Dodd, David O. – Letters of David O. Dodd with Biographical Sketch by Dallas T. Herndon

Michigan Civil War Collection

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Regiment: Battles Mentioned: Perryville, Kentucky; Vicksburg, Mississippi Historical Figures: Albert G. Blanchard, Braxton Bragg, Don C. Buell, Frederick Steele, George B. McClellan, James F. Fagan, John C. Pemberton, Nathaniel P. Banks, Sterling Price, Theophilus H. Holmes, Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson Letters of David O. Dodd with Biographical Sketch By Dallas T. Herndon Letters of David O. Dodd with Biographical Sketch By Dallas T. Herndon David Owen Dodd was hanged at Little Rock, as a Confederate spy, on January 8, 1864. He was convicted on evidence contained in a notebook which he carried at the time of his arrest. Tradition says the Federal general did not believe he could have secured the information, which was written in telegraphic cipher, without aid – perhaps the help of a traitor in the Federal army. It is said, also, that General Steele offered him full pardon if he would tell who gave the information. David refused, so the story goes, in these words: “I can die, but I cannot betray a friend.” There is nothing unusual to tell about the boy’s early life. His parents were born of good pioneer families, as good as any in the State of Arkansas. Andrew Marion Dodd, his father, and Lydia Echols Owen, his mother were married at Collegeville on April 27, 1843. Three years later they moved to Texas, and there David Owen, their only son and second child, was born at Victoria, in Lavaca county, November 10, 1846. In the spring of 1858 the family returned to Arkansas and settled in Benton. Here David was put at school and his sister, Senhora, was sent to a private school in Little Rock. The father was evidently ambitious for his son to have an education, and his mother was careful to instill into his mind the teachings of Christianity. The pious advice of his sister in her letter to David, written in Little Rock, February 25, 1860, was doubtless an echo of the mother’s teachings. He must have been a boy of fairly studious habits, for his sister still has in her possession a small pocket Bible which was awarded him for excellence in penmanship. His morals were good, but, like the average boy, he needed to be warned against the evils of bad company. Just when the family moved to Little Rock, we do not know. It was either in the fall of ’61 or early in ’62. David was now sent to school at St. John’s College. He had gone but s short time when he came home on day, sick, and a few weeks later he secured a position in the telegraph office at Little Rock. In July or August of that summer he went South with his father, who helped him get a position in the telegraph office at Monroe, La. The position was a responsible one for a sixteen-year-old boy. Tele- graph lines in that section had been pressed into government service by the [3] Confederacy, and his letters to his mother from September to January fol- lowing indicate that many important dispatches passed through his hands. Although he was still suffering from the effects of malaria, he remained at his post early and late. He sent home a part of his monthly earnings to help support his mother and sisters, who were still in Little Rock. David remained at Monroe four or five months. At times he had en- tire charge of the office. Being in close tough with all that went on in the armies in Northern Mississippi, he became restless and eager to get nearer the excitement. His father had him resign about January 1, 1863, and he made his way to Granada, in Mississippi, where his father was serving as a sutler to the Third Arkansas Regiment (dismounted rifles). For sever or eight months thereafter David spent most of his time in camp. His father went back and forth to Mobile, brought wholesale lots of tobacco and other merchandise, and left his son to retail the goods to the soldiers. He was both capable and fearless, and the father relied upon him as if he were a man of mature years. With all his self-confidence, his letters and his father’s letters show him to have been a boy of modest and simple manners. On September 10. 1863, Little Rock was taken by the Federals. It was thereupon decided between him and his father the he, David, should go to Little Rock and return to Jackson, Miss., with his mother and two sisters. He arrived in Little Rock early in October. After some hesitation, his mother decided to return with him. They went by train to DeVall’s Bluff. Here they engaged deck passage, all that was allowed them, on a river transport. They went aboard the boat, which was overloaded with Fed- eral soldiers. The soldiers were insulting, we are told; so much so that the mother was afraid to stay on board “with two your girls and a hot-headed Southern boy.” They went ashore immediately and returned to Little Rock. Some weeks later David found employment at Little Rock in a sutler’s store. During the month of November he worked in two stores, both of them owned by sutlers of Federal regiments. In the capacity as clerk he came into personal contact with the soldiers of several Federal regiments. It does not seem at all remarkable that a boy of his intelligence, after having lived almost a year in daily communication with an army, should have had the ability to write out a simple account of the troops stationed in the city. He certainly had ample opportunity during his engagements to the two sut- lets of the Federal army to find out all that is written in the little notebook. About December 1 his father