Burns, Robert – April 25, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

Click here for this soldier’s biography: https://micivilwar.com/authors/burns-robert/
Regiment: 4th Michigan Cavalry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Robert H. Minty, Theophilus T. Garrard, William S. Rosecrans, William T. Sherman Head-Quarters 1st Brig., 2d Cavalry Division, Near Columbia, Tenn April 25 1864 My dear Davidson We have both kept silence for a long time. I he came I did not feel a bit like writing; you, I don’t know why. Since my last to you. I have spent a month in Nash- ville. On the 14th of March I left Hunterville in charge of our train and about 100 men and arrived in Nashville on the 17th Where found Cal Minty, who had again been assigned to the com- and of this Brigade, the 7th Penna Cavalry which had returned from “veteranizing” and about 500 of the 4th Michigan. A few days afterwards the 4th Regular returned from Memphis and the 4th Michigan (remainder) from Chattanooga, so that one whole Brigade was again together. A new deal in the Cavalry organization had taken place and the 5th lower, which also had just re- turned, had been ebuffled out. Our Brigade con- sists only of the 4th U.S. 7th Pa + 4th Mich. in all about 2500 men. We remained in Nashville until the 19th inst. reorganizing and refitting. We have obtained new horses, new saddles, new everything and the celebrated seven shoot- ing Spencer Carbine, the best [ ? ] in the service. The three regiments are armed and fitted out alike, and we never were in as good a con- dition. It is supposed that we shall see some hard service this summer. Our division is commanded by Brig Genl Ganard and consists of 1st Brigade Minty’s. 2d Long’s and 3d Wilder’s. Of the last you have undoubtedly heard. Genl G. is going to try and have all the Division newly armed and equipped. I still remain A.A.A.G. of the Brigade. Did not go on to Genl G’s staff. The new A.A.G. was about a miles from Columbia and 43 miles from Nashville. We expect to remain here at least six weeks, but are liable to be started off any moment. I have just received your paper containing the announcement of Mr. Miller’s death. I am very sorry to hear of it. It must have been to- tally unexpected. It will probably make a change in your plans. What will you now? So into partnership with some one, or new along? Will it make any difference in your matrimonial arrangements! I hope not.                          Have you hear from Willy lately? I suppose be lear been engaged in the battles in Arkansas. We cannot tell here yet, whether we were whipped there or not. It looks rather doubtful. Of course we expect to be vic- tortious in this section, though I am convinced our Army would be more confident, if Genl Rose- craus were here again. Sherman stock is not remarkably high in the Army of the Cumber- land. However we are going to win. Have you heard anything from New York since your last!       Write me soon Your affect brother Robert Burns J. Davidson Burns Esq Kalamazoo [On Envelope:] J. Davidson Burns Esq Kalamazoo Michigan