Stone, William A. – April 17, 1865

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

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Regiment: 24th Michigan Infantry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: April the 17th A.D. ’65 Miss Sophia Smith It is with great pleasur that I send you these few lines hoaping they will find you giting wel as they leave me. I have had the mumps but I am getting well now but your brother Edmond is got them now and I think they are going to work harder on him than they did on me for I never missed any duty and he has bin discharged from duty today and I guess he will be for 3 or 4 days, Sophia. This is not home by consideral. Here we see five and sicks balled off to the grave yard every day. It looks hard to see thy but we are getting so we don’t notis it much. There has bin as hi as 10 and 13 died heer in a day. They talk of moving us but I don’t know where. Some says one place an other and none of them knows. We have fine grub heer. We have coffee strong anought to bear up an iron wedge and sweet anought to sicken a person and we have bread and beef and sometimes we have beens. And sometimes we have rice and sugar and sometimes we have nothing. But that time don’t come very often. Edmond is going to have the mumps worce than I had them. I didn’t know that I had them for serten till I was giting well and then I went to the surgant to see whether it was the mumps or not. And they sayed it was. My face was quite fat and at the same time my finger ring will fall off which was tite when I first put it on at Jackson. So Sophia, I am cannot think of M. any more this time. I sent a letter to Mr. Ward in Ohio yesterday and when he gits it he will think that I am very feverish and changed awfully since I left him. But from home I have never written nor will I to let them know where I am so you have the directions. So I will conclude to bring my writing to a close. With my love to all. If you can not write tell Heatty and your mother to write and all the folks and I will answer them with the greatest of pleasur. So no more at this time from Wm. A. Stone To Matilda S. Smith I have just eaten my supper and Edmond could not eat any. Excuse my scribbling and so Goodby for this time