appeared on the scene. His coming to Little Rock was doubtless unexpected. He had made his way across the country from Jackson, Miss., and slipped into the city at night without being discovered. He still had business in Jackson, and was in Little Rock for the purpose of taking his family back with him. David gave up his position and they went to Camden; drove through the country in a wagon. They reached Camden near the middle of December. In the hurry to get out of Little Rock and within the lines of the Con- federate army, fearing doubtless his own apprehension and arrest, the father left certain matters of personal business unsettled. To look after this busi- ness, David started back to Little Rock a day or two after they arrived in Camden. To ensure his safe passage through the Confederate lines, his father went with him to Confederate headquarters in or near Camden. Here they met General Fagan, and had no difficulty in getting a pass. As a further [4] precaution, his father gave him a birth certificate, which showed him to be under age for military duty. This certificate, several letters and a pass, dated December 22 and signed by W. A. Crawford, lieutenant colonel command- ing Confederate-outpost near Princeton, were all exhibited at the trial. There is a story, with more than one version, that General Fagan told David to gather all the information he could while in Little Rock. General Fagan is reported to have called this story gossip, pure and simple. David’s father was present during the interview with the general, and he is said to have denounced it as absolutely false. There is plenty of circumstantial evidence to bear out the truth of these denials. David made the return trip to Little Rock without accident and en- tered the city by the Hot Springs road, on Christmas Eve. He was riding horseback. He brought with him several letters. At least two of them were from his father, who advised his correspondents to send him any Confed- erate money they might wish to invest in tobacco. He specified January 13 as the day he expected to leave Camden to go east of the Mississippi River. He promised to hold the tobacco, which he proposed to buy, until after the war, and then sell it on commission. David also had a letter from his sister, Senhora, to one of her friends, Miss Minerva Cogburn. The letter he deliv- ered on Christmas morning, so wrote Miss Cogburn in her reply. David had her reply in his possession when he was arrested. He spent the holidays in Little Rock – that is, until the morning of December 29 – as a guest at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Owen. We know from Miss Cogburn’s letter that he went to more than one dance, that he mingled freely in the social life of his friends throughout the week. He met and talked with young girls, some who were in the habit of receiveing at- tention from Federal army officers. It is perfectly clear from the letters which passed that he saw much of Miss Cogburn. She wrote freely to his sister of her pleasure at seeing David again, and also about the social gossip of the town. Apparently she knew about the business which brought him back to Little Rock, but there is not the slightest intimation of any other motive for his return. It was shown at the trial that he delivered a letter from his father to I. D. Fitzgerald and another to E. B. Blanks. On the morning of December 29 he started to Camden. He left the city riding a mule, and traveled the same road by which he had entered. On the previous day he had visited the office of the provost marshal, where he was given a pass. Just outside the city limits he was halted, his pass examined and he was allowed to go on his way. Eight miles from Little Rock he was again ordered by a sentinel to produce his pass. He did so, and again went on his way. Daniel Older- burg, a private of Company “E,” First Missouri Cavalry, testified at the trial that he was the soldier on picket duty either miles from the city. the witness said, in part: “I then told him he did not need a pass any more, and I kept his pass. I tore up the pass on the post when I was relieved.” This happened some time during the morning. After leaving the picket who kept his pass, he continued along the Hot Springs road to the home of his uncle, Washington Dodd, who lived eight- een miles from Little Rock, “on the upper Hot Springs road.” Here he was given a pistol, one which he left, doubtless, as an act of precaution, on his way to the city. In the afternoon he turned back and retraced his steps along the Hot Springs road to a point not more than a mile or two from the [5] place where the picket had taken up his pass in the morning. Here he turned into a cross road, which ran in a southeasterly direction. The cross road intersected another road, which was designated at the trial as “the Benton road.” It was at the point of intersection of the main road and the cross road, about ten miles from Little Rock, that he was arrested. The arrest was made just before dark by Sergeant Miehr of Company “B,” First Mis- souri Cavalry. Less than a week before he had passed along the Benton road going to Little Rock. The soldiers swore they had been doing guard duty at the cross roads for some weeks. David said at the time of his arrest that he was on his way to the house of a Mr. Davis. He explained that he was returning to the Davis place for the purpose of exchanging the mule he was riding for a horse. He was apparently perfectly familiar with the road, and it seems improbable that he could have been ignorant of the presence of the soldiers at this point on the Benton road. He