Smith, Asa – January 28, 1864-August 11, 1864; May 1865

Michigan Civil War Collection

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Regiment: 6th Michigan Cavalry Battles Mentioned: Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia; Newtown, Virginia; Petersburg, Virginia; Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia; Trevilian Station, Virginia Historical Figures: Ambrose E. Burnside, Franz Sigel, George A. Custer, George B. McClellan, George H. Steuart, Hugh J. Kilpatrick, James Longstreet, Joseph Hooker, Philip H. Sheridan, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, William T. Sherman I Velma E Gunning cherishes this Book. It is over 100 years old. And I [ ? ] [ ? ] my 86th Birthday. I was born on May tenth 1907. My husband’s Father (John W. Gunning) severed in the Civil War also. He was the drumer boy. I have never heard a Negro say “Thank You” to norther who enlisted to free the slaves. Asa Smith Byersvillel Livingston Co. New York Jan. 28th / 64 1. Jan 28 Grand Rapids Mich Enlisted in the service of the US Sixth Michigan Cavalry Co. H. Enlisted by Sergt. J.L. Martin Drew one set of dishes “ 29 In the Mich City baracks “ 30 I in the baracks and city “ 31 I in the baracks Feb 1st In the barack 2 In the baracks 2. Feb 3 Grand Rapids “ 3 in the baracks “ 4 in the baracks signed the pay roll I have this day deposited with W.D. Foster my certificate of enlistment credited to the township of Assyria County of Barry which he promises to preserve & hold for me untill I demand it or otherwise authorize him to deliv= er it to any who may legaly call for it Asa Smith 3. Grand Rapids Feb 5 I in the baracks 6 I Barack and in the citty received $73.00 from the state of Michigan as state bounty 7 in the city 8 mailed a letter mailed a letter to Cleopatra started from Grand Rapid for Washin gton changed cars in Detroit 8am changed 9 cars in Toledo [ ? ] in Cleveland [ ? ] 4. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Feb 10 changed 3PM cars in Pittsburgh Pa. 11 on the road to Baltmore 12 arived in Baltimore ten oclock am took cars for Washington one oclock arrived in Washington past three took the boat for Elaxandra six oclock went from the landing to the baracks 13 In the baracks 14 in the Baracks 15 in the baracks new arms overcoat 5 Virginia 16 on the road from Elaxandra to Stevensburg 17 in the baracks choping logs for tent 18 in camp building a tent 19 in camp building a tent drilling standing guard and etc 20 went to Stevensburg 21 about camp and [ ? ] 22 went to Stevensburg 6 Virginia Feb 23 64 23 went to second corpse inspection wrote a letter Ellen Spicer mailed an alotment calling for sixteen dollars number 6140 to Ellen Spicer wrote a letter for G. Parmer 24 in camp doing duty 25 in camp 26 in camp 27 went to Brandy [ ? ] up 7 Virginia Feb 28/64 27 station for horses 28 in camp on march crossed the Rapidan Asa T. Spicer DrLn $1,00 29 on the march 9. Virginia March 1 on the march burning railroad buildings etc 2 on the march under fire at Richmond 3 on the march 4 on the march 5 on the march 6 camped at Yorktown 6 in camp left for Yorktown cross to Portsmouth camped at portsmouth Asa T Spicer Dr to $5.00 7 took boat for Yorkto- wn 10 Virginia Portsmouth March 7 stoped at Fortress Monroe landed Gloucester Point went in to camp three mile from Gloucester 8 started on a raid to King George Court House 9 camped at Centersville 9 on the march Lieutenant Dalgren reported as being murdered. in camp 11 Virginia March 10 10 on march heavy rain. in camp near New Dragon Bridge. 11 on march to New Dragon Bridge bridge burned. counter marching join main column near Gloucester Court House in camp 4 miles from corthouse 12 on march for Gloucester Point went in camp 12 Virginia March 12 /64 March 12 which we left on the eighth inst. left camp for Glou- cester Point camped on the beach 13 took boat for Elax andra ran out in channel from wharf perhaps 5 miles anchored till morning of 14th Charley Butler Dr. to $100 14 heaved anchor. the Daniel Webster towed us towards Elaxandra Entered the mouth of the Potomac 13 Virginia March 14 /64 March 15 three oclock pm anchored in the river all night 16 landed in Elaxandra went in camp in camp and the soldiers rest 17 in Elaxandra 12 oclock (am) started on the Elaxandra & Midleburg pike marched to Fairfax went in camp 18 started for Bealton Station passed the 14 Virginia March 18 /64 18 Station passed Warenton Station before passing Bealton also Raphan oc. crossed the Raph hanoc. on the pontoon bridge arived at Brandy Station 2 oc. pm. went in Stevensburg camp 4 oc. pm 19 in camp choping a load of wood Regt on inspection recd a box from home George Parmer Dr. $1,00 John Carlyle Dr $1,00 15 Virginia March 20 64 20 wrote a letter home in camp drilling etc wrote a letter uncle Jesse Smith 21 in camp wrote a letter to uncle Jesse Smith George Parmer Dr $602.45 22 orderly at reg head quarters on drill etc 23 wrote a letter Lucy Vanliew. company on picket 24 in camp fixing the tent policing the yard etc 16 Virginia March 25 /64 25 wrote a letter to Lucy Vanliew in camp 26 mailed a letter to Lucy Vanliew in camp 27 on duty orderly head quarters regt 28 ord duty head quarters regt on drill dress parade etc 29 ordered to be in readiness for brigade inspection inspector G. U. S. Grant 17 Virginia March /64 30 in camp on Drilling and etc rumors of the regt moving 31 went to the camp of the first New York Mounted Dragoons from their camp to Seadar Mountain from Cedar Mountain to Summerville ford back to their camp again passed Slaughter Mountain staid overnight with William Savors 18 April 1st / 64 1 rode back to Steven sburg camp. signed the pay roll. it rains