Clark, Gardner B. – September 22, 1862

Michigan Civil War Collection

On the Upper Potomac Sept. 22nd 1862 My Mary. Once more we halt after a great battle long enough for me to commence a few lines to a loved one. We have battled once or twice for a short time since I wrote you but our Pay Calls had not been made out for want of time and I have been engaged on them.

Clark, Gardner B. – August 1, 1862

Michigan Civil War Collection

Harrisons Landing August first 1862 My own dear Mary No one can tell what morrow will bring forth. So I will improve the present. I am thankful that I have a little news to write by it you can see the vigilance of our great Commander. A little past midnight we were some what startled by shell and shot dropping promiscuously from some unseen quarter among us.

Clark, Gardner B. – March 15, 1862

Michigan Civil War Collection

Camp near Yorktown Mar. 15th/62 My Own Mary. Still we are waiting. for what I can only guess. It may be to let those who are to die live a few days longer. for the week past we have done very little. Troops and Artillery have been coming up until now we have 110,000 fighting men and near 800 peices of cannon. A day or two ago six of our men (Co. “C”) were on picket about eight or nine hundred yards from the Rebel guns. “Old California” as we call him. (his name is Truman Head and he says he is over fifty years old we think he is near score more than that. he came from Cal. to join Col. Bakers Reg. but for some reason did not do so and as good luck would have it came into our Co.) has a Sharps Rifles which he bought just before leaving Wash.