Bronson, Spencer – April 2, 1865

Michigan Civil War Collection Letters

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Regiment: 7th Wisconsin Infantry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: Christopher C. Auger, William T. Sherman Judiciary Square Hospt April 29 1865 Dear Sister You letter of the 26th came to hand in due tome also you photo which I think is better than the old one although it looks older and in short not as will as the original of the same I see by the papers that Sherman’s army has made a temporal halt at Goldsboro. N.C. to take a resting spell before they proceeds with the spring campaign This will be the first good opportunity that the western army will have to send letters home since they left Hilton Head Judging from this I shall for the first time since the middle of Feb expect a letter from Edward during the coming week. I have watched the papers closely and can find no account of the 17th Army Corps being engaged in a field fight since they left the borders of South Carolina although I presume they have had a good deal of skirmishing news in this morning paper says that the 5th Corps engaged the enemy at Hatchers run on Friday last (31st) and that a great battle is expected on the morrow (1) The 5th Corps being on the advance the loss will be heavy as is always the case with the command that “opens the ball” Whenever that Corps is engaged the “Iron Brigade” will have a hand in the work and their loss will be corispondingly large So it is with a trembling hand that I take up the morning paper for fear that I shall see among the list of casualties some old commrades name from the “7” or some of the boys in the 32nd I would be wishing for a great deal to wish that no more be added to the large list of patriots from Fall River who have falling in defence of the old flag but still it is right to hope for the best Last eve a fire broke out on Pensylvania Avenue and before it could be extinguished done an immence sigh of damage burning down Gen Augurs Hd Qtrs the Perss office and several other public building It is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. Am glad to hear that Col Hobart is having such a fine time at home Should Judy by report that the two parties of whom you speak are getting serious Authors who have written on matrimonial affairs affirm that there is three distinct degrees at which all lovers arrive First that they endure then respects and lastly admire One of the parties reports says has arrived at that stage spoken of in the third degree and the other “respects” and furhur the evidence says that it is but a step from the 2” to the 3” stage so I should expect to read in the sentinel that “”On the even of the inst at the brides residence Col [ ? ] to [ ? ] H H H”” for but few soldiers come back from furloughs single I cannot say whether such a union would be a happy one think however that Barury would rank the the form while leaves to the contrary and that she would be the ruling man of the household Buy enough of this for this time. Was glad to hear that the children were able to go outdoors one more Hope they will cheek there impatients and not go out untill they are perfectly able and not liable to be brough down with the old complaint by taking cold You speaking of marshals advertisemnet remind me that I have not answered his letter Must endeavor to do so if letters are of so much act to him as all that although perhaps mine will not be the right kind if I was in you place I would answer his letter and have some fun with him I cannot immagine what bussness Leieut Dyer can have with me that you speak of What is Sickels coming to Washington for!! Should like to see or hear from others of them Is Herbert Capt now and who are the other officers of the company I have fealt better during the past week than I have for som time before Last Wednesday as I was going out of the Hospt taking a walk I run acrost one of the Co G 7th Wis boy I asked him in to a resturant and he told me a good many things that I had never heard of before He said that he though that Herbert was Capt and Spaulding 1” Leieut He told me also several other thing which is hardly worth repeating to the effect that I would have been jumpt over Spaulding and been made 1” Lieut had I veen in the Co This I told him I did not believe and further that Spaulding had been jumpt to many times for the good of the company he pretended to be posted on what he said neverless said that the boys of the 7” considered it a great sham the way the Stewardship was disposed of I could not make out whether he speaking his mind freely or whether for the sake of flattering If for the latter cause I did not swallow the bird and of there was any truth it matters to but little none only the satisfaction of knowing that I have a few friend amongh the limited number of old soldiers 7” Enclosed you will find a photo of Miss Lucilla Western an actress in the Washington Theatre Perhaps you will not think much of the picture because of the profession of the original it was giving to me however and I will send it home so as to have a variety of characters in my prospective album It can be said of Miss Western that at present that she is one of the greatest actress on the stage and that she fives about one third of her income for the benefit of the soldiers Those that know her says that she a lady in every sense of the word I saw her perform on the stage 1st Thanksgiven while I was stoping at Cliffburn What do you think of the features I send it for what it is worth But I must close Spencer [On Envelope:] Apr 2” 65 Miss Amanda Bronson Fall River Columbia Co Wisconsin