Bronson, Spencer – November 5, 1865

Michigan Civil War Collection

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Regiment: 7th Wisconsin Infantry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant HOPE Douglas Hospital Nov 5th/65 Dear Sister This is a cold blustering day. A day in which true comfort can be easier found inside the wall of a close room than out of doors within the blast of the kene [ ? ] wind. Notwithstanding the rough state of the weather have attended church this morning situated on New York Avenue & presided over by Dr Gurley of the Presbt Church It is at this church that Pres Lincoln was to be found in attendance each Sabath while living. His pew is still preserved unoccupied where he was to be found so often giving strict attention to the remarks of the speaking as he dealt out spiritual comforts to his congreation The pastor was often to be found as a visiter at the White House while Mr Lincoln was living & at the particular request of Mrs Lincoln he was selected to preach the funeral sermon of her lamented husband. I find that it add not a little to the interest of the day to be able to attend church each Sunday & listen to the word of God as expounded by some of the learned [ ? ] of the city Last week had the pleasure of listning to the elequent & learned preacher Henry Ward Beacher who delivered an excelent sermon at the Rev Dr Sutherlands church on the occasion of the funeral service of the brave Col Dahlgrene who lost his life while attempting to rescue the starving prisoners on Belle Island in the spring of /64. No doubt you will remember the incidents of his death for his bravery & courage has become a household word throughout the intire north. Mr Breacher is a strongly built man of about 35 years of age with a strongly marked features of an interlectual mold. His style of speaking is a good dear like Summers of Mass. vehement without undue excitement & an ernestness which is better apreciated by his hearers than that other style of speaking pitched on a much higher key & with such rapidity spoken that one half of the wright of the words are lost. As to the sermon I sent the paper containing the same to Father the day after delivered & most likely has been perused by you ere this Among those present were Pres Lincoln Sect’s Stanton Wells & Harlen, Mayor Wallack of the City & numerous other men of rank & influence. I think that the chances of getting out of service within the next two months are very favorable Although the “shoulder straps” of the Veteran Reserve are doing their utmost to keep themselves in their cosy job at the expense of the comon soldier believe notwithstanding that the outward preasure of petition will have beneficial effect in time & that Gen Grant will not be deaf to the voice of the private soldier but will use his influence toward giving us an unlimitable furlough Which will not have to be sent to a quack of a Doctor at Madison for the purpose of being extended. Rumors are in circulation to the effect that we are about to be transferred to Harewood Hospital about two miles toward the country. I had hoped that it would not become necessary for us to make annother move until we were ordered on the long march toward home but perhaps there is no truth in the report Have charge of the Guard House still notwithstanding annother 1” Sergt is here with the 14” Co shall endeavor however to have [ ? ] shifted off on him & thus have a little respit from the laboreous duties of the past three months. Company affairs are prospering very favorable. Have thus far got along without any difficulty in administring company affairs Lieut Rand has been promoted having received the Commishion of Capt in V. R. Corps but a few days ago. He stays but a little of his time in the Hospt being most of the time at his “boarding house” only being here a little time in the morning In refferece to the direction writing on my letter to G L Brown I directed to Regon Goodhue County Minn. thus far have received no answer although I answered over one month ago. Have though perhap, that he did not receive it for had the letter gone though should have received an answer at once Was pleased to hear though a good deal surprised to learn that my name had been spoken of in connection with the PO. In fact could not believe but what I had made some mistake in reading until I had read it over the 2” time. Should this prove true it will prove a great help to me after I get home. I am greatly indebted to Edward for the interest that he has & is daily taken in my welfare. Believe from what I hear that he has managed my affairs as well as I could do it myself were I at home Was sorry to hear of the axident that had befalling Betsey Russells husband. Certainly ill luck has followed the fortunes of that family for the past three years Thus much of this letter had been written when orders came from the war Dept for the transfer of the 2 & 22 Co to some point not yet found out by me So it seems that we are obliged to make one more move befor the list is closed & we are ordered home. Think if we had remained our discharge would have been given us by the middle of Dec or the first of January at least It may be so as affairs now stand but am strongly of the opinion that our chances for being discharged were much more favorable two hours ago than they now are since the marching orders were received. But shall still work & hope for the best. But I must close this for I have a good deal of furniture & house hold good to pack up ready for the dragman’s cart Will endeavor to finnish this whenever & wherever it may beS. A. B. suply of stoves fuel &c. We are pressing the matter of discharges as fast as possible & will still keep sending in our petitions unll until the desired result is secured. Tell Edwar to excuse my not writing before this for have been unable to find time hardly to write this also tell him that I am well satisfied with the exchange of property My health for the past week has been much the same as the week before The evening papers inform us that Capt Wirtes is to be hung on Friday next so it seems that justce has prevailed It also containes the news of the success of the [ ? ] in Wis. NY Mass & containes the good news of the return of Jearsy back into the union My respect to all You Brother PsSpencer Excuse mistakes for have no time to rectify them SAB [On Envelope] Nov 5 65 Miss Amanda Bronson Fall River Columbia Co Wisconsin