this afternoon rec eighty five cts $00.85 from the government in 2 in camp geting wood etc 3 in camp wrote a letter to Chris Smith allso one to Mary Ann Smith. dark and cloudy today 4 in camp policing the street etc 19 Virginia Apr 5 1864 5 wrote a letter to Miss Ananetta Dimonck rec a letter from uncle Jesse Smith allso one from brother Jesse 6 mailed a letter to Miss A. A. Dimonck her adress Redford PO Waine Co Michigan doing duty in camp etc 7 in camp doing police duty repair ing the tent brigade inspection pm 10 Virginia 1864 7 wrote & mailed a letter to Brother Jesse 8 company on picket on brigade drill. warm and pleasant sutler ordered to move 15th Apr. 9 in camp report of a part of our cavalry force crossing the river (Rapidan) heavy rain 10 went to the 5th mich Cav. wrote a letter to Hariet E. Smith 11. Virginia Apr 11th / 64 11 on brigade inspection mailed a letter to Hariet E. Smith 12 in camp wrote a letter to uncle M. D. Lafayett Smith General Lee reported as making a flank movement by the of shanandoah valley 13 inspection of horses in the A.M. mounted Drill in the afternoon warm & pleasant 12 Virginia Apr 14 /64 14 mounted Drill in the forenoon saber drill in the PM drew a Spencer Rifle number 13203 rifle sling cartridge Box wrote a letter for Orlando Hazleton General Longstreet reported as being in Richmond Sutlers leave the regt this morning allso all other citizens and civilians 13 Virginia Apr 15/64 15 mounted Drill in AM brigade Drill in the PM. rec a letter from aunt Lucy 16 in camp in the AM went to Kilpatricks head quarters went out south of our camp met the fifth Michigan adressed by General Kilpatrick Kilpatrick takes his leaf of the the third Division for the army in the west rainy and wet 14 Virginia Apr 17th / 64 17 went to Stevensburg wrote and mailed a letter to Lucy Vanliew on dress parade the third Division second brigade vicaversit is transfered to the first Division first Brigade warm and pleasant . 18 mounted drill in AM ordered to move out tomorrow dress parade and etc warm and pleasant 15 Virginia Apr 19 /64 19 breaking up camp at Stevensburg ten oc on the march for the first Division found a camp ground three oclock PM. Detailed for picket went out to the reserve on third relief 20 on picket post No. 4 all quiet on the lines exchanged some coffee for milk. weather warm and pleasant plentiful snow in sight on the Blue Ridge 16 Virginia Apr 21 /64 21 on picket post No. 4 post doubled at night some signs of an attack a few caval rymen fire on the first Vermont 22 pickets we withdraw our pickets perhaps three miles relieved from picket went in camp at Culpepper rec a letter from Miss Samantha Dinnon General Lee reported as entering the Shanan doah Valley. l am dismounted Lieut Tyler takes my horse 17 Virginia Apr 23 /64 23 in camp the dismounted men formed into line divided into plattoons I am No 16 of the second plattoon 24 in camp excused from duty on account of sickness wrote a letter for Orlando Hazelton wrote a letter to Mrs. W. M. Cox allso mailed a book to her wrote a letter Cleopatra mailed Gen Kilpatrick photogr= aph to her dismounted men to turn their sabers allso horse equipment 18 Virginia Apr 25th /64 25 on dismounted Drill. went to the First NY Mounted Dragoons wrote a letter to B. Carpenter. to miss Laura. her adress Lock. Box 608 Coving ton Ky. regt on march to James Citty return same day Error 26 in camp dismounted Drill weather warm and pleasant prospect of a march rebs reported at James City 19 Virginia Apr 27th /64 27 in camp on dismounted drill. regt on inspection unarmed men are armed with Spencer rifles. General Burnside reported as approach- ing with a heavy force Gen. Seagle also reported as coming up the Shenandoah Valley in force. Culpepper and surrounding country is found fortified with forts breastworks and etc a military depo is being established at Culpepper warm pleasant 20. Virginia Apr 28/64 28 regt on march to james city march to the city and return to camp a few prisoners taken. policing in camp on dismounted Drill. charg made on madison cort house by first brigade 29 in camp regt ordered to muster for pay tomorrow men in the regt who are under arrest are to have their cort martial forth with 21. Virginia Apr 30th /64 30 went to the Brigade commission all to the division commis for provisions Regt musters for pay. Co. [ ? ] dismounted men return to the regt. they have been on detached duty. all dismounted men in the regt move their tents outside of the camp ocu= pied by the mounted men Sunday orders read in regard to the propper treat= ment of government horses. rec a letter from home. prospect of rain John Dr. $1.00 22. Virginia May 1st/1864 1 in camp rec orders or orders we expect which will result in the moving of camp. rec a letter from home. Sunday orders in regard to camp guards and etc. 2 on guard in the AM. dismounted men move camp in PM. pitching tents etc severe rain and wind storm. recd a letter from H.E. Smith allso one from Aaron Port adress 3 Mich Vet Vol. St. Louis, Missouri 23 Virginia May 3d 1864 3 in camp no duty but dress parade pickets drove in they are reinforced and take the line again policing streets etc building a tent for Lieutenant [ ? ] Cox the army in all probab= ility will move tomorrow General Lee reported as having twenty thous and cavalry across the river. went to the Brigade comisaries. 