was send first to Lieutenant Stopral, who insisted that since he had no pass, he must have some paper about his person by which he could be identified. The boy then handed the officer his memorandum book, which contained the damaging telegraphic writing. Remarkable as it may seem. the officer was familiar with the Morse code. He read enough of the writing to arouse his suspicion, and then went with the boy to the “office” of Captain George W. Hanna. The captain took from him all his papers, some money and the pistol. He then gave him his supper and had him placed in the “guard house.” The next morning, which was December 30, Hanna turned the prisoner over to Capt. John Baird, who brought him to Little Rock and delivered him into the hands of General Davidson. The trial was begun on the following day. It lasted six days. The prisoner was allowed counsel to defend him. William M. Fishback, who afterwards became governor of Arkansas, was one of his lawyers. Several witnesses were called by the defense. They all swore that they had seen him at different times during the holidays, but that they had no evidence of his being a spy. Robert C. Clowry, who many years later became president of the Western Union Telegraph Company, was chief witness for the prosecution. He said he was captain and assistant quartermaster, and at present acting assistant superintendent of United States Military Telegraph. He swore that the following was true translation of all the telegraphic writing in the book: “Third Ohio battery has four guns – brass. Three regiments in a brigade, brigade commanded by Davidson. Infantry: First brigade has three regiments; Second brigade has three regiments, one on detached serv- ice; one battery, four pieces, Parrott guns; Brigadier General Solomon com- mands a division, two brigades in a division: three regiments in one brigade, two in the other. Two batteries in the division.” The trial ended on the 5th of January, when the court passed sentence of death by hanging. The next day General Steele ordered the provost marshal general to carry out the sentence on January 8, on the grounds in front of St. John’s College. A number of citizens, men and women, begged the general to spare the boy’s life, but he refused to interfere. The execution took place at the center of an enclosed square, the four sides of the square being formed by armed soldiers standing in line, prob- ably four battalions. At least one eyewitness, who was perhaps near enough [6] to hear ordinary conversation, gave this account of what happened after the wagon in which the prisoner sat came to a stop under the gallows: He stood up in the wagon, deliberate and calm. The attendants did their work hur- riedly. The provost marshal, it seems, had forgotten a covering for his eyes. Seeing this, David said, “You will find a handkerchief in my coat.” These were his last words. His part in the tragedy was closed. NOTE:- So far as it goes, this sketch is an impartial statement of facts. Enough has been told, perhaps for the reader to form his own opinion of the justice or the injustice of the case. Monroe, La., Nov. 7, 1862. Dear Sister: I received Ma’s dispatch on the 5th, and I was very glad to hear all were well. I saw Mr. Houston of Pine Bluff here last night. He left there (Pine Bluff) last Monday (today is Friday) and was going to Holly Springs. He left this morning. I wrote a letter to Pa to send by him. But I did not get up in time to give it to him. I don’t get up until 7 o’clock of mornings. Don’t get breakfast till 8. Sometimes don’t get up till half after 7. I went to Delhi (a station forty miles down the railroad) day before yesterday; went all over the town; it did not take me long to do it, for it is quite a small place. The operator there is a very pleasant man. We took a walk, and I saw a young lady, he said the only one in Delhi. She was very good looking. I did not get acquainted with her. I came back on the evening train, and the passenger cars were full of ladies in the seats and men standing between the seats. I stood up thirty miles of the way. Finally some ladies got off and I got a seat. I had to stand up all the way going down. Hollands went down to Vicksburg this morning. He expects to return next week. He talks of sending me to Richmond Roads. That is as far as the cars run. It is eight miles from Vicksburg. Don’t know what he will do, he takes so many notions. We are about to get rousted off the line, anyhow. The old superintendent of it has come to claim it, but don’t think the Government will give it up just yet. I think there is much danger for a while yet. It is beginning to get pretty cold, and we have no wood. I sent an order around to the quartermaster for a load this morning, but it has not come yet. I reckon it will be along after a while. I am sorry I did not get my letter off by Mr. Houston. It is not worth while to write and send a letter by mail to Holly Springs, for the mails are so irregular that the person you write to would not get your letter. I am glad you have sent my trunk, for I began to want winter clothes. This country looks a little like Texas, only there are no prairies. There is plenty of moss on the trees. It looks natural. Steamboats have not commenced running here yet, but river is rising very rapidly. When you write to Emma tell her I think she might condescend to write to me once and a while, there are so many people ocming down this way. She might write often. Have not heard from Pa since Ma’s letter. I look for a letter every day, and have been looking for one for some time, but it seems like when I am anxious