bushels of corn & considerable quantity of hay. Sunday, October 27, 1861. Inspection arms at 9 A.M. 20 from each company in the regiment were taken to Alexandria to church I had the quietest Sabbath that I ever had, since so many were gone away. Had a pleasant time reading & meditating. Monday, October 28, 1861. Making our payrolls I did little else. Encouraging news from Missouri & Western Va. New of the taking of Romney & Springfield. Tuesday, October 29, 1861. I spent the day at work on payrolls. Wednesday, October 30, 1861. Finishing the pay- rolls. The Co. regt. was taken out on Brigade drill in the A.M. Battallion Drill in the P.M. Thursday, October 31, 1861 Passed Inspection and Muster/[ ? ] to getting pay to-day After muster I worked till 12 o’clock at night fixing the pay- rolls because there were mistakes. I could not attend prayer meeting this eve on account of this. Received a letter from Mother. Friday, November 1, 1861. Sergt. [ ? ] & my self visited Mount Vernon. The tomb of Washington I saw for the first time & the sarcophagus containing his remains. I saw the Magnolia planted by Washington’s own hand. The shrub from Napoleons grave; Hydrangea saw Washington’s Orange tree with green oranges upon it, Lemon trees with lemons, myrtle orange true with oranges upon it. Century plant, pomegranate, Sage Palm, Shadrack or the forbidden fruit. See page See January 7th Saturday, November 2, 1861. Stormed (wind & rain) so hard that there was no duty but guard duty. No Co. but ours cooked any meals to-day. A number of tents are in our Co., torn up by the wind. Sunday, November 3, 1861. Rise in the morn & find the storm over. But there was no inspection until 3 P.M. on account of the previous bad weather. No meeting to-day. I (which I never did before & did not like to do) spent the time before inspection in cleaning my gun & accoutrements. Monday, November 4, 1861 Drilled an hour in the A.M. past knapsack drill & past skirmish In P.M. I worked with the fatique party on Fort Lyon I wheeled dirt up on -to the breastworks In the eve I worked cleaning my gun Tuesday, November 5, 1861. Drilled in knapsack & skirmish drill two hours. In afternoon Battallion drill one & a half hours, than had Dress Parrade. I worked cleaning my gun in the share time. In eve news reached us that Fort Sumter is retaken by the Great Expeditions and that Floyd & forces were taken by Rosecrans Wednesday, November 6, 1861. On account of rain & mud there was no company drill in A.M. Brigade drill at 2 1/2 P.M. Dress Parade at 5 P.M. No news to-day Thursday, November 7, 1861. I went with the Wagon of Co. K nine miles down the river after hay. Load fell off on the way back. Seemed like old times. Got a letter from home. Prayer meeting in the eve at the Chaplain’s tent Friday, November 8, 1861. Brigade drill from 9 A.M. till 11 1/2 A.M. At 12 M. I was called with the fatigue party to work on Fort Lyon, worked till near 5 P.M. then dismissed to go on Dress parade. After supper I took my pack & went into my own section having been in the Orderlie’s tent since I have been in the army. Thought I had been company clerk long enough Saturday, November 9, 1861. Called to go on picket towards Mount Vernon, at 7 A.M. Was hosted again at Mason’s house. Had some conversation with Mason’s slaves. They said he from his cruelty had received the name Bloody Mason. Sunday, November 10, 1861. On picket my friend Clark & I were posted with some vulgar fellows of other companies, who by their wicked conversation anoyed us much. Monday, November 11, 1861. Relieved from picket at 10 A.M. & return to camp. Reach camp at 12 M. Find Lieut. Eldred sick & I tried to take care of him. Tuesday, November 12, 1861. Called up at 1 A.M. & given orders to be ready to march at 3 A.M. with a days rations. March as far as Pohick Church & our Co. is taken out to skirmish. Got all ready to deploy and the orders were counter manded. Two Brigades Zemerson’s & Richardson’s were there, two batteries of artillery & about two hundred cavalry. One “secesh” soldier was taken. We reached camp again about 9 P.M. having traveled about thirty miles Wednesday, November 13, 1861. I obtained a per- mission from the Capt. to be excused from all other duty to take care of Lieut. Eldred in his illness. I