Fox, Newton P. – June 23, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

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Regiment: 1st Michigan Engineers Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Hd. Qrs. Detach. 1st Mich Engrs Stevenson Ala. June 23d 1864 My Darling Mother We received yours of June 16th to day. You don’t know how bad it makes me feel to think our darling boy has been so sick and I am thankful to an overruling providence that when you wrote he was on the gain. I cant help but think how lonely and bad you must have felt when all alone tending “our baby” when he was so very sick. I hope he will gain rapidly and soon have his usual strength and activaty and be again as he has been a streak of sunshine sent from heaven to cheer the lonely homes you spend while husband and oldest boy are absent on the field of strife. I hope the watching and anxiety on Eddies account will not make you sick you must be very careful of yourself and not over exercise yourself as the hot season approaches. It is very hot down here, as I sit here writing the sweat runs down my face as if I was hard at work in the north. My health has improved very much in two or three days I am entirely over my difficulty and getting tough as can be I think I am going to stand the warm weather remarkably well I wrote a letter to you last Sunday one to Eddie Monday and one to you again Tuesday so my stock is nearly out. Hoping that when this reaches you the angel of health may again brood over our household and that before long we may be a reunited family            I Remain Your Son Mother.Newton Fox [On Envelope:] Mrs. P.V. Fox Box 795 Grand Rapids Mich