24 Virginia May 4th / 64 4 packing and preparing to march started on the march 9am the whole army of the Potomac on the move camped near Eelies ford on the rapadan 5 Cavy firing in direction of Chanclorville camped over night on the Chanclorsville batle ground engagement near Chancelorsville dismounted men guard the train 25 Virginia May 6th 1864 6 battle kept up through the night since the fifth inst. to day our forces ordered them off the field our loss comparitively small the [ ? ] falled back to Eelies ford dismounting men counter march back [ ? ] ford camp for the night [ ? ] loss reported as being taken 7 the train returns to Chan cllorsville guarding the train went to the front [ ? ] fourth cav 26 Virginia May 7th 1864 7 Fredericksburg reported a being in our possession. Lee retreats Burnside in pursuit 8 left the front in am sent back to the train Gordonsville in our pos= ession Gen Kill reported as driving the enemy at Richmond loss of the army reported as being two thousand killed and wounded [ ? ] on train moves back to the place where it [ ? ] of the [ ? ] 27 Virginia May 8th /1864 8 tremendous fighting at the front the sixth core hold them in check Gen Sigel killed Longstreet taken prisoner 9 our Cavalry force or corps all pass through the reb lines prehap in route for Richmond the wounded carried to [ ? ] [ ? ] 9 corps lost the right Seagel reported as joining on the right wing of our army Rebel comuni cation [ ? ] from Rich mond Sunday reports 28 Virginia May 10 /1864 10 the strugle at the desparate we drive from their fortifications to day we have one hundred heavy guns guns in comanding positions the wounded are brought to the rear by the hundr eds the ground trembles from the report of the canon 11 the canonading is not very heavy some prisoners taken Lee reported as being wounded heavy mus= ketry artillery duel after [ ? ] 29 Virginia May 12th 1864 12 the cannonading is heavy this we have one hundred heavy pieces of artillery in comanding positions the loss is heavy on both sides Lee sends in a flag of truce for time to bury his dead Grant does not accept it tells him the dead will take care of themselves best he will give him four hours of the heaviest fighting he ever had. the dismounted men move in the direction of Fredericsburg it rains all day Gen Stewart and his 30 Virginia May 12th 1864 12 comand taken prisoners we go in camp about four miles from Fredericks= burg 13 start for aquia creek 13 landing with nine thou sand prisoners pass through Fredericsburg which is used as a general hospital cross the river on the pontoon bridge went through to the landing which place we arived at about dark pitch our tents guarding them through the night 31 Virginia May 14th /1864 14 guarding prisoners, more prisoners come in to day heavy fighting at the front to day reinforcements being sent to the front one hundred Rebel officers take prisoners for Washington Sanitary Comission at the landing taking care of the wounded 15 went down to the landing recruits for the six mich come from Washington mounted prisoners are being sent to Washington 32 Virginia May 15th/ 1864 15 more prisoners come in Lee probably suroun= ded fighting at the front captured artill= ery coming in 40 pieces [ ? ] 16 start back for perhaps Fredericsburg camped for the night on one of Burnsides & Hookers old camp grounds prisoners going to the rear fighting at the front the roads full of wounded going to the rear. No of R. Wentworths Spencer Rifle 13365 33 Virginia May 17th 1864 17 started for Frederics= burg crossed the river on pontoon bridge pitch tents back of Fredericsburg. ordered to pack move back on the Fredericsburg hights on the ground fought over by Burnside and Hooker the ground seems to indicate signs of heavy fighting on picket duty 18 on Fredericsburg hights on picket duty some prisoners taken three men found 34 Virginia May 18th 1864 18 with their throats cut the house burned where they were found 19 on the hights yet out on a foraging expedition to day a large quantity of gold and silver were found jewelry found all all kinds of liquor and [ ? ] rec mail to night for the first since we cross the river a letter from Cleopatra 35 Virginia May 20th 1864 20 General Grant reported as driving Lee four miles to day. heavy fighting on the left [ ? ] wagon train attacked and wagons captured but are recaptured again 21 left Fredericsburg Hights this morning follow down the Fredericsburg & Richmond railroad for 16 miles a hard ma= rch. camped for the night as guard for the wagon train. the weather is verry warm. the corn is being had for the first time , 36 Virginia May 22nd 1864 22 moved camp about a mile this morning went in camp again the 1st 5th & 9th corpse wagon train are passing to day the pontoon train is also passing three deserters come in camp late from Richmond they report Lee as recently being reinforced with 12000 from Richmond allso report the cars as running from Richmond to beardan Station Lee in full retreat Grant in full pursuit. 37 Virginia May 23rd 1864 23 Start for Bowling Green arive this 6 oc PM. regt in dismounted brigade sent out on guard. heavy canonading at the front. our wagon train attacked we move from Bowling Green to Millford Station. on the railroad. the weather exceedingly warm the nights cool. the train parking in at the station in camp over night 23 take up the march again this morning cross [ ? ] [ ? ] River stop for a short car up 38 Virginia May 24th 1864 [ ? ] 24 on the bank of the river take the march Longstreet for Poppular Inn where we go in camp again for the night I allso went out forage in the afternoon heavy fighting at the front a brigade of rebels reported as being taken at Fredericsburg nine thousand reported as being taken at the front today Lee is on the retreat heavy losses on both sides 39 Virginia May 25th 1864 25 in camp doing picket duty guarding the train etc several gurilas taken considerable many horses cattle etc taken some dismounted men come in from the regt from writing [ ? ] some letters home my