VanValkenburgh, George W. – July 19, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

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Regiment: 23rd Michigan Infantry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: If I only had a rope around your neck I think I pull this way and give a little kiss. I hope I shall have that priveledge from you wife. Em Van Sunday, July 19, 1863 My dear George What shall I say to you I hardly not I received a letter from you last night dated July the 7 it has been 12 dayes a coming I thought it wase a long time but I wase so glad to here form you and to her that you are well I hope it is just as you say about your health this hase been a day of exsitement here It hase been very warm here today but I presume it is nothing to what it is where you are Oh George I have thought of you so much this [ ? ] warm weather and have wondered how you have stood it as well as you have you wrote me that you had me up your mind not to march when you did not feel well I wase very glad to here you say that if you do you would not stand it but a little while I commensted writting of the exsitement here today. John Warden’s furenel surmen wase preached here today. I do not feel much like writing today I attended the funerel but I felt so bad all through the surmen it most made me sick. I did not no how soon wee would be cald to attend yours in the same place Oh dear I hope it never will be. I had thought so much of seing you here to spend the fourth I felt as though it wase to bad that you could not come I am afrade that you never will come now but I do hope that you will come. I did want you should come and se your baby once more. It seemed to me that if could come and see her you would relize more that you had got a child and a dear one too I hope you will be spared to see her once more I think you would be proud of here as she grows older she reminds me more of Ella, she left in yonder graveyard no Father no Mother nor friend to visit her little grave but she is better off but George when you are gone I am afrade I can’t feel so but I hope and pray that you will be spared to meat us once more in this world if can’t be so I hope wee will be prepared to meat in heaven George you must trust in the Lord for your safety I think after the exsitement is over their that they will grant furlows again I do hope so and hope you will spared to get one and come home it seemed to hard that you could not come I tell you George these are lonely dayes for me living in such a suspence I presume you have your lonely days as well as me but George trust in the Lord and trust that wee may meat again We may hapaily togeather again before wee die. Hope is what keeps the hart whole George Fannie and Jack wase married yesterday. I presume that they are happy know but George their trubles and sorrows have not come yet their is no one without their trouble it will come sooner or later but George I hope yours and mine my best days are not spent yet Barner Dancer and his mother wase her today Fran and Jack came back a little while ago the barroom wase fool of men I tell you Jack had to treat the crowd They all felt pretty nice Ther is a great exsitement about the draft here I presume that you have heard about the mob in N.Y. they have had a great time they have rebelled and kild a great many they resist the draft the law is those that can can pay three hundred dollars and stay at home that is what made the trouble I think it is a mean law I don’t think that a man that has got money is eny better to go than one hase none. It is getting most dark I shal have to close I am very tiered and wee have had a good many here to tea and mother is sick a bed. wee had around the Dr. and his wife is here yet I wish you could see them you would like them I no I have these lines will find you injoying your self Your Mother is very well at present Write often                 Em Van