Clark, Gardner B. – October 8, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

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Regiment: 1st U.S. Volunteers Sharpshooters Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Berlin Vermont Oct 8th 1863. Dear Gardner. My Own Darling Husband. Aunt Mary came down here last Tuesday to see me. and so Roxana and I went to the village with her this morning. we did not any of us know we were going until a few moments before we started so that I had not time to write a letter, so I wrote those few lines at the post office after I received yours. I am very glad you sent that pamphlet, and I would like “The Marriage Guide” and “The Matrons manual of midwifery” if you can get them for me. I am glad that deserter had no worse punishment and hope he will not try it again. How long before you expect Baker back or is he not coming. Nettie Blakely is more romantic than I thought Louise Tracy has been cor- responding for the last year or more with a soldier she never saw. I have seen a number of his letters but have forgotten the name. he has her picture and she has his or one said to be his. I saw Don Brigham today he expects to leave Brattleboro in about four weeks from now. he says Leonard is over to Roxbury now working for Frank Oct 11th. After so long a time I will try and finish my letter. Aunt Caroline is here to day she says she will go to Aunt Marys with Roxana and I. it is raining to day and if it stops in time we shall go over this Tuesday and come back the last of the wekk. I have got a dreadfull sore throat and have had for the last week. I dont know what ails it but think it is something as yours was. I have not done any thing for it that does it any good. How I want to see you tonight my Darling Husband. I do hope this cruel war will close sometime but dont know as it ever will. I can see the end no clearer than one year ago, but “’tis always darkest just before day” and peace may come when we least expect it. I wonder if you are thinking of me to night. and something seems to tell me, yes, and longing to clasp in a warm embrace one who loves you better than life. With kisses and love Good-night G.B.C.             Your Own Wife. Mary B. Clark.