Oliver, John M. – May 23, 1865

Michigan Civil War Collection

Head Quarters 13th. A.C. Near Washington D.C. May 23” 1865. Genl. Be pleased to see that all you pioneers are put in platoons, armed with implements and placed at the head of your Division at at review. Have no Brigade pioneers. Turn out all the black servants, cooks etc. you can conveniently clothe neatly, and make plattoons of them to march in rear of Regiments.

Oliver, John M. – March 27, 1865

Michigan Civil War Collection

Hd Qrs 3 Brig 2 Div 15 AC Goldsboro NC 27 March 1865 My Dear Wife I have just received your letters of the 3 November 24 January 20 of February & 2d March also a note of my dearst Willy 24 January. You My own were the first and indeed the only one as yet to tell me anything about confirmations I suppose one will hear officially in a day or so Your letter of March 2d came first & was very welcome fully as much & as the news in the paper. I expected opposition & would not been greatly surprised to have been defeated as there seems to be no way to reach the rascals who malign me so persistantly