Reynolds, Robert – January 1, 1863-January 19, 1864

Michigan Civil War Collection

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Regiment: 9th Michigan Cavalry Battles Mentioned: Cumberland Gap, Tennessee; Long Bottom, Ohio; Watauga River, Tennessee Historical Figures: Ambrose E. Burnside, August Kautz, Braxton Bragg, George G. Meade, James Longstreet, James M. Shackelford, John H. Morgan, John W. Frazer, Orlando B. Willcox, William S. Rosecrans, William T. Sherman [illegible writing on front inside covers] Pocket Diary 1863 Published Annually by Rickey & Carroll, No. 73 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati. [First ten pages consist of various tables and charts] The very nation of Lt Col Rob [  ?  ] Has been [  ?  ] Segt. Robert Reynolds Ypsilanti Michigan Box 1.64 Belonging to the 9 Mich Caverly. Co. C. Cecond Battalion under Capt W. C. Stevens, Commanding, Co. Mrs. C. E. Reynolds Ypsilanti Mich Box 1.64 Sunday, January 4, 1863. Left Knoxville Panther Springs Strawbery Plains New Market Moss Creek Moris town Panther Springs Russellville Wednesday, January 7, 1863 [  ?  ] 266 Paint St [  ?  ] Tuesday, January 13, 1863. The credulity of woman on the subject of being loved, is very great; they often mistake a common liking for a particular regard, and on this foundation build up a castle in the air and fill it with it with all the [  ?  ] of their bright hopes and confiding loved and where some start- ing fact destroys the vision they feel as if the whole oration were a blank to them, and they the most in [  ?  ] of woman It is safer to be very [  ?  ] on the subject of being loved; but if you do make the mistake, take all the blame to yourself and save your [  ?  ] by [  ?  ] if you cannot keep your heart from loving Monday, January 19, 1863. Care a Regimental commander. where absent with his reg order an officer of his command to act as [  ?  ] Thursday, January 22, 1863. 1460                1460 .10                    58440 1466                204446 14                     118 5840               300  250 281.4,40 Friday, Spt. 4th 1863 East tennessee at knoxville on the Holston River and the Knoxville and nash railroad and we are in good helth at present and I think that wee will not sea but a little more fiten iff eny and the rebels are all a frade of uss and they wont stand to fite uss atall and I dont no but wee will got to Vergina to help meede and iff wee do [  ?  ] unto [  ?  ] the infantry is passing in to town [  ?  ] and wee have got about seventry thousan men rite a round here and thare is lots of rebels to bat they get out of the way so wee will have to folow them up and then they will go till they cant go no more and then they will hunt thare hole. Sept. 7, 1863 here I am at the Cumberland gape and wee are fodder our horses on corn and wee have got to eat green corn iff we eat eny thing so wee have it jest as hardes as the rebs do onley they have no uniform and wee have so it shoes that they are about plade out and every thing goes to show that this war is coming to a close soon and with out much more fiten to for thare one men say so that comes and give them selves up to uss and they all look like hell in the barren I am seten on the log fence and looken at the Rebels on the mountains and they are planten to guns to give uss a few shell and i think that wee will have to take it by a Seage and iff wee do it will take uss fore or five weeks and we will save some harde time of it but wee will have to stan it and we will have the gape thare but some of uss may bite dust before it is taken I think iff we don’t it will bee a [  ?  ] to mee for they have got artiley up thare and have all the advantage of uss but wee have got to take it with out fail for wee have got a train of five hundred wagons on the other side and wee want to get to them to get some thing to eat for wee have to eat raw meat un less wee mix it with cold water and take it in our canteens and then eat it and it is mity good to ett wee went in to the gape and set the mill on fire and bernt it to the ground and then come back to camp and they fired to shell at our Batery but did not do any damage to eny body and I think that wee will starve them out iff wee can and it can bee dun well I am jest goin to eat a dish of corn well I jest got dun and saddled up to go out on a scout and don’t no when I shal come back for I want to get some super iff eny flour or meal comes so I can but if it don’t all rite for I haint had nothing but green corn and beets and it don’t go very good on my stomach but I will have to stand it till I get back to whare you are and then I will sea iff old Bob will get something to eat when he is hungery I bet he will iff ett can get it and she nevers fails when she under takes it but never minde, thare is beter days a coming soon for I think that the war is jest dun ett and old bob ridly will soon sea you and my little ones and ett Jenral bearn side has jest come here to uss at the gape and see that hee will have it iff he loes every man he has got to take it and he has give them till three o clock to serender and iff they don’t hee will open on them and iff he does it will bee all nite hot work for a while and it is jest noon and well the rebel Genral sent back word to ours to go to hell and comence as soon as hee please so at to time set wee got our guns redy and jest then a flag of truce come in that they they wood Serender so wee went in and too posen of the gape and it is in our hands now and will stay thare till this war is over and that wont be a grate while for thare money is not good for note of thares and ten cents of our money will by as much as tenn dolars of thare money and the sitsens has to pay from tenn to twelve dolars for a bushel of whete when one of ours will by it so when thare money is no good what is thare government good for they say thare selves that it is plade out and lots is coming to our armey every day and say that want to go home for they have ben forsed in to it and is against thare wishes to stay on that side and they want to go home so wee will payroal them and they feel all rite over it they that the Rebels leaders tell them that the yankes have stopt paroling to keep the men [  ?  ] and that keeps lots of them from it but thare is lots that don’t beleave it and they try it and wee are all a bout dead for the want of something wee left knox ville on the 15th and have traveld day and nite and it goes [  ?  ] harde with out eny thing to eat onley alittle flour and wee have to make pankakes and bake them in part of a canteen it is harde but have got to stand it and say nothe about it but I hope it will soon pay out and I think it will to for it is goin on all over the confedersy iss get in plade out but wee will have to fite iff wee take them but I think that they will give up for wee will make them but wee don’t want to take eny more lives than wee can and take them but iff they don’t give up wee will have to whip them to it and will will have to do it prety soon iff they don’t come down before long but I think that they will give up or they will have to take the riter with sweet Sept. 21, 1863 wee fought the batle of Watauga river and then wee fell back & went in to camp till nite then we went up and stopt till too (2.4) & wee went out about (9) miles and then come rite back to for wee did not have forses a nuff to make a sackfull atacked so wee fell back to our old camp in ground and are here yet and are orderd after forage for our horses & wee dont no how long wee will stay maby not to hours but iff wee do I am all redy for I jest got my brekfest and it was good to for I had a beffs hast fride and I made some pancakes and some coffee so it made mee quite a meal and it is the best meal that I have had in too weeks but Ett iff I live to get whare you are I can get some thing beter to eat than I do here for all I get here is what wee pick up and is so wee wee cant get that half the time for I have had nothing but green corn for too or three days to time and that made uss think of home I bet wee are stopt in the woods to a wait orders and I dont no how long wee will stay so I rite a litle every time that wee stop so to get the hole of it if I can so you can have it to read when I get home wee burnt or set fire to the rail rode Bridge and to the Block houses that the rebs had Built to fite uss in but wee drove them out of them and burnt them so they will have to fite uss in a open field and wee can soon make them git rite up and git mity quick for they cant stand up and fite like men So they take all the nobs and then wee drive them out and make them scadle like the old hare every time, Ett this Bridge is biulit over the Watauga River in Tennessee Wee got a shot of mail yesterday and a lot this morning and I got not one and I felt like the old hary a bout it to but I suspose that you have rote but they dont come to mee yet but they will some time iff wee got them a tall but I can stand most eny thing that eny one else can shure Ett and wee are goinin to camp to mak a stand and iff they come wee will give them a fite and it wont take much to drive them iff they no that wee are goin to fite them they will fall back faster than wee did I have got the rumatism in my sholder so it pains mee October the 18 /63 I aint very well at this time and I don’t no how long I may bee so for the docters haint no medeson and no not when wee will get it eather for they don’t care no more for a comon Solder not half as much as they do for a dam negar for they will get cloes for them when some of the boys are sufferen for them and it is the case in the regment and the dam negars are fed beter than wee are that eny one can sea that has got got half an eye that comes in to camp and the boys dont like it a tall they will rase hell with them yet iff they dont come down before long and the conolel ses that the Regment is geten half negars and hee will soon have to clean them out iff they keep on coming in the way thay have dun hee sent one off the black devels off the other day and sed hee wood send them all iff he had his way about it and wish hee wood for dam a negar eny how they more privelige than a white dose in the armey for they [Heavily scribbled out] can  go out in the guard jest when they ples and wee cant So you can sea that wee are the negar in Seds of the dam negar and it is so in the hole entire armey Wee comenced fiten the tenth of october and fiten the 10 and 11 wee fiten and run that is chasen up the rebs and they run like hell to and wee chase them up mity close so that wee keep fiten all the way and I will bet that the intfantry is most dam tiard to for [  ?  ] cant begen to keep up with uss and the rebs ar a head of uss and keep fiten all the time to some of the rebs that wee took says that they haint got over the retreat that they had to make when wee come up here before and wee are goin as fast a gain as wee did when wee come up bee fore and I think that they must feel most awfel sore now for wee are sore and lame from riden so fast and carin our guns on our back and then geten geten of and fiten on foot that iss tuff but thare is no plase that caverly can chary here un less wee can get them in a plase whare they cant get in the woods before wee get to them wee are on our way to Zelofa and are stopt near JonesBurough and are stopen to rest our selves and horses and no [  ?  ] how long wee will stay for I dont December the 10 /63 wee left Been Station and went to moristown on a scout and had a mitey harde fite to companey C. went on the advance all the time wee volenteerd to cross the river and skirmish the hills so the Regment cold cross in safty and wee did to and only got one man wonded and onley got hit on the finger so it dont hert him much and wee got in a mity tite place to for I was sent to the rite with fore men to skirmish to woods and I got a bout half way to the woods when the rebs Co. C 9 Mich Cav Dec the 22 1863 25 horses 12 [  ?  ] compleat 12 Bridels 25 halters straps 25 heads 46 Brushes and combs 40, Spers, Pair 100, Straps, Pair Pants |||||| 6 Jacket ||||| 5 hat ||||| 5 Shirts ||||||| 8 Trousers ||||||||||| 12 Socks |||||| 6 [  ?  ] |||||||| 8 Blanket ||||||||||| 11 [  ?  ]| 1 tents |||||| 7 Coat ||||| 5 A big, volinteer Shure No. 1O Jemy is Jan for to live in a tent when they grafted him into the armey Hee finaly puckerd up courage and went When they grafted him into the armey No. 2I told them the child was too yong, a lass At the captains fore quarters they say hee would pass Theyd traind him up well in the infantry class So they grafted him in to the armey Chorus O Jernmey farewell you brothers fell way down in   Alabamy I thought they wood spair a lone widers hair But they grafted him into the armey No. 3Dressed up in his uniform dear little chap They have grafted him in to the armey It seemes but a day Since hee sat in my lap But they grafted him into the armey No. 4And these are the trousers he used to ware Them very same butons the patch and the tear But uncle sam give him a bran new pair When they grafted him into the armey Chorus O Jemy farewell (etc) No. 5Now in my provisions I sea him revealed They have grafted him in to the armey A picket besides the contempted field They have grafted him in to the armey No. 6He looks kinder sickish begins to cry A big volunter standing right in his eye Oh what if the duckey shold up and die Now theyve grafted him in to the armey Chorus, O Jim may farewell, etc. 5 X      X         X         X         X         X         X Every thing is Lovely and the goos Hangs High Still Segt. Reynolds Robert Tuesday 14 Wm + commenced work at 12 per month Sunday, April 19, 1863. Arrived at Summerset Friday 15 Charles            Dr [  ?  ] cash        1,00 Saturday, May 16, 1863. Charles            Dr [  ?  ] Cash       2,00 Friday, May 22, 1863. Horse died of an offection of the kidnys or bladder supposed to have been over heated while I was field officer of the day all this at or near Summerset ky Thursday, May 28, 1863. Lt. Spencer      Dr [  ?  ] cash        $25.00 by note            85.00 $110.00 Dutton             50.00 21  00 181.00 Major Pennington II Friday 29 Lt Abbey,        Dr By Cash Paid I think 10.00 Saturday 30 Charles            Dr [  ?  ] Cash       1.00 Monday, June 1 Capt [  ?  ] Dr by cash            12.00 Thursday 4 Paid JP Pike for mess    5.00 Pain     2.00 Sunday 7 make a purchase of some wine of Mr Kuntz for the purpose of [  ?  ] the acuteness of Col [  ?  ] Custer              [  ?  ] Monday 8 Paid Charles 2.00 Saturday 13 Paid “Charles” 20.00 Monday, June 15, 1863 Paid Mason a note fiven to H & King                Hds 6.78 Paid Capt McKs $20.00 Bob fruit         $2.00 Saturday 20 Charles Dr [  ?  ]Cash $1.00 Sunday, June 21, 1863. [  ?  ] of Poplur Mountain Tenn Arrived at this spot about 15 minutes since. I always had an idea that somerst was when a hard place but after, beholding thus am inclined to [  ?  ] upon it with favor Wednesday, July 1 In Camp at Jamestown Ky – – Men & Officers give one some trouble Friday, July 3, 1863. Capt AB Nettleton      Dr [  ?  ] Cash                   $2.00 .05 Paid by Major Thursday, July 9, 1863. The command arrived at Brandenburgh at 10 AM.  at 3 P.M. the 1st Kentucky command [  ?  ]the Ohio. [  ?  ] seemes to be the order of the day. In my opinion, had Gen [  ?  ] pressed the enemy as he should have done we could have captured his whole command at this place Passed Corydon Ind [  ?  ] a [  ?  ] & [  ?  ] [  ?  ] from the [  ?  ] tents were [  ?  ] by 500 Home Guards Camp 6 miles from Salem Saturday 11 Marched until 12 PM camped 10 miles from Paris Sunday, July 12, 1863. Charles Dr to Cash $2.00 arrived at Paris at at 8 AM [  ?  ] and chalk a [  ?  ] for a horse Gen Burnside arrived and orders a march [  ?  ] march [  ?  ] operate and [  ?  ] of military officers [  ?  ] sson [  ?  ] all the men are out foraging Sunday 19 Fought John Morgan at Long Bottom Ohio captured 1000 prisoner Left Horse The [  ?  ]at Geo. W. Woodwards 2 Miles North of Rutland Ohio Monday 20 Fought John Morgan at Cheshire captured 1200 or 1500 prisoners Tuesday, July 21, 1863. My Birth day Charles Dr to cash $2.00 Nothing of interest [  ?  ] to day. How can no soldier with any degree of compl[  ?  ] when we see our [  ?  ] when no have captured fuse much better than ourselves. Kentucky can not guard [  ?  ] There is too much feeling of cons[  ?  ] between them Col Kautz visits [  ?  ] Thursday 23 Charles            Dr to Cash            $1.00 Saturday 25 Bot. Clothing Coat                            12 Pants                           8 Vest                             5 Shirt                            5 Hanks & Collars          .125 Hat                              5 36.25 Friday 31 Leave [  ?  ] notes for Cleveland, 15 day leave of absence Saturday, August 1 Arrived at Hudson at 4 oclock P.M. Mother had given up all hope of my coming. Emma had gone to Bloomfield Monday 3 Arrived at Bloomfield at 2.20 P.M. found Elza much better than I expected Tuesday 4 Returned to Hudson Wednesday, August 5, 1863. Arrived in Cleveland at 4 P.M. Thursday 6 Arrived at Warren and met a cordial reception from Mr and Mrs Rotliff visited Howland Springs rolled ten pins, Had a good time generally Friday 7 Arrived at the [  ?  ] Cleveland Saturday, August 8, 1863. Arrived at Cinciinnati and reported to Col Kautz. Regiment under command of Major Mcleleton had [  ?  ] to Standford Ky Did not pay my board bill at the [  ?  ] nor livery bill at Gars Tuesday, August 11, 1863. Ruble Cont.     15. Thimble Stop  25 Books              4.00 [  ?  ]                4.00 Boots               10.50 Tobaco            3.50 Wednesday 12 Arrived at Lexington KY [  ?  ] Col Kautz Thursday 13 Arrived at Stanford 9 P.M. Friday, August 14, 1863. Charles            Dr to Cash            $2.00 Arrived at Stanford, foud the regiment all right. Pd 1.50 for lodging at Stanford Hotel The heat to day, has been oppressive. [  ?  ] now over Saturday 15 Geo W. Pohlman 102 West 4” [  ?  ] Cus Crcdil Ky 1 pr 512 [  ?  ] pants Runford 18.00 3 D. [  ?  ] Blouse                    15 1 Burnside [  ?  ]& [  ?  ]         818 freight.50 41.50 Note to Muller Sunday 16 Went to Danvill and was mustered into serve a for three years unless sooner discharged by Lt. Colonl Piott mustering officer. Monday, August 17, 1863. 85 55 3 Recieved of Robeston $55, on [  ?  ] of note. Arrived at Crab Orchard Charles [  ?  ] boardin, with mess Tuesday 18 Charles            Dr to Cash            $0,000 Thursday, August 20, 1863 A.B. Nettleton [  ?  ] forage & forage for horses at Cincinnati 1.50 [  ?  ]money Paid Charles 13.00 $14.50 Charles            Dr to cash per Cap AB Nettle $13.00 Friday 21 Left Mt Vernon for Londan at 5 P.M. Camped at Rock Castle river. The county through which we passed destitute of forage. Saturday 22 Settled with Major Sewart he paying $38 and taking his & Daulton’s note Camped 5 miles from Londan Ky found – found forage – nothing of interest transpired to day [  ?  ] camp hild [  ?  ] at [  ?  ]. Has delayed 4 hours in crossing the hill [  ?  ] Bank of [  ?  ] Rock Castle Sunday, August 23, 1863 Arrived at London at 9 AM Bot postage stamps $2.00 Dinner                         50 Burnside arrive            $2.50 and ordered an immdieate forward movement. Horse and men out foraging. Monday 24 Stopt at Williamsburg and campt and went all through the [  ?  ] and got a lot of oats and got Agust  Tuesday 25 wee started for Bigg Creek gape and got about three miles and stopt in the woods and lade aside the rode til morning went and got ry and fed our horses then started on our way and stopt [  ?  ] [two lines illegible] Wednesday, August 26, 1863. Gant did not go that way and went over gilico mountain and campt on the other side on the 26 and Thursday 27 then stade thare the 27 and started on the 28. in the morning and went Segt Robert Reynolds Co. C. 9. Mich. Cavalry Ypsilanti, Michigan August Friday 28 1863 Well [  ?  ] went 25 of uss and was sent a head to finde forage and found to houses full of wheet and ry and wee fast every horse jest as fast as wee cold and wee road Back to camp and [  ?  ] marchen orders and had to go Saturday, August 29, 1863. Stopt in the woods and stade till day lite & then went a mile and fed and then started for county [  ?  ] and lade out on the mountain and started before day lite and wee are guarden the train and had a harde time for wee dont get no sleep nor water so it is bad August Sunday 30 1863 Started out of the mountains and found the rode blocked for five miles and it is damd harde work to clear out the rodes to whare the timber is fell every way in the rode and campt at mount gunery and started at fore oclock in the morning. Monday 31 left camp and went 8 miles on doble quick and then halted & I rite this between the mountains in the pass as it is cald campt 6 miles this side of Rington and the firs went or the tenneasea went and had a fite with the enemy and wee got this morning to Tuesday, September 1, 1863. wee left camp in the morning and went about 15 miles and then stopt and fed and made coffee and I jest drank a cup full and it tasted good I took to rebels to day and I was about a mile from the regment and i was all a lone but the had throen thare armes a way so it went Wednesday 2 wee crost the gilico mountains and forded the Big Clinch River and campt on the other side and had a fite with artily and they bernt the bridge that goes over the tennesea river and wee are goin to gets some oth er place wee camp on the rail rod that nite and stated for Knoxville Thursday 3 wee left camp at 7 o clock this morning on our way to Knoxville and are stopt at a [  ?  ] old Sotherners and the boys got [  ?  ] chickens to and then went to Knoxville and campt on the Bank of the Holston River rite in site of the rebels works but they went out in a hury when wee come in site so wee [  ?  ] Friday, September 4, 1863. Friday morning I took 10 men and went out on picket too miles from town and jest sent for wee start at 5 o clock and so here I go to sadel up and we march till twelve o clock and then stopt to feede and stopt till morning and started at six o clock and wee goin to the camp gape stopt at mainersvill Saturday 5 campt at graves town to and wee left camp at six o clock and went to Mainerderville and stopt to feed and had coffee and green corn and it tasted good to Ett iff you was here you wood dy there too comp of the 2 tennesea Regt and had a fite and lost 1 man on each side Sunday 6 left camp at 12 oclock and got to [  ?  ] town in the morning and stopt to fead and get coffee and then wee go to comberland gape wee had a litle skirmish with scots cavelry and drove them in to the gape and wee [  ?  ] morning [  ?  ] [illegible line] Monday, September 7, 1863. wee left camp at six o clock and got up to the Cumberland gape at tenn and lade back and thode shell in to it and then sent in a flag of truce to have them surender and they said that wood let uss no in too oures and then they said iff wee wanted the gape wee wold have to fite for it So wee will for wee sent for our Batery Tuesday 8 wee moved our camp this morning to keep the rebs from shell in uss three compneys of our regiment and wee went to the gape and bernt a grist mill that was in the gape so the rebels cant grinde the wheat that they have got wee had a mitey fite with the Rebes Wednesday 9 wee left camp last nite and went out on picket a bout five miles and I am in a mans house by the name of neals and am goin to have some brekfest iff I have time to get it and yes they did serender the gape to day at three oclock in the afternoon and wee are goin to go into it today Thursday, September 10, 1863. General Frazer and his [  ?  ] command out on picket to day and [  ?  ] on the ground to riter and the dam crocs are holown so I think that wee will have some hard tack in a little while now I think for wee have taken the gape so they say and I haint had a leter in five weeks so it seemes mity harde but I will soon get [  ?  ] now Friday 11 left camp at 5 oclock this morning on our way Back to noxvill to recruite up our horses and our selves to for I haint had no bread nor tack for a week and it is dam tuff wee jest stopt to feede a little corn to our horses and then wee went eigt or tenn miles and campt on the bank of the Clinch River Saturday 12 left camp at five o clock on our way to Knoxvill and campt 21 from knoxvill and made coffee and stade (1)our then started and I am standing up against the fence one of the boys jest fell with his horse and it did not herte him a bit and it smashed my canteen in to a three [  ?  ] hat wee are goin to the old place to camp Sunday, September 13, 1863. left camp at (5) o clock in the morning at noxvill at (11) o clock and then wee went to our old camp ground and fixt it up nice and then rote a leter to my wife jest as soon as I got my horse unsattle on the [  ?  ] 1863 Monday 14 this morning rote too leters one to Dock ashley and one to George Sherwood and then went to sea to the Polican up the camp and then I will Partly rite a leter to, or my wife Rather went last nite and got 130 [  ?  ] Tuesday 15 wee started out of camp to go to [  ?  ] to the [  ?  ] springs and got out in the rode and then wee was orderd back in to camp and thare was the news that Brags armey has throde down thair armes and [  ?  ] themselves up wee are passen a review by Gen. Burnside before wee leave to go to [  ?  ] Wednesday, September 16, 1863 wee went in to camp about 12 o clock last nite as started out at five this morning and the boys feel like hell in the winter wee got to strawbery Plains  at 12 o clock & then went to new market a bout dark and went on to Moss Creek go thair at 12 oclock in the nite and campt on a hill Thursday 17 W. B. Peck I went to the Peck in the morning and they give mee a good breckfest the best one that I have had in Tenn and all the folks are harde up in this state shure wee got in to camp at ½ past 12 o clock last nite and then went [  ?  ] Friday 18 left camp at 5 o clock this morning on our way to green ville wee got to greenville jest at nite and found it in our posesion and wee campt in a peace of woods and went in to a cornfield and it dont take long to strip a cornfield shure and it dont take one tenn minets to do it Saturday, September 19, 1863 wee left Greenville and went six miles up to Hendersons Nations and went in to camp about tenn o clock and stade till to the as and I jest come in with a back lode of oats for my horse. Sunday 20 wee are at Hendersons Station yet and hase jest received marching orders and I must get some diner before starting for I am hungery wee started at (5) o clock and went, 26 twenty six miles and got thare at (4) o clock started again Monday 21 wee left camp at five o clock in the morning and went out about (6) miles and our regt was put in front and wee fought them from 12, to day till the next morning when wee was relieved by the 1 tank and the 6 ill & the 65 craid up and drode them to hell Tuesday, September 22, 1863. wee was releived this morning from fiten and wee fell back a bout too miles and fed and rested till nite then wee moved a gain and campt all nite and the rebes went a crost the river and bernt the Bridge and wee are foloen them up & our forses fit them last nite on the other side Wednesday 23 wee are in camp yet this morning and every thing is quite yet and wee jest got foder for our horses but wee are looken for orders every minet but wee stayed here all nite and had a good rest and wee will go the harder to make it up that is so Ett. Thursday 24 wee left camp at (9) o clock this morning and started for the Rebs and I am seten on my horse in the rode with fore eggs in my hands so when wee [  ?  ] I will have some thing to eat wee went up to Zela Zoffee and Jest comenced fiten with the Rebs & wee was orderd back so wee had to come rite and leave them runnen in to thare holes Friday, September 25, 1863 wee rested in camp all day and jest at nite our pickets was drove in and sadled up and cep sadled all nite and had to stand to our horses so wee did not get a wink of sleep and I was standen by the fire and one of the men nocked a brand of fire and burnt my trowess leg Saturday 26 this morning wee un sadled our horses and got a bite to eat and then I took a nap and wee was atacketd by the enemy and artily and wee sadled up and retreat back eight or tenn miles wee had to send our forses to help Rosegrant and that onley our Bergade and wee was not strong a nuff to whip them so wee fell back to get reforsement and then wee will give them a nother tuch wee left camp at (8) o clock this morning and I was on picket with six men and the regment went and left mee so I folowed them up and got to camp at 12 oclock Monday, September 28, 1863. wee got a lot of mail yesterday and a lot this morning and I did not get a leter and it madeuss feel like hell about it to sea all the rest of the boys readen thare leters and I got non Ett it is harde but I can [  ?  ] it Ett iff you can rite often rite and every time wee camp last nite and are goin to make a stand here till wee get reinforcements and wee will go back and fite them shure so good day Tuesday 29 wee are in camp this morning & are goin to make a stand here that is at HenderStation (9) miles from Jones Burow for wee have got I have got the Rumatism in the sholder and it Pains mee like hell to and wee are all sadled up redy to start for our men had a fite to day Wednesday 30 left camp at [  ?  ] o clock this morning and went (2) miles before halten on our retreate and it is the [  ?  ] time that I ever seaw you cant sea a man tenn feet when wee are [  ?  ] the march and wee are Thursday, October 1, 1863. wee are in camp and it rains like the old [  ?  ] and wee was orderd to the front and skermish but wee got a bout to miles and wee was orderd Back to camp and it Rains like hell to and the boys are runing round camp Swaren all sorts of words Friday 2 wee still are in the camp yet and was reneforced with (2,000) thousan men and will move before long I think that wee will stay here till wee get lots of reenceforcements and then wee will go a head a gain Saturday 3 wee left camp this morning wee thought to go back but onley moved camp, Co. C. went out on a scout and wee jest got back and I got alofe of bread and give a 25 cent peas in silver and then she give mee a half a lofe one [  ?  ] of the  9 [  ?  ] Sunday, October 4, 1863. wee are still in Bools gape and it is quite coald to and my boots are gon up to & wee cant get eny here and I dont no but wee will sufer for such things but I will do the best I can for that Monday 5 we went out on a recenostance yesterday and had quite a skermish with the Rebs and made them git up & git to and then come back in to camp in Bulls gape again so wee are all rite but I stad back for I was sick Tuesday 6 wee are in the gape yet in camp and it is raining this morning or not quite but [  ?  ] well eathere but I think that I will get rite a long iff nothing takes holts of me more than has got hold now and I will soon bee all rite every thing goin on quite as far as no and wee are going to some [  ?  ] Wednesday, October 7, 1863. it rains quite bade this morning shure wee are in Bulls gape yet in camp and every thing quite in front as far as I no our Chaplen went to the rebs with a flag of truce and the rebs think that they will wip uss out yet but they are staft up by thair oficers the men think so no dont of it Thursday 8 wee stade in the same camp in Bulls gape and I am geten beter so that I can march when the regment goes but the medeson that I took made mee most [  ?  ] sick for a hour after taken them but I think it dun mee good so I took them. Friday 9 wee got up at fore o clock this morning but I did not sleep eny for I was in so much pain that I cold not sleap and I had to run back every few minets and it dont get no beter much fast shure Saturday, October 10, 1863 wee left camp at five o clock this morning and march to the front and here wee are now drawed up in line of batle with too baterys in front of uss & wee are to surpote them shure wee fit as long as wee cold Sea one Bergade of infantry made a charge and drove the dam Rebs out of the woods Sunday 11 wee started this morning and run the Rebs twenty miles or more fiten them all the way and took a few prisners and kild lots of them to and got lots of wagens & one case on full of [  ?  ] wee campt too nite and wee kild too sheep to eat Monday 12 we started and went to Jones Burouh and thare wee learnt that the rebs was scaterd all over the country and wee stopt here to look out for them and guard the town un till wee get from cartage for wee are out of the [  ?  ] have to stop here till stopt Tuesday, October 13, 1863. wee are in camp this morning and wee have ben out geten some forage and jest come in with corn and stalks and I jest eat my diner out of muton & harde tack and it tasted good to Ett iff you was here you wood laugh to sea mee at it shure but it tasted [  ?  ] good after all and I felt quite smart to for I went out on picket Wednesday 14 I was on picket all day to day and had a good time I let too boys go and kild a sheep and wee had a good super out of it and jest as soon as wee got it eat I was reliaft of picket and came in to camp and to sleep on doble quick to Thursday 15 wee are are campt here on the Side hill at Jones Burough yet and our troops are fiten up 20 or 30 miles a bove here and wee are kep back for the want of amuntion and it may sase some of the boys of tires by doin so to Friday, October 16, 1863. Wee went out on a scout to day that is Co C & Co D and wee went a bout fifty miles and got flour out of fore difarnt mills and got back in camp about 10 o clock to nite and I was awful tiard and got a bite to eat and I went to sleep and woke up forty times in the nite to Saturday 17 Wee left camp at six o clock this morning and started for Blunts Ville & wee got jest a crost to watuba river & wee met Jeneral Shackford and hee tolds uss to come back and wee recrost the river & campt all nite Sunday 18 wee started this morn ing and come back to Knoxville this morning and here wee are yet and its rains likes hell to and wee went out on picket and am here yet and all rite Monday October 19, 1863. I am on picket to day and the rebs has drove in our Scouts and wee look out for them every day and every minuet and hour but wee was taken off and wee went to the watager River to guard the fords and the rebs are on one side and on the other and wee are goin out on a scout to sea iff they have crost eny whare Tuesday 20 wee are on the river this morning and the Rebs are in site but wee will scout all over thir side of the river and iff they under take to cross they will get the worst of it I think so and iff they do get a crost they never will get back a live shure and I dont think they will try Wednesday 21 wee are on the river doing picket duty and it is very good buisness when wee have a river for them to cross before they can get to uss and wee wodd give wee went out on Patrol up and down the river and got in at fore o clock this morning Thursday, October 22, 1863. wee went down the river with five compeneys of our regment to guard the fords of the river and get here a bout Friday 23 wee was releaved from picket to day by the second Ohio regment and wee come in to camp and are here now and the capt went home th to Mich Saturday 24 wee are in camp to day and I am quarter master of the companey now and it is easer than to bee a duty Segt to [  ?  ] it aint perment yet but I think it will bee after a while Sunday, October 25, 1863. wee are in camp to day and our teemes come up to day and the boys will get some boots jest as soon as I can draw them for them and lots of them are baerfooted to and suferen to with coald like the old hary Monday 26 Co C went out on picket and had a good time to and I am oficer of the guard fore of uss went up the river on a litle scout and had one shot at them and they run like hell to and that is the way that is the way they all do dam them Tuesday 27 the regment started for Jones Burough and campt in the edge of the town and here I am seten under a litle oak and the boys are laing round on the ground and some Wednesday, October 28, 1863. well wee are on our way to finde a plase to go to winter quarters I think but dont no what wee will do before wee get to finde a plase to go in to them Ett wee havye to go in to Kentucky to winter quarters and I am in camp at Henderstation again for the last time I think Thursday 29 wee are in camp in the same old plase that wee was when wee fell back the other time and wee aint falen back on a count of the Rebs but wee cant stay here this time now for wee cant get forage to feed Friday 30 wee ar in camp yet at Henderson Station and get all redy to leave but it raind like the old hary and wee dident go for wee cant go in this cuntry when it is wet wee went out after forage and had to go tenn miles for it os it is dam scarse here Saturday, October 31, 1863. wee ar still incamp yet and are likely to stay here for some time for what I no and we have to go [  ?  ] 00 10 miles to get forage for our horses and that is a bout plade out so wee will have to go some whare to get forage for our horses mules. Sunday, November 1 the first day of this month wee went out pressen horses and got seven [  ?  ] ones and I got a nice three year old mair and she is a nice [  ?  ] [  ?  ] bout is to yong but she will [  ?  ] to go Monday 2 wee went out after forage and the camp got alarmed on our dam litle negar he went to a house and the folks asked him what Regment hee belong to hee said Col David Reg and thare was a Reb Colnoln and had jest snuck a darkey with him and the folks sent in to camp thare was 300 Rebs rite on to them Tuesday, November 3, 1863. wee was [  ?  ] had a Jeneral Inspection to day and it went of good and wee was orderd to leave in the morning so wee packed up every thing up and was redy to go when the time come the boys got and baked up thare flour so to have something to eat on the way Wednesday 4 wee got all redy to start and then did not go stade all redy till a bout 10 oclock then wee went after forage and then ses orderd to bee redy at eny moment to move and so wee had to keep our things packed up and sleep with out them for fear Thursday 5 the rebs was goen to atacked uss this morning but wee went and made the atacked on them and they started back like the devel and wee after them Friday, November 6, 1863. wee went out after horses and got [  ?  ] mules and was sent for and went [  ?  ] back to camp & jest as soon as wee got back to camp wee started on a march and march all nite till the next day noon and then fed and I am seten in the rode jest now Saturday 7 well wee are still on the march and no noen when wee shal stop for I dont wee are five miles from Moristown and the order is to go to Cumberlen gape but it is harde to tell whare wee will go but we are all rite Sunday 8 wee was all in camp this day and all is quite [  ?  ] here and I rote a leter to you Ett and hope that it will Monday, November 9, 1863. wee will bee on picket to day and the rebes aint with in 20 miles of here and the boys are all well at this time and the regments are goin to and froe all the time of the day and nite so it aint loneum at tall Tuesday 10 I was on picket to day and our compney went out on a scout and I went a long with them to and wee went a bout 12 miles and back and it was damd harde to for I had no sleep all nite & nothing to eat since last nite Wednesday 11 wee was still on picket yet and I think that wee will stay here for a week by the way that things look now so you must not and every thing is quite around here yet Thursday, November 12, 1863 to day wee rejoin the rigment after begin goon six days from it and on picket duty all the time and wee are all well at present with the [  ?  ] of some of the boys are bair footed so it is dam hard but it cant bee helbt jest now so we have to stand it Ett I wood not ware such boots at home to Friday 13 wee are on picket a gain to day and every thing is quite here as far as I no and I think that wee will soon start for Kentuckey iff wee go this fare and wee will have to leave here soon or wee cant get out of here Saturday 14 wee jest come in of picket and it rained quite harde to and the regment drawed some clothing I got a hat & one pair of boots to so I feel comfertbal once more in the serves and hope I will always jest as I do now & wee are jest cooken a duck and a litle beef with it as it will make uss a good meal to thare is fore of uss in a mess to geather Sunday, November 15, 1863. I am in good helth jest now and so is all the boys and all the Infantry has gon to Knoxvill to help Burnside and they say that hee has whip old Long Street like the old hary and cut him all to peases to and iff that report is tru wee are all rite and this thing is plad out Monday 16 well wee are in camp at Lick Creek Bridge yet doin Picket duty yet and it looks as iff wee was goin to Stay here all winter but I dont think that wee are in a harde plase for to get something to eat and if wee dont get the railroad open in a short time wee will to go off Tuesday 17 Still in camp in the same plase on a large hill with a batery of fore guns with uss to help iff wee shold happen to get in to a brush with the rebs they can Wednesday, November 18, 1863. I went to Moris town after the mail and stade with the eleventh mich Batry all nite and wee was all cold up and orderd to go to cumberland gape jest as fast as wee cold get thare and here I am with Jeneral Will cox and the regmt is gon to Bogs vill Thursday 19 I was at Bean Station at the mouth of thoars gape in that leads to the clinch mountain and the regment was at Rogersvill and I started to go and my horse got foot sore and I come back to the station Friday 20 I started this morning to cross the clinch mountain and here I am seten on the top of it and I can sea all over the cuntry and it is the splender scinery that eny one can wish to sea and I crost the clinch river & come to Tasuel town & stade all that nite Saturday, November 21, 1863. I am seten in a old rebels barn this morning and its rain like the old hary to and the regment is in the rear as a rear guard and I have got the mail and am goin to go and take it through the gape wee stopt at Tasnel all nite and I never slep a darn wink eather and my horse is so soar fited Sunday 22 wee are jest a mile out of Tasuel this morning and I am jest a goin to eat a few pancakes and a litle meat I went to Cumberland gape with the mail and stade on the bank of the litle emery river Monday 23 I went in to the gape this morning and come to the Co 21 miles back and the rebs are with in too miles ofmee now and wee are in line of batle now waten for them Tuesday, November 24, 1863. wee went out on picket to day and had a nice litle fite with the Rebs and drove them a crost the river and one of our men and wee kild too of them and they left all a round the river and wee had six, Co. of our regment and we stade thare till dark and then left Wednesday 25 wee are on picket to day and every thing is all rite except the eaten line and all wee have got to eat is corn meal and that not sifted at that and that is as onley what meat wee kill wee went 14 miles on patrol and got back at 10 oclock at nite Thursday 