horse again from A Tylor 26 dismounted men from the regt report with the dismounted men of the foot Brigade train on the move the army seems to be making a rear movement heavy fighting at times and yet Gen Lee falls back 40 Virginia May 27th 1864 27 pack our tents this morn ing and take up the march we follow the train cross Mattapony river march all night the morning of the 28th go into camp near [ ? ] a great many of the men line out straglers coming in this morning of 28th 28 went out foraging grain for my horse I allso found some hams etc came back to camp the whole brigade had taken up the march carpenter caried over 41 Virginia May 28th 64 Livingston. Morris Bordon myself follow in the rear go in camp three miles from wystown 29 started on the march early in the morning caught up with the brigade. on guard & start again on the march marching in direction of white house landing come to halt in the afternoon near [ ? ] river the wagon train pssing going camp mich Brig in [ ? ] loss of the 6th 15 killed 20 wounded 42 Virginia May 30th 1864 30 start on the march again guarding train and rear guard of Brigade marching in direction of Hanover station several prisoners reported as being taken camp near the pamunkey river start for the regt mounted cross the river got in camp 3 miles from the river wrote a letter to M D L Smith 25 men detailed to go to the regt [ ? ] mounted brigade 43 Via June 1st 1864 1 on the way to the regt adj Barnhart in command of squadron the sixth and eighteenth army corps going to the front the sixth corpse relieve the first div first brigade cav corpse arive at the regt at sundown go in camp for the night. mail some letters home allso one to M. D. L. smith 2 on the march in the direction of botoms Bridge fall back in the rear of the caried up 44 Virginia June 2nd 1864 brot up 2 Brigade for sadle & horse equipment & div at the front they are reported as being driven back camp for the night near [ ? ] bridge fifteen miles from richmond 3 in camp in the forenoon our batries get a positi on to shell the rebles out of the works built by McClellan which they have been repairing the works are across Colonial bridge we move camp in order to suport the battery 45 Virginia June 4th /64 4 Break camp early in the morning on this mar ch. Custers brigade in the advance heavy fighting on the right some of our wagon trains captured the cavalry force seems to be moving on the right of the enemy. go in camp near the four corners leading to Botom bridge to White house <landing 5 on the march 3 squadron 6 mich up   guard the rear of the caried   train 46 Virginia June 5th 1864 brot up 5 march down the Pam= unkey river go in camp near the second Brigade fair prospects of making a raid in a few days 6 take up the march march in direction of White house landing make up to the pamun= ky river again camp near the pontoon brid= ge which is being thr= own across the river wrote a letter home 47 Virginia June 7th 1864 7 take the march again this morning take a northerly course nearly in the direction of Fredericsburg pass through the village of Elliot marching verry steady a great many horses tire out go in camp 8 start on the march early in the morning march in direction of Fredericsburg pass Polecat Station on the railroad. a large cavalry force of Lees reported as caried being in vicinity of Port up                                   royal 48 Virginia June 8th 1864 brot up leading perhaps to Bowling green go in camp for the night 9 on the march in early in morning marching in direction of Beverdam Station within 4 miles of the station take the road leading to to gordonsville go in camp for the night the enemy in our front 10 on the march Custers Brigade in the advance signs of the enemy being in the vacinity of Gordonsville go in camp near Trevellian carried Station on the gordonsville over 19 Virginia June 10th 1864 brot over 10 and Birchmont R.R. 11 take the march again this morning masing for the railroad custers brigade 5 & 6 mich in advance the enemy firing on our rear the 5 & 6 mich charge down across the railroad the 5 are off by our batry from the 6 and charge alone the enemy charge on our front and rear but are successfully repulsed the 6 mich dismounted caried to fight on foot up 50 Virginia June 11th 64 brot up 11 action wright left front rear custers brigade surrounded the enemy charge on the battery capture one piece custer and a squad of men charge the rebs retake the cannon custer collor bearer killed in the charge the rebs capture our colors Gen custer charges the rebles personaly recaptures his colors with his own hands we capture a whole brigade of the caried rebs lead horses but are over 51 ft over Virginia June 11th 1864 11 unable to hold them a part of our pack train captured the sixth mich charge on the rebles line take a large number of prisoners our loss in the comparatively small fighting kept up all day the second brigade come by in the after noon loss of our regt 130 killed wounded taken prisoners missing etc our men tore up the rail r burn the station etc the brigade dismounted [ ? ] on the skirmish line all night our maior taken pris oners but all of them escape 52 Virginia June 12th 1864 12 first brigade in the front 6th mich in advance they advance on the enemies works which are thrown up across the railroad draw sabers for a charge they return sabers dis= mount to fight on foot action left lead horses to the rear the enemy are behind heavy breastworks and are suported with their artilery which hold the only comanding posi= tion in vacinity all of our cavalry force engag caried ed the enemy are repor= over                                     ted 53 brot over Virginia June 12th 1864 12 