Shafer, Marion A. – October 26, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

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Regiment: 7th Michigan Cavalry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Abraham Lincoln, Henry W. Halleck, Robert E. Lee US Hospital Washington D.C. Monday Oct 26th 63 Dear folks at home – I thought I would write a few lines this morning. The weather has been and is cold yet and what makes it seem more cold, we dont have any fire. The sun made its appearance this morning about sunrise. perhaps twill drive the dark clouds away. We must have some nice weather yet as some of the trees are as green as summer. I have not been out but once since I came here, I went out last Thursday and got my ration money, 5:30 that afternoon I visited the U.S. Capitol. and grounds = To day is that awful draft day with you. How many quakes in their boots. I told you that Dr. Bowen was in Pittsburg – and in his place is a Surgeon of the regular Army. he has not said anything about sending me to my regt. yet, But I am ready any time. I saw Dr. Bliss’s neice, yesterday, she told me that twas the intention that our brigade – shold winter in Washington, and send the new regts of cavalry front I have not heart direct from the 7th dont know exactly where they are. I saw Lt. Holmes of the 7” he told me that he and his Captain was captured at Alledie and made their escape coming into Washinton dirty hungry, They went to Gen’l Halleck and got 10 days leave of absence. He did not know where the 7” ware. All New York Ohio and Indiana men now in hospital are to be transferred to their respective States. Lee is on the other side of the Rappahannock, Meade occupies his old position. There is not much prospect of any more hard fighting this fall. That is in the army of the Potomac. I was in hopes that we could wax them up this fall. According to all accounts they will have to flee to a warmer climate than Va to keep themselves warm this winter. They – poor devils must be discouraged, when four is $80.00 per lb. and every thing else in proportion. We think we have it tough If we can compare them to hungry woolves they must be good fighters If they were aware of the levity that Old Abe would give them I think they would cease fighting But you see, they think that when once they are in our power – that we will destroy – strip them of evry thing – and evry right the posess Provission must be verry scarce – with them, or their money verry poor to bring such enormous prices Mother, I rec. 5.80 cts. for my ration money whilst on furlough I will send that to you – you can do what you like with it. I send you $5.00 in this letter I have enough left to stand me untill another pay day – I think I can get along with less if I have a dime in my pockets I dont look around for something to spend it for, money has never burned a hole in my pockets yet. Still I intend to have what I think is necessary for my comfort if I can get it. One pocket knife is enough for any one man – Giv my respects to all enquiring friends – I shall be glad to hear from them at any and all times – My hands have been to cold to write a legable hand so excuse         Bud B Salley I written the Philles Sophia and Louise – I have not seen Tom yet think I shall go out tomorrow