sleep at night by his bedside and have a light burning so as to give him medicine & wait on him at any time. Thursday, November 14, 1861. Taking care of the Lieut. I received no letter from home to-day. I did not attend the evening prayer meeting. News of the taking of Beaufort S.C. Friday, November 15, 1861. Attending Lieut. Eldred. Received a letter from home to day with a receipt of things sent by express from home. Spent the eve in read- ing to the Lieut. After 9 in the eve I wrote letters two hours. Saturday, November 16, 1861. The same as yesterday. Lieut. E seems improving Fever has left him. Sunday, November 17, 1861. Taking care of Lieut. He was better in the morn. I went on Inspection at 9 A.M. without much preparation. Our Co. escorted the colors back to quarters for this first time. Lieut grows worse toward eve. Has a slight fever. Dr. thinks it is because he could not take the tonic. Monday, November 18, 1861. Taking care of the Lieut. Lieut is better. Tuesday, November 19, 1861. Lieut improving slowly. Wednesday, November 20, 1861. Was obliged to leave the Lieut. in care of his waiter for the purpose of going on review at Munson’s hill with the regiment. It was the grandest review ever held on this continent. Seventy six regiments of Inft Seven of Cavalry & Seventeen Batteries of Artillery were reviewed by McClellan & were so arranged as to be seen at one view. It was imposing McClellan looked like a Napoleon Bonaparte. In the eve I finished Havelocks life Thursday, November 21, 1861. I partially left the Lieut. in care of his servant & went on Battallion Drill & Dress Parrade, thus enjoying the afternoon. At 10 P.M. I went to see James Harvey a member of the Co. was dying. He died at 12 P.M. Poor fellow! For a little pleasure he threw away body & soul! May the lesson quicken me to a more earnest Christian life a more active discharge of duty. Friday, November 22, 1861. I am taking care of Lieut. E. James Harvey was buried to-day in Alexandria, with military honor. I did not attend the funeral. Saturday, November 23, 1861. To-day I took the mail to Wash- ington, for Post Master Wills who is unwell At night I attended the Lieut as usual We received two months pay to day ( $26.00) Sunday, November 24, 1861. Took the mail to Washington again I got back to camp at two P.M. & took care of Lieut E. as usual. Monday, November 25, 1861. Again I camed the mail to Wash- ington, & while there purchased a number of articles which needed. I also tried speculation for the first time. I bought six caps at a reduction of 25cts a piece. I took one of them, three more I sold at night making 25 cts a piece. Tuesday, November 26, 1861. Taking care of Lieut. E. Wednesday, November 27, 1861. Taking care of Lieut. E. He is gaining slowly. Thursday, November 28, 1861. Taking care of Lieut. E. I did not attend prayer meeting this evening. To-day Sergt. Manson got his discharge papers. I coppied them for him. Friday, November 29, 1861. Taking care of Lieut. To-day I went to Washington (on Hospital Steward’s pass) to get him a chicken, and some books to read. Saturday, November 30, 1861. Taking care of Lieut. E. Wrote a letter for him. Sunday, December 1, 1861. Taking care of Lieut. No meeting to day. Did not atten prayer meet- ing in eve. Monday, December 2, 1861. Attending Lieut. E. Tuesday, December 3, 1861. Attending Lieut. E. Went to Washington to procure some necessaries for him Did not start till noon & did not get back till about 6 P.M. When the countersign had been given on 2. I came near being detained by the guards but finally was allowed to pass. Wednesday, December 4, 1861. Attending Lieut. E. He walked out for the first time in four weeks. He rec’d to-day commission as 1st Lieut. & Mahan rec’d com. as Second Lieut. assigned to our Co. Today I cooked a goose; my first attempt at goose cooking. Today rec’d a letter from Hill. Thursday, December 5, 1861. Attending Lieut. E. No prayer meeting this eve. Friday, December 6, 1861. Attending Lieut. E. Received a letter from home. Having a very sore throat I procure some medicine for it, the first medi- cine of any kind that I have ever used since I en- listed. Saturday, December 7, 1861. Attending Lieut. E. My throat a little better. Sunday, December 8, 1861. Attending Lieut. E. My