to get a letter I never get one. It is most time to get one from you or ma. How is Mr. Gilbrath getting along towards cutting Gibson Bass out? Has he got acquainted with Miss Lizzie yet? How does he progress? There are some very pretty girls over at Trenton, about a mile from this little old place. I am getting tired of it, it is so dusty there is no pleasure to be seen here at all. I enjoyed my trip to Delhi very well. This is a very lonesome place. We only sent one message all day, but I got a novel and spent the [7] evening in reading while Mr. McDonough slept. He wanted me to go down this morning and take charge of his office while he made a visit in the country among his friends. Hollands went to Vicksburg and I could not go down this morning. I expect I will have to go to Richmond Roads when Holland returns. He may take another notion and stay there himself. Line was down all day yesterday, and we could not get a hand car to go down. I sent my messenger boy down on train this morning. He went five miles and found the line broken. He fixed it and walked back. Have not heard Hollands say much about Camden line today. Do not think he will get it, but he has fine prospects of being appointed superintendent of a line to be built from Camden to Arizona. At least he has been recom- mended to Secretary of War. If he gets to build that line it won’t make any difference if we do get thrown off of this one. Mr. Houston said that Snow did not have enough wire to complete the line from Camden to this place. If that be so, we have wire enough here, and Hollands will get to build the line. Don’t say anything about the wire we have here, for Snow would try and have it pressed, if he knew it was here. My hands are so cold can’t hardly write, must go and warm. My messenger boy has pressed some wood from somebody and made a fire. Well, am O. K. again, seated to write after eating a hearty supper. I eat so much beef that I can’t look a cow in the face. We have better beef down here than you do at L. R. We get beef from Texas. It is rumored on the streets that Stonewall Jackson and all his men are taken prisoners. Nobody knows how the rumor got here. I never heard anything of it till some men came up and asked me if it came over the line. I was not surprised, but I was mad, for there is a man here that starts all such things and says the telegraph operator told him. Nobody believes him now. I am not surprised to hear anything on the streets, for this place is worse than Pine Bluff. There is always some new report going through town and nobody knows. ***** Salt is selling at ten dollars per bushel delivered here – sweet potatoes at 75 cents per bushel. Well, now, for something else. Don’t know what to write about that will interest you. Have you heard anything from Frank Henry? I expect he has written to you before this time. If he has, and you intend to answer his letter, just tell him where I am and tell him to write to me. Let me know how Mr. Galbrath is getting along cutting out Gilson. How does Gilson look? Believe I will write to him and see what kind of correspond- ent he will make. You don’t write about the girls. I don’t care anything about hearing yours and Mr. F’s courtship. Write how the girls look and what they all say. Tell Miss L. that I say for her to pinch you two or three times for me and then as many times for herself as she wants to. Sis, wish you and Ma and Lee could come down and see me. It would only take you three or four days to come, if you came by Pine Bluff. Write to Cousin Henry Cloys and ask him if he don’t want to take a pleasure trip down here. Probably he and Cousin Francis would like to come down. We could take a pleasure ride over to Vicksburg on cars. Probably Mr. Lytle would like to come over to see Will and bring him some winter clothes. They lost all their clothing in the fight at Corinth. If he wanted to come you could come down this far with him. There is a railroad all the way from here to Holly Springs. It would not take one long to go there from here. Probably it [8] would improve Ma’s health. If Mr. Lytle or Cousin Henry would come, Ma could come and leave you and Lee there to go to school. They could come with very little expense. I have no doubt but that it would help Ma. You and Lee could board out with some private family. I expect Mr. Lytle would as soon come as not. He would like to see Will and his old friends. It would take about six days to go from here to Holly Springs. Ma could stay there a day or so and then come back here, just as she chose. What do you think about it? The weather is getting cool and travel is much pleas- anter then when I came down. We came 150 miles out of the way, and the weather was very hot. We did not travel fast. I think Ma can come if she can persuade Mr. Lytle to the notion. I think Mr. L. would be more apt to come than Cousin Henry. Cousin is afraid of spending a little money. I expect Cousin Francis would like to come. I know Cousin Louisa would be glad to come to see Will. Probably I could get holiday for a short time to go over with them to H.S. to see the boys. Tell Cousin Lou if she wants to come to see Will now is the time, for Old McClelland is coming to Vicks- burg and make his way to Mobile. That is what the northern papers say, but I hardly think he will succeed. I believe I have told you all the news. I will wait until the train comes in and see if it brings any news. It will be late tonight. It has just left Delhi, and it is 9 o’clock now. Goodnight. Nov. 8. – Good morning, Sister. Very cold this morning. I have the Vicksburg of the 7th and the Memphis