as fighting us with cavalry and infantry our batries fail to get a good position allthough do good execution our lead horses are shelled but few are killed both parties engaged hold their ground but few prisoners are taken on either side our loss in in killed but few a large number are wounded some of our wounded are probably left on the field fighting kept up all day till after dark we car up withdraw our forces 54 brot up Virginia June 12th 64 12 and fall back on the road we advanced counter march all night the enemy are reported as being on the retreat 13 on the march all day the weather warm the dust allmost suffoc ating many horses tire out our wounded in all probability suffer to day got in camp for the night a strong picket line thrown out a few of the enemy follow up our rear 55 Virginia June 14th 1864 14 take the march in direction of fredericsburg [ ? ] marching to day Gen. Grant reported as across the chickahomany swamp in force a fire [ ? ] day go in camp for the night 15 on the march take the road in direction of Bowling green goe in camp near the mataponi river weather very warm going in direction of west front 56 Virginia June 16th /64 16 on the march [ ? ] ing all day on [ ? ] [ ? ]. Stoped at the house where Stonewall Jackson died the rebs reported as being in vacinity of whitehouse land go in camp on a branch of the matapony river 17 marching towards pumunky river first brigade in advance 57 Virginia June 18th /64 18 on the march marching in direction of the river marching steady considerable maney horses tire out go in camp for night 19 on march pass bowling green, newtown pass near king & queen ct ho= use. go in camp near fraziers ferry. rear guard of the corpse dismounted men wounded men prisoners and servicable men car goe to the verry [ ? ] up rout to the rear 58 Virginia June 20th 64 brot up 20 march back to walker= town take the road leading to white house landing pass dunker king William cort house lanes ville camp near the landing our force have an engagement at the lan= ding to day the gunbo= ats. take part the enemy fall back. 21 brake camp this morning on the road to the land= ing the whole cavalry corpse cross the river carried a part goe to the front over 59 Virginia June 21st 64 21 the rebs reported as falling back five miles to day our gunboats shell the woods below the landing custers Brig ade halts outside the fortifications and camp for the night wrote a letter home allso wrote one for H. E. Evans the first division in adv= 22 ance heavy canonading in the distance perhaps near Harisons Landing cus custers brigade in advance 6 mich advance caried guard pass over the up road or on the road 60 brot Virginia June 22 /64 up 22 traversed by Killpatrick on his raid last even= ing all so passed over by Sheridan on the late richmond raid goe in camp perhaps twelve miles from melvin hill 23 on the march march= ing in the direction of H= arrisons Landing cross the chickahominy river the negroes in advance quite heavy firing the negroes and dismounted [ ? ] caried drive them back over 61 Virginia June 23 /64 [ ? ] over 23 towards the [ ? ] [ ? ] goe in camp near the chickahomany river 24 in camp all day goe out in the aftern= oon to the landing in which direction heavy firing is he= ard and draw up in line dismounted for a while then mount and goe back in camp where we stay all night 25 on the march again this morning marching caried in direction of I caried up on nex pages I improve all of detail of [ ? ] actions reg has 62 [ ? ] Virginia June 25th 64 harrisons landing 24 on the march this morn ing custers Brigade in the center of the Division signs of the enemy in advance passed Charles citty cort house thence on in direction of the landing the brigade camps for the night the 6 & 5 mich goe out about four miles from camp drawn up in line caried dismounted to fight over 63 brot up Virginia June 24/64 24 fight on foot lay on the skirmish line all night on our arms s. 25 custer brigade in the rear as rear gua= rd. an attack expected in the rear greggs division reported as chosen yesterday to hold the enemy in check our 6, 5 & 7 mich dismount near Charle= s city cort house to fight on foot lay in the breastworks caried untill the rear up 64 brot Virginia June 25/64 up 25 all pass and cross the creek near the cort house dismount to fight on foot agai= n. mount an take the road leading to Wh= ite Oak Landing w= hich place we arriv e at 4 OC pm our train crossing the Jam= es river 26 in camp all day goe down to the river to night wrote a letter home allso one to uncle Jesse rec one from Cleopatra. 65 Virginia June 27th 1864 27 in camp waiting for transportation. the second Division crossing the river Infantry are allso being transported across our wagon train all across the river heavy canonading heard up the river went to the Landing after grain. allso went to the third Brigade. a shower of rain this evening 28 pack up & break camp early this morning march down to the landing goe caried aboard the transport up 66 brot up Virginia June 28/64 28 Gen. Woll ar transported across the river march down the river oposite White Oak Landing goe in camp a requisition has been made and sent in for clothing. I have signed a pair of of pants. a pair of dr= awers allso a pair of shirts. the muster rolls arive to day perhaps will be made out tomorrow a brigade sutler estab= lishment comances busi= ness to day in the Brigade our forces are crossing all day to day first brigade all is across 67 Virginia June 29 /64 29 on detail to Windmill Point Landing unloading supplies forage etc return to camp pack and sadle on the march all night stop at daylight near the Petersburg and Norfolk r.r. 30 my horse bruises my foot