26 wee left camp and moved down to big Springs to camp thare and went out on picket the same day and then went out on a scout Friday, November 27, 1863. wee went down to the river on a scout and got about 1, 500 hundred lbs of telegraph wire up to a house and went to the clinch mountain on a scout to and I went and fasend the fery boat up to a tree with a chain Saturday 28 I went in to the cuntry and got a lot of horse shoes made and got a good diner to and it tasted Bulg shure you bet and it is most dam coald down here shure. Sunday 29 I went and got a lot of horses shoes to day and dident get back to camp till dark then it was awful coald when I got back in to camp and every thing is all quite as far as wee now Monday, November 30, 1863 I was in camp to day and rote a leter to Ett and then went out and got forage for my horse to eat and then it took uss the rest of the time to get wood to keep uss warm for it is awful coald here asspecly in the nite and wee have to keep fire all nite to keep warm Tuesday, December 1 Co C went out on picket to day and I am on duty jest now and will bee for too ours then I will bee releived for a while and then wee had to leave five men on duty and go and guard too men to fix up the telegraph so wee can get Wednesday 2 wee went clear to the top of clinch mountain and back and then wee was on duty all nite with out eny fire and it was dam cold to I jest wish that you cold jest no how I have to suffer in the armey Thursday, December 3, 1863. to day wee went out after forage and had to go tenn miles to finde it and got in to camp jest at darke and wee are lain here to bagge the Rebs that thoght they had Burnside got but they got damely mistaken and are geten a way iff they can but they aint got out and I dont think they will eather Friday 4 wee are on picket to day and thare is fore Co of our regment on at once so to keep them from prossen the river and wee was all nite on duty and it raind like the devel to and wee are waten for our pay and jest as soon as wee get it wee will go Saturday 5 wee jest come off pick this morning and it is raining quite hard to and I dont feel very well to day and wee jest got in to the old camp and every thing was gon and wee had to get new tent sticks to make our tents up a gain to Sunday, December 6, 1863. wee left camp this morning for Knoxville and wee left Big Springs and I am seten by the cide of the waten for amnition to come up for they say that thare is rebs a head but how far I cant tell what will happen to uss no more [  ?  ] the oldest man in Michigan Monday 7 This morning I started to go to Genl Shackel ford with a dispach with tenn men and capturd fore Rebs and drove in thare pickets to and then took a nother roade and got to him safe by goin 20 miles and come rite back the same day to Tuesday 8 Ett I feel oald this morning for I haint had no sleep for the last 48 hours and I began to want get some sleep shure Ett wee are reare guard of the rReg [  ?  ] and wee left camp at 9 o clo and went to Baileys cross rodes and then took a east corse after the Rebs and they all get [  ?  ] they can out of [  ?  ] Wednesday, December 9, 1863. wee started on our march and wee left glorious cross rodes and went to Beans Station and campt all nite and the Rebs are jest a head of uss and wee are not a loud to fite them on the a count of Sherman is tryen to get in a head of them if hee close it is all day with them Thursday 10 wee left Bean Station and started for Moristown & skirmished most of the way till wee got within to miles of the town then wee had a reglar fite and kild and captured be tween 100, & 200, men our com crost the river the first and skirmished with the rebs till the Regment come up then wee drove them Friday 11 wee campt at the forks of the rode leaden to too diferance fords on the Holston River and guarded them and wee was a orderd to go to Bean Station but did not go but I think wee will go to morow and then go to Kentuckey if we do I will come home Shure Ett Saturday, December 12, 1863. wee went out on a recenorance and had a fite and then fell back to the river and went in to camp in the same old plase and had not bin in onley jest long a nuff to un saddle before sadle up Co C for picket and wee went six miles to Jock longs ford and bery & it rained harde to Sunday 13 wee are on picket this morn and the Rebs on one side and wee on the other & are shouten att each other all day I took too men and went up the river fore miles to a nother ford fit with the Rebs picket for over a hour then they run like hell shure Monday 14 wee was on picket and got entirley surounded by the Rebs and wee got a Sitison to [  ?  ] uss throught the mountains & wee got out all safe and sound the fite like the old hary and the Rebs captuard the 115 Illinois Indiana. Rosenent & 16 wagons of coffee & shugar dam them Tuesday, December 15, 1863. wee was acated this morning and our Regment was in front and wee got five men wounded then the 112 Illinois took them and the artillery began to Play on them the rebs git back too started on the retreat and campt on the mountain on the side of the rode Wednesday 16 our Bergade come in the rear to day and the Rebs comenced firing on uss about 8 o clock and wee fought all day & lost, 20, men in all they got the worst end of the batle after all but wee was up to hand to had fite for over too ours to a time and that is what you may call fiten Thursday 17 wee went out and stood in line of batel till, 12, o clock at noon then wee went to the rear to fead our horses and our selves to for wee had not had no rest in, 5, dayes & nites and wee are about plade out jest as wee got thar wee had to go the [  ?  ] on a nother roade and wee as jest did shure Friday, December 18, 1863. wee stade in camp to day for the first time in 2 weeks and it makes the boys feel cinder good to to nite they blode sadle up and the boys did swar awful about it but wee stad all nite and had to lay around with out our blankets and liked to froce for it is most dam cold here Saturday 19 wee moved camp to day & are in a beter blasé by a good deal and are waten to get our pay but I dont no weather wee will get it or not but iff I do I will have to keep it for I cant send it home from here all is rite yet but coald Sunday 20 wee stade in camp all day and it took uss the most of the time to cut wood and keep fire and I went and got a bake citle and baked a lot of bread for our squad and it went good to shure Monday, December 21, 1863. wee are all well shure and wee got our pay to day and I got 4 month pay and wee cant get to send it home so it wont do you nor mee much good I got my pay to day and I got fore month pay and down here in this dam plase Tuesday 22 all is well at present and I sent home fifty dolars to you Ett by Leiunt Ben Corer and I think that hee will do the fare thing to so wee sent a lot of uss sent our money to cincinnati then hee will send it to you by express shure ever he gets to whare it is shure Wednesday 23 wee stade in camp to day and all is well but I have got the Janders like the Devel shure but I am a round yet and think that I williff nothing else take hold of mee shure and the Janders pulls mee like fun and wee ar on camp while the Regment is on a