Appeal, which I will send you. It is reported that there was a little fight at Fort Hudson and that the Feds whipped us out. Not at Ft. H., but near there. Our men fell back to the fort. I do not know how true it is. Have not heard anything by telegraph yet. Fort Hudson is on the Mississippi below Vicksburg near Baton R. I think. General Blanchard brought the news over tonight. He had been to Vicksburg. He believes the report is true. I did not hear particulars. It is believed that Vicksburg will fall as soon as the river rises, but I think it will stand a long time yet, for we have some very heavy guns there. But when our forces do leave it will be burned. My hands are so cold can’t hardly write. It was nearly 8 o’clock when I got up this morning. You need not tell anyone this, for they would think I am lazy. It is too cold to get up and make a fire. We don’t have breakfast until 8 and I get tired waiting when I get up early. Don’t expect you get up much earlier these cold mornings. Have not been working to Vicksburg this morning. Think he sleeps later than usual (it is 9 o’clock). Mr Hollands is in Vix this morning. I must go and buy a pair of gloves. It is too cold to do without them when I have no fire in my office. Believe I have told you all the news. Give my (73) (but you don’t know what that means, it is telegraphic, means compliments) to Miss Lizzie and all the rest of the pretty girls. I like to have forgotten Miss Molly Griffith. How is she? But no use in saying anything about her for John McHenry is O. K. with her. Give my love to Ma and Lee. Goodbye. Your Brother, David O. Dodd. Benton, Ark., March 2, 1863 Dear Sister: I arrived here yesterday evening just at sundown. I was a little surprised to find General Price and his staff here. When I got here I came into the house. Mr. Miller was sitting by the fire. Cousin Mat was [9] down the street listening to the band. Some one told her that Davis Addi- son had come home. She came running to the house and was badly fooled. After supper we went down to the Park’s to see the general but did not find him. We saw F. and L. Park dressed up in party dresses. I inquired what it meant and learned that there was to be a party at the courthouse and that General Price was to be there. I went back to Mat’s and put on my shoes and another shirt, etc., and went with Sarah to the party. Everybody in B. was there but no General Price did we see there. We had a very nice dance. None of the girls knew me at first, but I soon made myself known to them. Miss Delily looked very pretty, so did Miss Julia M. All of the girls seemed very glad to see me. They asked many questions about both of you. I intend to start to Texas tomorrow. I have made no collections. Jack Brents is dead. Hamp Meake is here and has been discharged. Miller’s company has not gone yet. I believe I have told you all the news. Goodbye. Your Brother, David. Dear Mother: I have made no collection. Kendrix paid his account to Uncle Wash. Mrs. McB. did not understand hers and Herbert left here this morning before I got to see him. I will leave his note with Miller and let him collect it, when Herbert comes back. Could do nothing with Rea’s and Alaway’s note. There are but two of Price’s brigades coming over, one Missouri and one Arkansas. The Arkansas is Cravens’ brigade. It is the one to which Pa belongs. I have told you all the news. Excuse bad writing for my pencil needs sharpening and I have no knife to sharpen it with. Your Son, David O. Monroe, October 23, 1862. Just received some letters to be mailed to Arkansas from the boys of Arkansas. Also one to you from Pa. He wants me to go over there and help him. Don’t know what I had better do. Missed my chill day before yesterday and tomorrow is the day again. Hollands has gone down on the line today to repair it. I expect I had better stay here for the present or till I get right well of the chills. Excuse bad writing. I wrote you by Judge Bott on the 21st. Goodbye. David O. Dodd. P.S. Train Pa was on came in collision with another. He says destruction of life was frightful. Thirty-five men killed instantly without a moment’s warning. About fifty person were wounded. Pa was not hurt. He was in the sleeping car. He says he rendered all the assistance to the wounded that he could. Goodbye. Excuse writing and in a hurry. David. Camps Near Ginada, Miss., Jan. 20, 1863. Dear Sister: Captain Hollwell of the brigade leaves camp in the morning for Dardanelle, Ark. He will go by way of Little Rock, and I thought I would write you another letter. Not much news. We have orders to hold ourselves in readiness to march to Panola, Miss. (about fifty miles up toward Memphis). I would not be surprised if we go to Memphis before we stop. Pa leaves tomorrow morning for Mobile, Ala. He buys all his goods there and at Jackson, Miss. The country is just what Will Lytle said. It is poor and hilly and when it rains it is very muddy. [10] We are camped on a hill close to water and plenty of wood. It is a very good camping ground but a very muddy road to town. I have to go there quite often. Was up there today. The road is almost impassable. The cars have been running up and down the road more than usual. Suppose they are moving troops somewhere. I don’t know where. It is reported here that the Federal gunboats have gone up Arkansas River and taken Little Rock. But I don’t believe a word of it. Pa has changed his mind about going to Mon- roe, La., before he returns. He says he will come back here and let me go over to Monroe and probably I will go to Little Rock. I would like to visit L. R. once more before