this morning ride in the ambulance to day cross the petersburg & norfolk r.r. crossing prince Geo Co. cross the Blackwater Creek 12 miles from petersburg from the creek made on caried to the jerusalem plank up      road 68 brot up Virginia June 30/64 30 counter march back to Blackwater creek stop for the night some men come to the regt from the dismounted brigade the third brigade reported as fighting yesterday they allso report themsel ves as being repulsed Gen wilson missing being captured rode in the ambulance to day 69 Virginia July 1st/64 second div in adva march down to the Jerusalem plank road marched down near the center King George Co camp for the night a few prisoners taken to day rode in the ambulance to day heavy firing at petersburg 2 went to the regt detailed to regt head Quarters on duty the cavalry all march back in direction of carried city point up 70 Brot up Virginia July 2nd/64 2 reach the James ri= ver late in evening camp on the bank of the river near citty point heavy firing heard in direction of Petersburg. rec a letter from Cleopatra 3 went to brigade head Quarters on duty in camp carrying circulars to com and squadron com= anders. some firing heard up the river 71 Virginia July 4th/ 64 on duty carrying dispatches to brig= ade head Quarters all is still and quiet this pm a few shell are thrown into the James river where our gunboats lay Battles reported us reinforcing grant with fifty thousand 5 went to division head Quarters went to the ordi= nance train with dis= patches. tremendious car heavy firing in direction up 72 brot up Virginia July 5/64 5 Petersburg all heavy guns this PM. heavy musketry in hearing perhap at petersburg wrote a letter home 6 on duty went to the Brigade head Quarters with a dispatch the rebles reported as being in maryland their force estimated at from five to thirty five thousand are allso reported as fighting at Harpers Ferry 73 Virginia July 7/64 7 on duty to head Quar carrying dispatches etc a new detail to the head Quarters drew a pair of pants to day mailed a letter home drew a pair of boots yesterday heavy fighting up the river 8 report to my company this morning various reports in regard to the maryland invasion. grant reported as driving the rebs at petersburg inspection probably tomorow 74 Virginia July 9th/1864 9 in camp rec a letter from brother Jessey. all extra and unsenziceable property turned over inspection ordered tomorow morning 9oc 10 inspection of clothing this morning inspection of arms ordered at three oc pm heavy canonading heard in direction of petersburg heavy musketry this Pm the rebs reported as ocupying Harpers ferry Sunday reports in regard to affairs in and about Petersburg Virginia July 11th 1864 11 Brigade inspection in camp all seems quiet on the river to day the rebs reported as doing great damage in maryland 12 in camp on duty figh ting up the river our forces reported as gaining ground a Petersburg 13 in camp wrote a letter to mrs. S. A. Dimond preparing a tent etc grant reported as ocupy= ing Petersburg seven hundred prisoners taken in the citty Virginia July 14th 1864 14 in camp on duty. Sever al promotions of com= isioned. Officers allso of non comisioned oficers firing heard down the river 15 in camp on brigade inspection heavy firing across the river allso down the river reports favorable from mar= yland. 16 heavy firing up the river between reb bateries on bank car of the river and our up gunboats 75 brot Virginia July 16 1864 up we can see our shells burst in the rebs works the firing this pm seams to be more distant. the paymaster arives in camp this PM 6 Mic Sign the pay rolls 17 the 6’ Mich receive their pay rec $58 dollars monthly wages 13 Dollars per month. for march & April 16 Doll per month for May and June I take a $58 Allotment calling for $60.00 dollars [ ? ] 6797. >went to Brig comissions 76 Virginia July 18th 1864 18 wrote a letter to Jesse Smith jr in camp 1st mich return from picket wrote a letter to sister C. L. Smith 19 went to corpse head Qu= arters. Sutlers allso near Lighthouse point to the sutlers tremendious heavy firing up the river this pm the third Div on a raid near Suffolk heavy rain 20 mailed a letter to Jesse jr Smith allso to C. L. Smith car wrote a letter H mills over 77 brot over Virginia July 20/64 20 went to the 1st Div 1st Brigade ambulance corpse reports still yet favorable from maryland heavy fighting at Petersburg 21 on guard inspection of camp and Quarters allso mounted inspection an order in regard to private horses being sold to the government 22 in camp Wrote a letter CM Smith allso wrote to Winslow and co. allso mailed money to them for which they are to car forward two certificates up 78 brot up Virginia July 22nd/64 22 calling for prizes ordered to be in readiness for picket duty or to goe on duty two oc tomorow am 23 pack up two oc am on the march for the picket line go on picket near reams station on the Wellington railroad pass King George cort house 24 on picket post no 18 heavy firing in front of the picket line heavy rain tonight on post two hours off six at night in day on three off nine 79 Virginia July 25th 1864 25 on picket all quiet on the lines our infantry are building brestworks & forts near the lines heavy firing at the front this evening 26 we are relieved from picket duty by the second Ohio Cav start back for the old camp 2 oc this morning or pack up at 2 oc reach the camp at 11 oclock ordered to be ready to march at two oclock Pm went to the Brig comisaries start on the car march at two oclock march down up 80 brot up Virginia July 26th 1864 26 the telegraph road near citty Point thence forwa= rd. on the road leading to Point of Rocks on the apomatocs river at