scout dont no whare Thursday, December 24, 1863. wee stade in camp to day and the Regment is gon to the Railroad, 10 miles from Strawbery plains and the Rebs is all broke up in to smawl squads and are geten out of East tennesea and our men is geten up & giten shure Friday 25 to day is Crismas and the train moved to the Plains and wee are gon in to camp and dont no whow long wee will stay whare wee are but I wood like to have ben to home to day so to spend crismas but I hope that tihis is the last one I will bee in the armey. Saturday 26 Still in camp with the train and I am quite sick to this morning and iff I was whare you are Ett to get something to eat I wood like it and it wood do mee good to you may think it ruff but it is ruff shure and I am in hopes to sea you before long Ett Shure Sunday, December 27, 1863. I am in camp to day and I aint very well at this present time shure and wee dont get nothing but meal & a litle Pork to Ett and that is Poor food for a sick man to Eat I wish I cold jest bee at your tabel for a few minets to fill up Ett Monday 28 wee are with the train yet and dont get nothing to eat yet and wee have got no Doct here but wee have sent to have one of them come here too take care of the sick for thare is lots of uss here sick here and cant move for the sick ones Tuesday 29 wee stade in camp till noon then I took 20 men and went and guarded a forage train & stade out all nite and I was awful sick to all nite but ifeal quite smart jest now but iff I getback in to camp I wont go a gain shure Wednesday, December 30, 1863. wee come in with the forage train and I crost the fery and come in to camp and was glad to get in to camp shure for I have got the [  ?  ] Janders like hell to if I cold get some whisky to put some back in to it wood cure mee up so I wood be fit for duty but as long as I do I want do no [  ?  ] Thursday 31 I am dismounted and am with the trains and am not fit for duty eather so iff wee shold move I wood have to go a foot and that wood go hard with mee shure for I have got the Janders like the old hary to and this is the last day of the year to and iff I was whare I was one year a go to day I wood sea you before nite shure Ett this year has stade out shure January the 1, 1864 wee the dismounted men and had nothing to eat so I will remember the new years of 1864 as long as I live shure Err and I have got the Janders the worst way Shure & I cant get nothing to take January the 2, 1864 I am here yet at Strabery Plains and it is cold as hell to and I feel it more than iff I was well I cold stand it a grate deel beter shure and iff I dont get eny beter soon I will go to Knoxville to the Hospitel or get some medison for the janders and bad January the 3, 1863 Sunday wee stade in camp all day and are hard up to shure and iff they dont do something with uss soon or wee will all go under shure far wee haint got nothing to eat nor cant [  ?  ] January the 4 1864 Monday wee are here yet and are jest gon up shure the teemes ware a crost the River this morning and the botom come out out and drownded fore men & six muels and they belong to the 12 Kentucky Regment Infenty that was dam hard to lose life Tuesday January the 5 1864 we are here yet and are likley to stay for some time yet but I am goen to Knoxvill to morow iff I dont get eny beter by that time shure Ett I am the harder up that I have ben since I enlisted Err and it is most damd hard Ett but it wont last long. I think Shure Wednesday January the 6 1864 I come down to Knoxville to the Hospitel and stade at a borden house and it cost mee 200 dolars a day and I think that iff I cant get in to the Hospitel I will go back to the wagons and do the best I can so all to day Ett Shure Thursday January the 7 1864 Friday January the 8 1864 Saturday January the 9 1863 Sunday January the 10 1864 Monday January the 11 1864 Tuesday January the 12 1864 Wednesday January the 13 1864 Thursday January the 14 1863 Friday January the 15 1864 Saturday January the 16 1864 Sunday January the 17 1864 Monday January the 18 1864 Tuesday January the 19 1864 Cash Account. March. wee was to get our pay to day the 6 of december and that day wee started for Knoxville and nowen when wee will get it now for I dont hardly think that wee will till wee get to Kentucky and iff wee dont I shal get $102 dolars and fifty for my watch so I can send home 140 iff I dont come home and bring it but I hope that I will bring it to you and iff I do come wee will have a good time shure but wee may have to fite befor wee get to come home but I hope not for wee have dun a nuff of it this sumer that is wee have dun our shure of it iff eny one Regment has but wee have got a good name and they will keep uss it it jest as long as wee can stand up so you can look out for a litle fun boys shure Cash Account. June. Date.                                       Received.        Paid. 12        of Maj McDonell        320.00 “          Charles                                                20 “          Wolf of Co “K”                                  60 “          Dulton Lt                    19 Cash Account. July. Date                            Received.        Paid. 29”    [  ?  ] of Maj Whitney By    320.19 January the 8 1863 E. S. Dod Co E 8 Texas Cav Hurry at Knoxville Tennesea as a spy from the rebs Cash Account. August. Date.                           Received.        Paid. 24        P. Y. Baker                  .3 11        Y Burkhart                  .3 19        J. Y. Baker Sept 19/63  .3 20        Segt P. M. Lang          .3 10 J. Y. Baker             .40 Dec 15th/63 R M [  ?  ]            .6 Memoranda Dollars Cents Reserve from pay for J A G[  ?  ]             50 for D L. King              47 A Malcom                   30 officers who [  ?  ] bed for [  ?  ]               30 $137 Buy a sewing machine 29 to 29 Mr Shank Dr. to RR 45        50 Memoranda. Dollars Cents Covington Ky [  ?  ]    12        69 Received of Segt Colins Pants one Pair             400 Shirt                            100      25 Memoranda. Dollars Cents November the 14 1863 Received of the Q.M. One 1 hat                    $2        .50 One 1 pair boots         $3        .50 One 1 pair socks                     30 Memoranda. Dollars Cents October the 15/63 W. Conley Boots 1 Pair          1 Milton Alen                            1 S W Bullock                            1 C. Colens                                1 Crowford                                1 Sejt Baker                               1 Myron D. Paddock Royal Oak Oaklan Co Mich Rochester Oakland Co Mich Segt Robt Reynolds Co C 9 Mich Cav 2 Batt Memoranda. Date.                           Dollars.            Cents. Suppers           75 Breckfast         50 Sorgam            50 Pyes                 60 Pyes                 1.00 1.00 [Mathematical problems] December the 30 1863 Det to Segt R. Reynolds Super & Brecfast        90 Borowd                       50 40 Segt. R. Reynolds Cane Leet Strick Burwell Daily McMillian Burckhart Chase Hayner Crawford Mess apr- [  ?  ]                $100 [  ?  ]                5.00 Paid in eggs     30 Segt Robt Reynolds Co C 9 Mich Cav [Mathematical problems] Segt. Robert Reynolds Co C 9 Mich Caverly Mrs C. E. Reynolds Ypsilanti Mich Box 164