the first of March. Either Pa or I will be at Monroe in ten or twelve days. You may write to me there. Our negro boy, Ben, is a little fellow, but he is a good deal of help to us here. He can cook. I let him do my share of the cooking. We don’t have very much to cook. We have a little skillet that we bake the bread in. It just holds enough for two persons, when they are hungry. If they are not too hungry it will hold enough for three. Pa says that he gets plenty of everything that is nice when he goes to Mobile. I reckon that is the reason he goes so often. I think going home will do me as much good as going to Mobile. I have not re- ceived a letter from either of you in a month. Well, what is the at Little R.? And what do you think about peace? The adjutant of our battalion (12 Batt. Ark. Sharp Shooters) says he will bet a thousand dollars that peace will be made in six weeks. I don’t know what to think about it myself, but I hope it will be so, and then we can all go home and enjoy life. I believe I have told you all the news. Write to me at Monroe. One of us will be there about February 1. If I go I will go on home but not remain very long. We are well at present. It is most supper time now, and I reckon I will have to help Ben get supper. So I bid you goodbye. Give my love to Ma and accept the same for yourself. Also to my inquiring friends. When you write tell me all the news. It is very cold here now. Your brother, David O. Dodd. Monroe, La., Nov. 23, 1863. Dear Mother: I leave in the morning (Monday) for Abbeville, Miss. I thought I would write to you once more before I leave. There was a gun- boat in sight of Providence today. The Secretary of War has ordered Holmes to send 10,000 men to defend Vicksburg. People about Vicksburg are expecting an attack every day. It is one of the most important points in the Confederacy. If we lose it we are cut off. I will get over to the army in time to be in the first that is expects. Have not heard a word from my trunk, never expect to see it any more nor the things that are in it. Wish you had not sent it by Government wagons. I did not think it was a good plan. There was a steamboat which came down the river going back to Camden. The river is rising very fast. Line is still in charge of Hollands. He wants me to stay here with him, but Pa says he needs me other there. He has telegraphed for me several times. I leave Monroe and a great many friends for Abbeville, Miss. I am as fat as butter. I telegraphed to you today. Hope you are well. Pa is well. I received a letter from him two or three days ago, I will send it to you. Not much excitement here now. I will write to you again soon. Will have more to write about and more time to write it. Good-bye. Your Son,                                              David O. Dodd. P.S. Direct letters to Abbeville, Miss. [11] Monroe, La., Oct. 8,1862. Dear Mother: I have just bought four papers of pins for you; gave $1.25 per paper for them. Gave $5.00 for the four. Do you want any more? If so let me know, and I will send them to you. Send my trunk if you see anybody coming down this way. Telegraph me when you send it and by whom. News of a fight at Corinth received here today. Says Van- Dorn attacked the enemy and drove them from their intrenchments. It is said that the enemy were reinforced on the 4th inst. and our army fell back. Do not give any particulars of the fight. It is said, however, that our losses were heavy. Reckon Smith and Miller are on their way home. Pa says that he saw a man who said they were. They have not arrived here yet. This place is between 75 and 100 miles from Vicksburg. We hear from there every day. The telegraph line goes to De Soto, which is just on this side of the river from Vicksburg. Pa went on Monday’s train for Vicksburg. He said he would see how much sugar is selling at in Richmond and Mobile, and if he could make anything at taking some there he would return on this evening train. I will not finish this letter till train comes in. I hear that the Feds are on an expedition to go through west Louisiana. Don’t’ know how true it is. I sent in Sister’s letter, which went last night, an order on or against Beahr, the butcher, for fifty-two dollars and some cents. If you need money collect it if you can. Also collect of W. L. Davis for what time he has used the bed. He was to pay two and a half dollars from the 10th day of July to about the 10th or 15th of August. The rest of the time he was to pay $5.00 per month. Did you get any money from Arkadelphia from Osborn or Dr. Hadfield? If any, how much? Let me know, so I can tell whether they sent enough or not. I will finish after the train comes in this evening and see if Pa comes back. Oct. 8, 9 p. m.-Train not arrived yet; they are late tonight. Another dispatch has been received in regard to the fight at Corinth on the 3d. It says our forces under VanDorn and Price were defeated and our losses heavy. No particulars given. Don’t much think Pa will come back on the train tonight. New law has been passed to take all the men out under thirty- five into the field. That will take some of the big bugs out of Little Rock, I think. People seem to think down here that Congress will not extend the conscript law beyond forty years, not to forty-five. I do not know whether the bill has passed or not. I wrote in letter to Sis that I would send you a paper. I looked at it and found that it had no news in it, so I did not send it The people I board with are Catholics and Yankees, too, but that makes no difference. We have plenty to eat, cooked well. Have pure coffee, but have it once a day only. Have chicken every day for dinner, stewed with potatoes. Have biscuit for breakfast with steak as tough as leather; can’t eat much of it. Pa said he would write to you from Vicksburg. Hollands has gone down to get an operator to stay there. Had a dispatch to General Holmes stating that there were arms enough coming to him to arm six thousand men. Oct. 9.