Clark, Gardner B. – November 26, 1862

Michigan Civil War Collection

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Regiment: 1st U.S. Volunteers Sharpshooters Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: George B. McClellan Camp near Falmouth Va. Nov. 26th 1862 My Own Mary. With what pleasure I received your loved epistle of Nov. 16th last eve. none but those who have watched and waited for long weary days and then lain down upon the bosom of Mother Earth for a nights, or rather an hour or twos rest or perhaps the loving hearts at home who have for months been unable to hear from those they hold most dear can tell. McClellan is removed, but you are mistaken in thinking the soldiers wished to be rid of him. He is associated with all our perrils all our hard- ships and privations. as well as with all our victories and I care not who the man is that thus leave his comrades in arms as the circle of his duties are. so will be the regrets at his departure. I have never been an enthusiastic lover of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan nor for the year past have I thought he was the man for the place, but this tribute to his memory he is a true soldier and gentleman all he lack- ed in my estimation was quickness and energy. Had he lived in the old Feudal times when to do a wrong was considered a forfeiture of knight= hood. McClellans name would have been handed down to us without tarnish, but I am glad he is gone and hope a better man is in his place but very few of the army think as I do, the most of them would rather, (I had almost said they had rather loose the cause but that is injustice to the patriots of our country,) then would at least rather [  ?  ] the war than have him super- seded. I believe I have not writ= en you since leaving Warrenton which place we “Evacuated” Mon- day the 17th inst we have been here two days cold and wet. looks as though “Old Winter” had no compassion for a soldier. Well its on a par with “other folks,” Mary I am in a quiet and peaceable mood to night with no warlike feeling circulating through my blood, but if ever I wished to fight to end this God cursed Rebellion it is now. We have here more than seven Army Corps amounting to over two hundred thousand fighting men. in good trim and anxious to [  ?  ] down like the jaws of an alligator on the rebellious Rebels. I advise you to go and have that Fortune Teller show the [  ?  ] of your husband that is to be. I’ll write you again as soon as I can. But whether I write you twice a week or once in two weeks. [  ?  ] always upon the live a kiss                           of Your Gardner