which place we cross the apomatocs river on the pontoon bridge thence forward in direction of James river the whole Cav Corpse seams to be on the move 27 goe in camp or stop for the Infantry to cross the river the 19th Infantry corpse crossing caried this Pm our forces have an over engagement with the enemy 80 brot over Virginia July 27th 1864 27 across the James river this AM which resulted in the capture of four pieces of heavy artilery and a few prisoners the enemy leave their works or are comp= elled. to leave them fall back the gunboats take part in the engagement. our cav cross the James river on the pontoons ten oclock this Am halt on the oposite side for the cav to cross cav and infantry crossing all day. skirmishing out on the lines allthough not verry heavy severall car up pieces more of artilery reported 81 brot up Virginia July 27/64 27 as being captured to day 1st Div 1st Brig. Cav corps start out for the front four oclock this pm march out about three miles from the river halt for the night a few prisoners going to the rear all cavalrymen the enemy are supposed to be in force near [ ? ] Hill 28 stray shots fired on the picket line through the night all quiet through morning a part of the first division go out on car ovr the skirmish line this 82 brot over Virginia July 28 64 28 morning they attack the enemy on the left of the line the skirmish soon ripens ripens into a warm engagement the enemy partly succeed in turning our right flank but are held in check our artilery get a position and soon silenc the enemy fire our brigade dismou= nted to fight on foot goe out near the lines the infantry relieve the cavalry we fall back near the river our car up engagement resulted in 83 Virginia July 28/64 brot up 28 the capture of three stand of collors and about one hundred prisoners. our loss in killed woun= ded and prisoners about one hundred and fifty Gregg is allso repor= ted as loosing one piece of artilery in camp for the night near the river no official report of the days proceeding 29 ordered to saddle at two oclock this am the order countermanded all thoug a part of the corpse sadle and cross the river leave 84 brot up Virginia July 29th64 29 their horses come back across the river on the pontoons Dismounted our brigade are dismoun= ted to fight on foot goe out on the line throw up some brestworks lay behind them all day this evening we move back across the river march to the Apomatox cross it at daylight on the morning of the thirtieth 89 Virginia July 30th/64 30 heavy firing near peters= burg Grant reported as blowing up their forts or two of them allso one magazine at the same time the artilery on point in a charge our men charge at the same time take two lines of works and drive their center back tremendous heavy canonading up to this time we make out on the or near the railroad Wellington halt while the third Division passes they car ovr make down the Jerusalem plank road about three 90 brot ovr Virginia July 30th 1864 turn off to the left pass down on the turnpike two miles the third division encounter the enemy have a smart engagement charge them and drive back we all halt for the night part of the 6 mich on picket 31 on the picket this morning till ten oclock relieved by Bakers Cav start on the march for Citty Point cross Blackwater creek down near king george cort house so on down near Citty Point halt for the night rec a letter from Lucy vanliew 91 Virginia August 1st/64 1 sadle up this morning march down two miles nearer the point 1st Division Cav ordered to goe to mar= yland some brigades taking transports wrote a letter to J H Winslow & Co mailed $2.30/100 for which he is to send me two vest chains wrote a letter Jesse Smith Jr 2 in camp the second Brigade taking transpo= rts some firing up the river to day wrote a letter to Lucy Vanliew allso wrote one for H. E. Evans 92 Virginia August 3 /64 3 in camp yet waiting for transportation the second brigade have mostly gone mailed an allotment to Jesse jr Smith calling for sixty Dollars $60.00 tenting with Lieut A Tylor he is sick I am taking care of him 4 the first brigade will will probably leave tonight the rebs are reported as reinvading maryland in force there is no news from up the of any importance to day 93 Virginia August 5 5 went to citty point to the michigan relief society with an order for Sixty [ ? ] a tylor. The first mich has taking trans= ports this morning the sixth mich ordered /p> to be in to leave at four oclock. pack up and march down to the landing goe on board the trans port Cussock make down the river to near the bay anchor for the night heave anchor at daylight this morning we pass all 93 Virginia August 6/64 6 steamers that stay with us pass fortress Monroe allso pass the [ ? ] drop anchor for the night in the Chesepeak Bay hundreds of transports passing to and from the front some laden with supplies some with soldiers allso pass one which has on board four hundred and fifty prisoners taken at Petersburg in the late charg made on their works. the boys on board amuse themselves by shooting car fish crabs etc up 94 brot up Virginia August 6th/64 6 make down by Cooke point have a fine shower of rain this evening drop anchor in the Poto= mac heavy rain in the night 7 heave anchor this morning make down the river past fort washington mount vernon make over on the maryland side to near Keysburry point run aground in the mud a tug endev= ours to draw her out but fails to another makes her haw= car up sen fast to us both succesful 95 brot Maryland August 7 /64 over 7 in extracting us from the mud the Cussoc fails to cast the tugs hawser off and at the same time pushes back which brings the bow of the tug against our vessel with