-Pa did not come over last night. Just received a letter from Ed Newton, and he says he sent dispatch through to you. Some calico here at $1.50 and $1.25 per yard. Don’t reckon you want any at that price. * * * * Monroe, Oct. 22. Dear Mother: Judge Bott did not get off yesterday, and I concluded I would write you a little more. Our line broke yesterday evening about [12] 4 o’clock. Hollands is going out this morning. I missed my chill yester- day; hope I won’t have any more. I saw Mr. Worsham of Pine Bluff yes- terday. He was going to Holly Springs, and I wrote to Pa about him. Judge Bott will leave today. I have not heard any more from Holly Springs since the letter I sent you from Pa. Hope you are all well. Goodbye. DAVID. Monroe, Oct. 21, 1862. Dear Mother: I have just seen Judge Bott. He has not heard from Pa since he left him at Jackson. He never bought anything hardly; everything very high there. I am looking for Pa over on tomorrow’s train, but have not heard from him since I saw Gus Crawford. I wrote to you last Sunday. It takes a letter a long time to go from here to Little Rock. I suppose you have got the letter I received from Pa before now. No news here. There is no doubt that Bragg routed Buell at Perryville, Ky., on the 8th (our loss from two to three thousand, the enemy between foul; and five thousand). It must have been a dreadful fight. Hope to hear from you soon. I have been taking medicine to keep off my chill today. Judge Bott leaves this morning for Little Rock. Don’t forget to send me some clothes by first opportunity. Bought me some undershirts yesterday and had to pay three dollars and a half for them. I am writing in a great hurry. You must excuse this short letter. I would send you some papers but have not got any here in office and haven’t time to go and get any now. Vicksburg has a report for me and I must take it. Write soon and often. Good-bye. Your son, DAVID O. DODD. P. S.-Am well but don’t expect to continue so long. I write every time I hear from the army. Ryan was shot through the head and his thigh was broken also. I suppose Will is well. Ryan was left on the battlefield instead of the hospital. You had better send Cousin Louisa word about Will, as she would like to hear from him. DAVID. Mother: Since I wrote to you I have received a letter from Pa, which I will send to you by Mr. Bott. Pa wrote on the back of the envelope that he had just seen Will. He said that Mr. Ryan was shot and was taken to the hospital, but suppose he was taken prisoner afterwards. If Pa stays as sutler probably I will go to him. It must have been horrible to see all the wounded in the rain. I expect you will have the first letter written from Corinth of the fight there. Mr. Bott says nothing at Mobile to sell. Pa will be disappointed when he gets there and does not find Judge Bott. I think I will call for $80 per month next month, and if I do not get it I will probably go to where Pa is then, if he accepts the appointment as sutler. Judge Bott said he would call for this letter, but he has not come yet. Bowman House, Jackson, Miss., April 30, 186 ___ . Dear Mother: I arrived here yesterday morning just at daylight. I have been to Mobile and am this far on my way back to the army. Well, I will begin at the beginning and tell you all ‘the news since my last letter, which I sent by Frank Thomlinson. I met Frank at this place on my way down to Mobile. I left Pa here and went on down to Mobile and in a day or two he followed me. About the time we got ready to start back the [13] Yankees were between here and Mobile, so that we were kept there two or three days longer than otherwise we would have remained. The Yankees have made a successful raid through Mississippi. They crossed the Southern railroad, which runs from Vicksburg to Meridian, and burned the depot at Newton, captured and burned two trains of cars, destroyed two engines, burned several bridges, and tore up the track for five miles. They then went across to the Mobile ~ Ohio railroad, which runs from Meridian to Mobile. They came to the road at Enterprise and demanded the surrender of the place. We had only one regiment at Enterprise. Our men asked for an hour and the Feds saw our face, left and came across to the New Orleans, Jackson & Great Northern railroad, which runs from Jackson to New Orleans. They touched the line at Hazlehurst, but I think they didn’t do much damage there. It is supposed that they are trying to get to Banks’ army. This army was busy cannonading at Vicksburg yesterday morning, last night and this morning troops were moving that way. The following dispatch was received yesterday eve: “Grand Gulf, April 29. To Lieut. Gen. Pemberton: After six hours and a half of continued firing the gunboats have retired. They fired about three thousand shot and shell temporarily disabling one gun. Our loss was three killed and twelve or fifteen wounded. Apparently we disabled one of their boats. Damage unknown. Col. Wm. Wade of artillery, one of the best and bravest of command, was killed at his post. The men behaved like veterans, as they are, and are now at work preparing for another attack. One disabled gunboat after endeavoring unsuccessfully to go up the river now lies three miles below on the Louisiana