Shafer, Marion A. – Undated

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

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Regiment: 7th Michigan Cavalry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Mrs. P. made us some conn dodgers for supper = I drawed yesterday for 11 days. every thing we want – and had over 40 dollars fund besides, I use that to buy eggs – lemons, matches, meal – pins – brooms. +c for the use of the hospital and sick, pay 30 cts a dozzen for eggs I bought me a [  ?  ] hat. a good one for 25 cts. – just to keep my head cool – a good idea. I am in my dispensary. with all the medicines that Wood and Bach – speak about, writing upon my camp made desk – with my pole bed stead on my left – I wish you could look upon me to night and just see what a fine belly I am a getting up – I will get as fat as H—— was – guess I am good for 3 years or during the war. if 2 stay or have to stay next winter. I will get a furlough and come home. and then. well it’s a good way ahead – ,ay be they will have me in Richmond – or some where else – I expect – the Rebs will make a rade and take us prisoners yet, but I sleep just as sound as if I was at home to bed – in a drizzly rain – and I always could sleep then, I don’t keep track of all the letters I rec. and I don’t know as I am any body better or not all I know is when I don’t get one I write one so as to get one. letters are great comforters in the army. It is the best kind of tonnick. I know of I pity the soldiers that has no dear friends to write him, The trees are green. and evry thing is looking finely. I attended a nigger wedding last Wednesday Rev. Mr Greely married them, a young couple as black as an ink stand but I didnt kiss the bride Wah Calico Whoof the Cuffy belonged to some Colored Regt. What about the conscription. have they taken down the names yet? [          ?          ] to night – wonder if thats mil- itary – John Hall – and John Tyler are in the hospital of the 6th across the carriage road I havent had time to go in and see them to day. John Hall will have a crooked leg I am afraid he has to keep his [  ?  ] yet. I havent seen Mast Davis yet, the rest of the boys. I dont know how they get along. Tis getting late I must go around and see if everything is one. the S-G and then lie down to sleep with a good night to all Write often, I sent you, Sallie one dollar, did you git it? Write often and when you [     ?     ] I am [  ?  ] by Thurs. got it. Ten O’clock at night I don’t think of any more to write tonight Well I guess this all. I told you the [  ?  ] [  ?  ] aplenty, and golly what lots of lice some of the boys carry. I don’t keep them that is       Bud dont