a smart collision which docs us no serious damage but broke the rudder of the tug and severely injures her bow we make round to kingsbery point land our horses make up the point to near camp Stoneman and camp for the night goe up to camp stoneman recd letters from pony sadle and pack for in time and goe in again for the night the regulars leave tonight 96 Maryland Aug 8th/ 1864 8 ordered to be in readi= ness to leave at two oclock this pm went up above camp Stoneman had an Ambrotype taken wrote a letter for H E Evans. allso wrote a letter to sister America mailed letter & ambrotype home the regular brigade reported as having a fight not far from this place the third Div of Cav come in today leave camp at sundown cross the e branch of the car Potomac on the bridge over 97 brot over Maryland Aug 8th 1864 8 pass down by the Capitol US treasury secretary and navy building & Whitehouse and government buildings cross rock creek make up on the hills halt for the night in the subberbs of the Distrct 9 on the march take the rockville pike pass rockville take the telegraph road to browntown cross little smith creek forward down a [ ? ] Poolsville camp for the night the cittzens seams to be driving the most of their stock to ward washington 98 Maryland Aug 9th/1864 10 on the march for Harpers ferry pass by Peatersville Wea= sortown & Sandy Hook arive at Harpers ferry at sundown. ford the rivver across on into Western virginia forward on the Harp= ers ferry & Charlstown pike for five miles halt for the night drawing rations making details etc all night on detail 99 Virginia Aug 11th 1864 11 on detail to harpers ferry for forrage the Brigade on the march at 4 oclock am overtake the regt at Charrstown Cavalry and Infantry all on the forward move on the Harpers ferry and Perryesville pike pass through Perryesville 2 oc pm the advance guard are fired on by the rebs. a few miles beyond the town the first Brigade pass the Division goe out on the pike but [ ? ] no force countermarch to the Div halt for the night 100 brot up Virginia Aug 11 /64 11 the mich Brigade goe down on the pike towards winchester come in con= tact with a strong force of rebs the artillery get a position and shells the woods the rebs charge the Battery a part of the third squadron 6 mich sent out to support the batte rry. Capt mathews in comand he is shot while suporting the batterry the rebs are repulsed and fall back we withdraw our forces and join the Division on the pike near New town. 101 Virginia Aug 11/1864 11 the 6th mich on picket the second brigade have a fight near newtown the rebs retreat back towards Strawsburg our loss not known yet several pris= oners taken in we halt at Newtown for the night the 6th 8th & 19th Infantry corps passing to the front 12 on the march pass New town take the pike in direction of strawsburg our advance give and over take the rebs at [ ? ] Creek where they have car up made a stand 102 brot up Virginia August 12th/64 ther their forces consist of Cav and Infantry our men skirmish with them all this afternoon the 6th mich goe out mounted cross the creek and advance on the right of the line perhaps with the intention of char= ging some building which is ocupied by the rebs they prove to be to numerous for us we fall back across the creek without aney loss except a few horses woun= ded the Infantry relieve us tonight the rebs falling back towards Strawsburg we halt for the night 103 March the 15th 1864 E Chaffee [ ? ] $9 00 [ ? ] Gordon 50 C [ ? ] Palmer 50 March O S billson 11 00 19 15 00 15 00 [ ? ] $9 00 Edwin Morris 2 00 John L [ ? ] 2 00 John Quade 1 00 Boots 1 pair drawers 1 pair Socks 2 “ March 21st/65 one Blouse 104 March the 1st 1865/span> on the march cros the mahomany river make the rr at Black and White station goe in camp for the night 2 on the march make down the railroad to within 16 miles of Petersburg camp for the night 3 on the march make down the rr pass through petersburg cross the apomatocs river goe in camp on the richmond road drawing forage at the station 4 in camp went to town getting washing done policing in in camp 5 in camp Shermans advance near here went to town 6 in camp Shermans advance comes up [ ? ] 14 & 17th corps of inft coming in near town 7 in camp the 17 corps of inft come up on the road to Richmond 8 the 14 corps or a part comes in goe to town for my clothes 9 in camp the 14 corps passing ordered to move tomorow am [ ? ] forage 5 days rations 105 Virginia May 10th/65 10 on the march to take the richmond and petersburg pike make up to richmond pass through the citty have as view of Libby prison and several of the noted buildings cross the river on the pontoons the late fire has destroyed a large section of the citty along the river the 3rd Div in advance camp four miles from the citty on the battle field fought over in may 64 by sheridans Cav 11 on the march strike the broken rail road cross it make a northerly direction all day camp for the night 35 miles from Richmond 12 on the march cross the North anna river leave the fredricsburg road take the direct road for rac= oon ford ford on the rapadan riv er totersville station on the fredericsburg rr camp for the night on the banks of the North anna river in Spottsylvania Co railroad is being repaired Asa Smith Cortland Center [ ? ] (my mothers parents) I had wonderful grandparents — Asa and Elizabeth Smith and John and Zolnora Davis. My father’s parents (I sure learned a lot of the Life of the 6th Michigan Cavalry. Velma Elizabeth Davis – Granddaughter of Asa Smith – she lived (most of the time) with Asa and Elizabeth Smith. Grandfather told me about serving in the 6th Michigan Cavalry. I hope I can add the things about his Civil War service