shore. Signed John L. Bourn, Brig. Gen.” Our brigade is at or near Grand Gulf. I suppose they were in the fight. Pa and I left Mobile on the 16th and came to Meridian. Pa stayed at Meridian with his goods, as he could not get them here unless he packed them on his back for miles. On the morning of the 17th I left him and came up here. I had a pretty long walk, but I made it and packed my saddlebags on my shoulder. It was a mighty ruff road and a great many bad wishes were made about the Yankees for destroying it. There was about one hundred of us all toddling along through the mud. I am going to Grand Gulf tomorrow if I can get there. I am fearful that -the Feds will take Vicksburg yet before they quit. Five or six more boats have passed since I wrote you. I think General Pemberton ought to be reduced to ranks for letting the Yankees pass through the state without being attacked. They have made a brilliant raid and they will brag about it for the next six months. There was a man here this morning that was going to Little Rock, but I did not have a letter written and did not feel like writing one at the time he left on this morning train. There is another one here now that is going to Arkansas tomorrow. I will send this by him. Pa was well when I left him. We have not heard a word from you since I left home. I got a letter that you wrote to Pa while I was at home. Of course, it did not have any news in it. I expect we will be at home some time in May. I like Mobile very well. I believe I would like to live ‘ there. I went to the theatre most every night. I stayed there a week. Give my love to Sis, Lee and Cousin Emma. Tell Cousin Emma to let me know when she gets married. I want to be at the wedding. Write [14] soon and by every opportunity. I believe I have told you all the news. Tell Cousin Lou to write me. If Hadfield has not sold all of the tobacco * * * keep it till I come down. Tobacco is getting higher. If you need any money borrow some of Mr. Blanks. Tell the girls to write. It is rather strange that we do not get letters from you. Direct letters to Jackson instead of Vicksburg, for one of us will be passing Jackson very often. Well, I must close. Goodbye. Your son, DAVID O. DODD. Camp Near Grenada, Jan. 16, 1863. Dear Sister: As there is a man who is going to Arkansas from our brigade this evening, I thought I would write to you. It is snowing here now. Last night was a very cold night, and I wished more than once that I was back at Monroe or at home. I reckon Uncle Wash is at home now, rejoicing that he is not in camp. This morning is the coldest that we have had this winter. While Pa was at Mobile I went to Jackson to meet him on Friday. the 9th. We stayed there all day Saturday. Sunday we started to Grenada and got there Sunday eve. Pa bought a negro boy at Mobile. Colonel Earl’s regiment (the Br’ s) has gone up towards Abbeville to a little town (Oxford). They have been mountes. Don’t reckon they enjoy this snow much. Griff Bayne of Pine Bluff is captain of a company in Major Raply’s battalion. All of the cavalry have gone somewhere, I don’t know where. Probably they are going to make another raid. Some say they have gone to Memphis; they have gone that way. I hope they will be successful. This snow will go very hard with them, as they have no tents with them. I am sorry to hear that Hindman was whipped over in Arkansas. I have heard that a part of Holmes’ command is making towards Vicksburg, but we have heard this several times before and I cannot bring myself to believe it. We whipped the Yankees out at Vicksburg, have whipped them on all sides. There are no Yankees between here and Holly Springs. Probably you would like to know how I get along about cooking. I am a first rate cook. I can make very good cornbread, but have not learned to make biscuits yet. I have a very good reason for not learning- have not had any flour. Pa makes the coffee, I bake the bread and fry the meat. Our boy brings water and sometimes he helps me to cook. He is not large enough to do much. We are camped forty-four miles south of Grenada on the Mississippi Central railroad. I reckon you would like to know when we are coming home, but I cannot tell you. Will go, if we ever do, perhaps in February or March. Everything is very high over here. The Feds did not get to Monroe and I reckon my trunk is there. Pa talks about going over there before he comes back here from Mobile. l am not needing anything that is in my trunk, and if you can get it back to Little Rock that would be best. I told Win fry Scott to inquire for it, and if he found it to take it back with him. The Feds have destroyed the railroad from Vicksburg to Delhi (a station forty miles from Monroe). It was reported a few days ago that they had taken Port Hudson but it was false. We fare first rate. Have oysters. pork. beef. bacon. cornbread and coffee. butter. etc. If we had a little flour once in a while it would help [15] the cause. Flour is very high and none to be had. Some was sold at Grenada a week ago for $115 per barrel. We can’t afford it at that price. I know you like to get long letters, but I can’t make this a long one for I have already told you all the news. I have not heard anything from Owen’s company. They are at Port Hudson. I sent word to the boys that I am here and for them to write to me, but they have not written. A gentleman here now just from Arkansas says the road from Vicksburg to Delhi is being repaired. He says it is probably finished by this time. Pa may take a notion to go over to Rackensack and take some goods. No more news. Your brother, DAVID O. DODD.