throat a good deal better, but have a dry cough. Get a little medicine for it. No meeting to-day Funeral of of one of Co. I who died yesterday held at Alexandria. I did not spend the day as prof- itably as I could wish. Monday, December 9, 1861. Attending Lieut. E. Tuesday, December 10, 1861. Attending Lieut. E. My cold so affected me this morn. that I had considerable fever. I was obliged ride when we move. We moved from camp Arlington about three & a half miles to the line of pickets & camped in a large wood. Wednesday, December 11, 1861. We were aroused at 4 1/2 o’clock this morn, & the Brigade put under arms, on account of an alarm. But it proved to a false alarm. To-day the Brigade moved back (on the same road on which they came) about a mile & a half. As all the things could not be moved to-day. I with a few others of the reg staid to guard property. My cold better. Thursday, December 12, 1861. Still in the woods guarding property. Passed a comfortable night in a board shanty built by my com- rade & I. W built a large fire in front of it & so kept warm. The things could not all be moved so my comrade & I prepare to pass an- other night here. All the rest of the reg. moved away. Friday, December 13, 1861. In the woods. Took breakfast at a private house. Succeeded in getting all things back to camp to-day. Lieut. is now so well that I reported for duty to-day. Saturday, December 14, 1861. Our present camp called camp Mich. Our squad (4th) has commenced a log house to be twenty feet by fourteen inside. The first second & third squad also are building log houses. Sunday, December 15, 1861. Inspection at 9 A.M. after this I was called on guard. No meeting to-day Our Co. did not work on their houses to-day; some of the Cos. did by permission of the Col. Monday, December 16, 1861. Dismissed from guard at 9 A.M. Worked on house. Tuesday, December 17, 1861. Working on house for squad. Wednesday, December 18, 1861. Working on house for squad. I slept in Capt. Ruehle’s tent to take care of him. He is taken a good deal as Lieut E. was Reg. was called to arms in the night but ’twas a false alarm. Thursday, December 19, 1861. Reg. called on Division Review at 11 A.M. but I was detailed by Lieut. to take care of Capt. R. Friday, December 20, 1861. Taking care of Capt. R. Lieut Mahon wished me to take care of him also. So I undertake the care of the Capt. R. & Lieut. M. Saturday, December 21, 1861. Taking care of our Capt & 2nd Lieut. Capt much better. Sunday, December 22, 1861. Attending Capt & Lieut. There was meeting at 1 1/2 P.M. & in the eve but I could not attend either because I had to stay by Lieut M. Capt. very much better. So much so that at night I was obliged to stay with him longer. He thanked me kindly for my attention Monday, December 23, 1861. Taking care of Lieut. M. Tuesday, December 24, 1861. Taking care of Lieut. M. Wednesday, December 25, 1861. Taking care of Lieut. M. Had a Christmas dinner, cooked by a woman, at the Officers Club of Eldred & Co. It was very good; I should have thought so even at home. A strange Christ- mas this! Thursday, December 26, 1861. Taking care of Lieut M. I could not attend the prayer meeting this eve on this account. Friday, December 27, 1861. Attending Lieut. M. Eldred is appoint- ed Signal Officer of the reg. Monday, December 30, 1861. Breakfast & pay my bill, fet the articles for Capt. R, bid good-bye to Lieut. E. & start for camp. Arrive at camp about 2 P.M. Lieut. M. told to report myself to Orderly Sergt. for duty. Tuesday, December 31, 1861. Inspection & Mus- ter preparatory to getting pay. A queer order New Year’s day! But I am glad I am a soldier & in such a cause. Let me ever be at my post & in discharge of my duty, ’till truth shall triumph & traitors foiled & brought to justice. Memoranda. Martin Blowers, Hudson, Lenewe Co. MichJ. J. Miller, Mass.
Samuel G. Graves, Norwich, Ct.
W. J. M. Nordward Cidam’s Centre Jeff. Co. N.Y.
Edward Winship Princeton, Beaureau Co. Ill. Memoranda. Names of Students in Mich. 2nd Inft. at end of year. Lieut. Eldred, Sergt. Montague, Sergt. Lane, Corporal Voss, Grout, Burge, Clark, Eames, J. L. Rowe. R. G. Graham No. 109, Nassau St. N.Y. Bellingham’s Stimulating [ ? ] adress Horace L. Hedge- man & Co. [ ? ] 24 William Street New York.