Shafer, Marion A. – November 23, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

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Regiment: 7th Michigan Cavalry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: William T. Sherman Camp near Rearnstown Va Wednesday Nov 23 d/1864 Dear folks at home, We are again back to the front got here on Monday = found when we got here that the cav had all gone after the rebs – we were about six hours to late to go. so we went into camp – it rained all day and all night – neverpassed a worse night in the service – I thought we were better off than those that went out and so I consoled my – self that way – To day my Div = returned. but we havent joined our Brig. yet – but will tomorrow We got a splendid lot of horses and I think that I got one of the best horses in the regiment I haven’t received a letter from you since I left Pleasant Valley We all seem to think that we will go into Winter Quarters around here now soon. I understand that our cav went out as far as Mt. Jackson where they found the rebels in force The weather has been excessively cold now for the last week – some rain a little snow and a good deal of wind – such winds as March in Mich. cant produce evry day – I understand that the soldiers are to have a Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow furnished by our northern friends and brought out by our trains It is now about 8 o’clock P.M and clear and cold – before my tent – a good fire – a very comfortable thing. I don’t see why I don’t get a letter from some of you The mail has come each day but nothing from you – Why dont you write? I wish I could be with you. “Thanksgiving day” I am very anxious to hear how Hatty gets along – Our present position is about four miles from Winchester south of the town. The regiment just came in from picketing against Mosby – and not withstanding it is dark as pitch I hear the sounds of the ax and the crash of falling timber – it is cold and the men must have a big fire – the men have had it pretty hard for the past week – they have been on picket or guard evry night – Soldiering as a whole is rough business Evry Nation as well as our own will hail the day of peace with great joy – will hail it as Harrie Smith used to say “with vigor, with zeal, with zest, by G[  ?  ]” Excuse profanity I expect to hear great news from Joes hunting excursion as well as General Sherman I dont hear nothing about furloughs – perhaps they will be granted by and by – You will remember that I am on my last year – and if the War does continue, I will be home ere many months One year is not a very great while – and the rough times of a soldier, better fits one for the rough duties battles – against an uncharitable world Excuse a letter written in haste and at such a cold place as this. Write soon Good Night Bud