White, William – January 7, 1863

Michigan Civil War Collection

Click here for this soldier’s biography: https://micivilwar.com/authors/white-william/
Regiment: 2nd Wisconsin Infantry Battles Mentioned: Historical Figures: I certify, on honor, that William White a Private of 1st Lieut A. J. Saxton Company (F) of the 2nd Regiment of Infantry Volunteers, of the State of Wisconsin, born in Onida, State of New York, aged 20 years; 5 feet 5 ¼ inches high; Light complexion, Grey eyes, Brown hair, and by occupation a farmer, having joined the company on its original organization at Madison Wis, and enrolled in it at the muster into the service of the United States at                                , on the 11th day of June, 1861, (or was mustered in service as a recruit, by , at                   , on the            day of              , 186   , to serve in the Regiment,) for the term of three years: and having served HONESTLY and FAITHFULLY with his company in The US Service to the present date, is now entitled to a DISCHARGE by reason of Surgeons Certificate of Disability The said William White was last paid by Paymaster to include the 31st day of October, 1862, and has pay due him from that time to the present date; he is entitled to pay and subsistence for TRAVELING to place of enrollment and whatever other allowances are authorized to volunteer soldiers, or militia, so discharged. He has received Fifty Seven (57 56/100 dollars, advanced by the United States on account of CLOTHING. There is to be stopped from him, on account of the State of                            , or other authorities for CLOTHING, &c., received on entering service,                      /100 dollars; also, for expenses of SUBSISTENCE for TRAVELING from place of enrollment to the place of rendezvous, amounting to               /100 dollars: and on account of the United States for EXTRA CLOTHING received in kind from C[         ?         ] Camp and for other stoppages, viz: amounting to   one -/100 dollars; and he has been SUBSISTED for TRAVELING to his place of enrollment, up to the , 186 . He is indebted to                                 , SUTLER,                  /100 dollars. He is indebted to                                 , LAUNDRESS,         /100 dollars. Given in Duplicate, at Convalescent Camp VA, this 7th day of January, 1863. Lamen J. [     ?     ] Lieut 6 N.H.Vols Commanding Camp FINAL STATEMENT of Private William White 2nd Reg’t of Wis. Vols Volunteers