Holbrook, George – September 1, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

Click here for this soldier’s biography: https://micivilwar.com/authors/holbrook-george/
Regiment: 1st Michigan Light Artillery Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: No. 3 The United States                    to Geo. Holbrook  1st Lieut Battery [  ?  ] 1 Mich L Artillery
On what account. Commencement and Expiration. Term of Service Charge Pay per Month Amount Remarks
Pay From… To… Months. Days. Dollars. Cents. Dollars. Cents. I here by certify on honor that I am on Leave of Absence by authority of Special Field Order No. 70 dated near Atlanta GA Aug 31st 64 Headquarters of Army of the Onio By order of [  ?  ] Genl Schofield (signed) J. A. Campbell asst adjt. Genl Geo. Holbrook Lieut Battery 2 1 Mich L Arty I hereby certify that I have seen and noted this payment an the above mentioned Order Elias Casper Addut PayMr USA Tax on $128.66=$644
For Myself June 30th 1864 August 31st 1864 2 53 33 106 66
For 1 private servant not soldier 2 12 24 0
For 1 private servant not soldier 2 2 5 5 0
For Horses
No. of days No. of Rations Total No. of Rations Post or place  where due. Price of Rations. Cents. 74 40
For myself for    year service 62 4 248 Nashville Tenn. 311 18 60
For 1 private servant not soldier 62 1 62 311 228 6 222 66 44 22
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing account is accurate and just; that I have not been absent with or without leave during any part of the time charged for; that I have not received pay, nor drawn rations, forage, or clothing, in kind, or received money in lieu of any part thereof, for any part of the therein charged; that I actually owned, and kept in service, the horses, and employed the private servants for which I charge, for the whole of the time charged, and that I did not, during the terms so charged, or any part hereof, keep of employ a soldier as a waiter or servant; that the annexed is an accurate description of my servant; that for the whole period charged for my staff appointment, I actually and legally held the appointment, and did duty in the department; that I was the actual and only commanding officer at the double-ration post charge for; and that no officer, within my knowledge has a right to claim, or does claim, for said services for any of the period charged; that for the whole time brevet pay is claimed, I had the command stated; that I was actually in the command of a company for the whole time additional pay is charged; that I have not been in the performance of any staff duty for which I claim or have received extra compensation during the time an additional ration is charged for; that I have been in the United States Army as a commissioned officer for the number of years stated in the charge for extra rations; that I am not in arrears with the United States on any account whatsoever, and that the last payment I received was from Paymaster R. P.L Babuly, and to the 31 day of June 1864 I at the same time acknowledge that I have RECEIVED of Maj Elias Casper Paymaster U.S. Army, this 1 day of Sept 1864, the sume of two hundred + twenty two dollars and twenty two cents, being the amount and in full of said account.(SIGNED IN DUPLICATE.)   Geo Holbrook 1st Lieut Battery F 1 Mich L Arty
Description of Servants. Recapitulation.
Names. Complexion. Height. Feet.    |  Inches. Eyes. Hair Pay Subsistence Forage Clothing Amount               $
William Black 5               9 Black Black
Voucher No. 224 Paid the 1 of September 1864 Geo Holbrook 1st Lieut Btty F 1 Mich Lt Arty From the 1 of July 1864 to the 31 of August 1864 Pay…….. Subsistence…….. Forage………… Clothing……….. $222.22 [  ?  ]    128.66 $644