Foreman, James A. – Undated

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

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Regiment: 5th Michigan Infantry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Ambrose E. Burnside, George B. McClellan, John Pope Aug 24 Alexandria Va Aug 26 Dear Wife I have had no opportunity of writing to you in a long time nor received a letter from you. I do not know when our mail will be established again. you will have learned [ ? ] this that the whole of McClellan to any have left the Peninsula are to form a junction with Pape + Burnside on the shanadoah we had some long weary marching and banging about before we arrived at this place we go on the train in a few minutes for our destination we left Harrisons Landing some ten days ago and have been banging around ever since and I am about used up. + dear how heartily sick I am of this war. I know I can never stand it another year away from you and Paul and still were it not for you I would desert in a minute for a soldier is nothing but a nigger yesterday when we were comeing up the Potomac as we passed Ft. Washington the band played hall Collumbia and about a dozen ladies were there and waved us onward with there handkerchief it might have enspirited some but for my part I could not help but cry, for we had been so long away from everything that we [ ? ] realization that the sight of pleasant homes and the smiling faces of women affected me [ ? ] how verry verry lonesome and home sick I am this morning it does seem that if I could see you and Paul it would be all the happiness I could ask but alas when will that be kiss him for me. there the cars are ready and we must get on and away. good bye Jim